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In fact, Cohen said all of this when he testified in front of Congress. He followed Trump's orders and got 3 and a half years in jail. It took years for the case against Trump to be organized. So for Daffy a bad combination exists. Others in his corrupt organization have served time covering up for him, or getting nailed for actually doing what he tells them to do. How can he possibly escape the responsibility for his criminal organization?

Cohen did not follow Trump's orders.
Trump is not a criminal.
The funny thing is, the investigations all started before Trump ran for President.

Trump is running for President to avoid being prosecuted. He can't win the Presidency even if he is the GOP nominee.

The Democrats illegally started investigations when Trump was running for president in 2016. This is all part of the Democrats hate for Trump and interefering in an election to prevent trump from becoming president
There was no rape. A Kangaroo Court judge cannot redefine 'rape'.

It doesn't meet the legal definition of rape in the UK either.

The legal definition of rape is when a person intentionally penetrates another's vagina, anus or mouth with a penis, without the other person's consent. Assault by penetration is when a person penetrates another person's vagina or anus with any part of the body other than a penis, or by using an object, without the person's consent.
I dispute the latter half. Phantasmal allows Terry and Cypress to egregiously alter posts in violation of the rules but immediately gives me a warning if I add clarity, ... and allows both of them to engage in Denial of Service attacks with impunity.

Phantasmal is not doing a good job.

She is highly partisan, sadly Damo turns a blind eye.
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It is possible much of the civil case will be dropped because of the the statuet of limitations

It's possible we could be invaded by Mars, but MAGAts can only hope. Only a MAGAt thinks being convicted on 20% of the charges is "winning".
Statute of limitations will be an ongoing debate
Near the end of the day Monday, Engoron questioned whether lengthy witness testimony about 2011 financial documents was a “waste of time” because of statute of limitations applying to the case expired in 2014.

The issue is something to watch going forward, as Trump and his lawyers say they can toss a majority of the case over the statute of limitations.

The judge was responding to testimony from former Mazars accountant Donald Bender about the 2011 financial documents, acknowledging that a New York appellate court had ruled the statute of limitations only allowed allegations from 2014 onward to apply in the case.

“I trust that you can relate the 2011 documents to something that happened later,” Engoron said to the attorney general’s lawyers. “Or this has all been a waste of time.”

The defense agreed with Engoron’s assertion – prompting Trump to give a thumbs up.

The judge’s comment marked a small win for Trump, because the judge acknowledged the statute of limitations that had been decided by the appeals court, though the judge also acknowledged the time limitation in his order last week.

At the same time, the judge did allow the witness testimony about the 2011 financial documents on Monday over the objection of Trump’s attorneys, as the attorney general’s office indicated it would connect the testimony to allegations that fall within the statute of limitations – even though that didn’t happen Monday.

Bender is returning for a second day of testimony on Tuesday.

Still, the judge’s comments prompted Trump to praise Engoron after he had attacked him earlier in the day.

“The last five minutes was outstanding because the judge essentially conceded that the statute of limitations, that we won at the court of appeals, is in effect,” Trump said. “Therefore about 80% of the case is over.”

Most of the alleged fraud relates to transactions before 2014, but Engoron ruled last week that financial statements submitted after 2014 are still relevant regardless of when the original loan was transacted. Monday’s comments addressing admissible evidence do not indicate that he will change that ruling.
So when is Biden going to be prosecuted for that? YOU said the law applies equally to everyone!

I guess English and logic are hard for you.

If you have classified military information in your home and refuse to turn it over to the government, I would hope they do it to you too.

In order to break the law you have to willfully refuse to turn it over to the government.
I dispute the latter half. Phantasmal allows Terry and Cypress to egregiously alter posts in violation of the rules but immediately gives me a warning if I add clarity, ... and allows both of them to engage in Denial of Service attacks with impunity.

Phantasmal is not doing a good job.

I see IBDaMann has decided to show everyone how ignorant he is of how DoS attacks work.
Forum moderators do not have the power to stop network traffic used to attack a server. Without access to the logs of which IPs are sending packets designed to cause a DoS, it is impossible to blame someone.
In today's modern systems, it would be rather hard for a single person from a single computer to mount a successful DoS attack since anyone with even a basic protection would have an automated system to cut off repeated contacts from the same IP that could overwhelm them.
I see IBDaMann has decided to show everyone how ignorant he is of how DoS attacks work.
I see that Poor Richard Saunders has decided to show everyone how ignorant he is of DoS attacks. One would think that any adult, security expert and layman alike, would be able to figure out that a Denial of Service attack is any attack that degrades or denies, in some way, the services provided.

Terry and Cypress continue to engage in such attacks, and Phantasmal clearly won't do anything about it, presumably because political animosity comes first over censor's responsibilities.

Forum moderators do not have the power to stop network traffic
Not relevant. Also, JPP doesn't have any moderators; there are only censors.

In today's modern systems, it would be rather hard for a single person from a single computer to mount a successful DoS attack
Free Clue: The category of DoS attacks includes network flooding attacks among many others. It is not the case that flooding attacks account for all DoS attacks. In this case, network flooding attacks are not involved.

This one's on the house.

p.s. - I see that you're still blaming me for your having fallen for the solar panel salesman's pitch. Look, I didn't hold a gun to your head and make you buy them. I wasn't even there.
In order to break the law you have to willfully refuse to turn it over to the government.
Correction: to break the law, you have to refuse to turn over all items specifically named in the warrant.

You can really throw this in Into the Night's face by posting the original, signed warrant showing which specific documents were to be handed over.
I see that Poor Richard Saunders has decided to show everyone how ignorant he is of DoS attacks. One would think that any adult, security expert and layman alike, would be able to figure out that a Denial of Service attack is any attack that degrades or denies, in some way, the services provided.

Terry and Cypress continue to engage in such attacks, and Phantasmal clearly won't do anything about it, presumably because political animosity comes first over censor's responsibilities.

Not relevant. Also, JPP doesn't have any moderators; there are only censors.

Free Clue: The category of DoS attacks includes network flooding attacks among many others. It is not the case that flooding attacks account for all DoS attacks. In this case, network flooding attacks are not involved.

This one's on the house.

p.s. - I see that you're still blaming me for your having fallen for the solar panel salesman's pitch. Look, I didn't hold a gun to your head and make you buy them. I wasn't even there.

IBdaMann arguing that when Target banned him it was a DOS attack against him.
IBdaMann arguing that when Target banned him it was a DOS attack against him.
That fits since Sybil is clearly a paranoid schiziphrenic who uses his Obama phone to access free Wifi outside stores and coffee shops.

In reality, if Target really banned him it's because they wouldn't let him bring his shopping cart full of cans and scavenged clothes into the store...not to mention he doesn't smell very good.

Correction: to break the law, you have to refuse to turn over all items specifically named in the warrant.

You can really throw this in Into the Night's face by posting the original, signed warrant showing which specific documents were to be handed over.

You are confused.
It is obstruction if you refuse to comply with a subpoena.
Refusing to turn over documents under 18 U.S.C. § 793(e)
(COUNTS 1-31 Willful Retention of National Defense Information)
doesn't require a subpoena. Not turning over the documents is the crime.
(e) Whoever having unauthorized possession of, access to, or control over any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, willfully communicates, delivers, transmits or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted, or attempts to communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted the same to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it; or
Yep, you're still blaming me for your gullibility and your poor math and economic proficiency. I suppose time will heal all wounds. You can apologize then.

Your the guy that doesn't understand a DoS attack prevents almost everyone from using the service normally, not just a you.
Your the guy that doesn't understand a DoS attack prevents almost everyone from using the service normally, not just a you.
Incorrect. You apparently aren't smart enough to understand "denial of service." I tried to help you. In fact, I've tried to help you on many topics but you are never appreciative and you are never capable of grasping what I teach you.

I see that you are desperate to highlight something that I don't know. I recommend doing a deep dive into a topic that I actually don't know. There aren't many, but some do exist, e.g. baby shower planning.