Bush - 76% disapproval in new poll

Call me jaded, does it really matter? To GW, to you? He's done.

A) He's not done until January
B) Personally, I think it's important to remember how badly he failed, and how stupid Americans were to elect him twice, so this kind of situation never happens again.
A) He's not done until January
B) Personally, I think it's important to remember how badly he failed, and how stupid Americans were to elect him twice, so this kind of situation never happens again.

I admire you optimism about the American people.

24% of us are obviously brain damaged in some way.
And the rest do not learn very well.
I admire you optimism about the American people.

24% of us are obviously brain damaged in some way.
And the rest do not learn very well.

And since 24% of us approve of the job he is doing, he is almost halfway to having half the people in the country think he did a good job.

I think its very optimistic to think we wouldn't do this again.
and The Beautiful Yadkin Valley

Is there something significant about conservatives and wine country (Yadkin Valley/Hermann, MO)? Maybe the loss of brain cells?
and The Beautiful Yadkin Valley

Is there something significant about conservatives and wine country (Yadkin Valley/Hermann, MO)? Maybe the loss of brain cells?
The Yadkin Valley is in NC. By making an insult it is apparent that you have lost the ability to debate.
Well, for what it's worth, Carter's disapproval rating peaked at 59%, well below Bush's current disapproval rating.

Not that it matters to you; when I provide actual stats, you ignore them.
Obviously the MSM was still routing for Carter. Had he had an R after his name v. a D his numbers would undoubtedly be about ten points lower. His 2nd term blowout affirms this.
A) He's not done until January
B) Personally, I think it's important to remember how badly he failed, and how stupid Americans were to elect him twice, so this kind of situation never happens again.

Go for it, enjoy your next 2 months.
The Yadkin Valley is in NC. By making an insult it is apparent that you have lost the ability to debate.

1. Yadkin Valley, NC (17 wineries, 13 vinyards), knew that.

2. There is very little left to debate. Considering Bush's 76% disapproval rating, and the results of the last election, the Republican party with their hard right neocon policies are in the dumpster. Additionally, I am optomistic that, even with the monumental problems left by the last administration, Obama, leading from the center, will keep the Republican party where they belong.
1. Yadkin Valley, NC (17 wineries, 13 vinyards), knew that.

2. There is very little left to debate. Considering Bush's 76% disapproval rating, and the results of the last election, the Republican party with their hard right neocon policies are in the dumpster. Additionally, I am optomistic that, even with the monumental problems left by the last administration, Obama, leading from the center, will keep the Republican party where they belong.
Why would Obama lead from the center? He's got Pelosi and Reid, and all three are liberal. Why would they abandon their core principles and most avid supporters?
Why would Obama lead from the center? He's got Pelosi and Reid, and all three are liberal. Why would they abandon their core principles and most avid supporters?

This is only my opinion, but, I believe the bulk of his supporters were just left of center. Obama is not stupid. If he does anything extremely left (like take our guns away) the Democratic party will suffer dearly in the next election and he would lose alot of power because of it. He will keep Pelosi and Reid in check. If Obama is going to have a successfull presidency, and for the good of the country, he will lead from the center with gradual/occasional decisions going left. Additionally, the US cannot sustain the debt that we have, and, I believe, this will impede some of the programs promised.
This is only my opinion, but, I believe the bulk of his supporters were just left of center. Obama is not stupid. If he does anything extremely left (like take our guns away) the Democratic party will suffer dearly in the next election and he would lose alot of power because of it. He will keep Pelosi and Reid in check. If Obama is going to have a successfull presidency, and for the good of the country, he will lead from the center with gradual/occasional decisions going left. Additionally, the US cannot sustain the debt that we have, and, I believe, this will impede some of the programs promised.

harry reid has a 29% approval rating from NARAL and he voted for the bankruptcy bill.

This whole "reid and pelosi" mantra is cracking me up. I guess if enough people repeat it and don't bother checking...
harry reid has a 29% approval rating from NARAL and he voted for the bankruptcy bill.

This whole "reid and pelosi" mantra is cracking me up. I guess if enough people repeat it and don't bother checking...

Well, I am certainly not an economist, but, don't you think the bankruptcy bill will hopefully prevent this nation from going into an even deeper recession and possibly a full blown depression? I know things are not going well now (the DOW is still dropping like a rock last I saw) but banks have to be able to lend money just to keep the economy running. As distastefull as it was, I think it had to be done.
This is only my opinion, but, I believe the bulk of his supporters were just left of center. Obama is not stupid. If he does anything extremely left (like take our guns away) the Democratic party will suffer dearly in the next election and he would lose alot of power because of it. He will keep Pelosi and Reid in check. If Obama is going to have a successfull presidency, and for the good of the country, he will lead from the center with gradual/occasional decisions going left. Additionally, the US cannot sustain the debt that we have, and, I believe, this will impede some of the programs promised.
He will be running for re-election on day 2 therefore needs to make good on the promises of his far left money men, like Soros and moveon.

You mean you support a guy who's promises you know he can't deliver on?
He will be running for re-election on day 2 therefore needs to make good on the promises of his far left money men, like Soros and moveon.

You mean you support a guy who's promises you know he can't deliver on?

Like privatizing social security? Obama has been very straight forward throughout the campaign telling us that his plans are going to take a lot of work to implement because of the economy you morons left us with.
Like privatizing social security? Obama has been very straight forward throughout the campaign telling us that his plans are going to take a lot of work to implement because of the economy you morons left us with.

"You morons"? Since when has the GOP instituted conservative fiscal policies?

Sorry, but I don't think Obama's gonna privatize social security. Nationalize your 401K maybe.