Bush - 76% disapproval in new poll

"You morons"? Since when has the GOP instituted conservative fiscal policies?

Sorry, but I don't think Obama's gonna privatize social security. Nationalize your 401K maybe.

Uh, I don't think so either. I was referencing what Bush ran on in 2004 then failed to do (and everyone with half a brain knew it before the election).
Uh, I don't think so either. I was referencing what Bush ran on in 2004 then failed to do (and everyone with half a brain knew it before the election).
You mean the Democrats and weenie wing of the GOP failed to enact?

Now that Obama-Pelosi-Reid have everything locked up you liberals will have no excuse not to institute far left policies. Go for it. :cof1:
Uh, I don't think so either. I was referencing what Bush ran on in 2004 then failed to do (and everyone with half a brain knew it before the election).

Bush never promised to privatize social security. That's just extreme ignorance on your part. To create personal accounts for people is not privatizing social security.
You mean the Democrats and weenie wing of the GOP failed to enact?

Now that Obama-Pelosi-Reid have everything locked up you liberals will have no excuse not to institute far left policies. Go for it. :cof1:

The Democrats failed to enact a privatization of social security? They actually successfully prevented its enactment, backed by popular public support. Go Democrats.
Bush did promise to do something to fix SS. But as far as I know never even proposed any plan.
All just hot air.
Interesting ... but consider this ... the previous worse was Truman? He now regularly polls in the ten greatest of all time... Not saying Bush will, nor that I think in any way shape or form history will treat him like Truman.. , yet there is always the possibility that 50 years from now the Middle East will be heavily Democratic and Bush's legacy may reap the rewards.

Speaking of greatest Presidents of all time.. isnt it interesting that an Overwhelming majority of Historians select that bastion of racism, the African Hating Abraham Lincoln as the greatest of all time? Google it.., search it... Lincoln is always number 1 amongst scholars and Historians. Except for the Historians who post here .. they would rather believe the words of revisionists.

If there is peace in the Middle East, it will not be because of anything Bush has done! In my humble opinion!
He will be running for re-election on day 2 therefore needs to make good on the promises of his far left money men, like Soros and moveon.

You mean you support a guy who's promises you know he can't deliver on?

To be frankly honest, after 8 years of Bush/Chaney and company, I would have voted for ANY Democratic candidate in order to derail the neocon (loco)motive.
It would make sense why people like yourself are too afraid to have any financial control over your life. That and your obvious economic illiteracy.

Not all of us are blessed with financial savvy, that is why we have financial planners. I read some, but it bores me to tears! It is not my field!
Not all of us are blessed with financial savvy, that is why we have financial planners. I read some, but it bores me to tears! It is not my field!

That was the beauty of personal accounts, they were optional. For those that wanted more control over their money they would have been allowed to invest a small portion into different funds. Even then the funds would been very conservative type funds. People would not have been allowed to speculate in the stock market.
That was the beauty of personal accounts, they were optional. For those that wanted more control over their money they would have been allowed to invest a small portion into different funds. Even then the funds would been very conservative type funds. People would not have been allowed to speculate in the stock market.

I am just thankful my SS wasn't in the stock market, most of the rest of my retirement is...:eek:
Interesting ... but consider this ... the previous worse was Truman? He now regularly polls in the ten greatest of all time... Not saying Bush will, nor that I think in any way shape or form history will treat him like Truman.. , yet there is always the possibility that 50 years from now the Middle East will be heavily Democratic and Bush's legacy may reap the rewards.

Speaking of greatest Presidents of all time.. isnt it interesting that an Overwhelming majority of Historians select that bastion of racism, the African Hating Abraham Lincoln as the greatest of all time? Google it.., search it... Lincoln is always number 1 amongst scholars and Historians. Except for the Historians who post here .. they would rather believe the words of revisionists.

Klaat, on the subject of Lincoln you sound like a bafoon. Worse. You sound like Dixie. Lincoln is considered the greatest for damned good reasons.
If there is peace in the Middle East, it will not be because of anything Bush has done! In my humble opinion!

And how many people thought the same of Truman? He had a 67% negative rating when he left office.

Time online rates him as the 8th greatest President.

i think there is way much for Bush to overcome to be considered in the company of the greats.. but you never know how history is going to bounce.
Nope, just McCane/Palin (Bush Lite). Hopefully, the Republican party will be paying for Bush's transgressions for many years to come.
Wasn't Mickey thought of as a maverick among the GOP? Didn't Pail rout out corruption from within her own party? How is that "Bush Lite"? Or maybe you're just spouting talking points?
Wasn't Mickey thought of as a maverick among the GOP? Didn't Pail rout out corruption from within her own party? How is that "Bush Lite"? Or maybe you're just spouting talking points?

McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time, and was 110% behind Bush concerning the war in Iraq. Palin is just a joke, a joke the Republican base is totally in love with. Game over.
McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time, and was 110% behind Bush concerning the war in Iraq. Palin is just a joke, a joke the Republican base is totally in love with. Game over.

Hey roscoe52 must respect man. Without being a parrot and repeating talkinng points sir, may I ask your opinoin on personal accounts for social security? Thank you sir.