Bush - 76% disapproval in new poll

Hey roscoe52 must respect man. Without being a parrot and repeating talkinng points sir, may I ask your opinoin on personal accounts for social security? Thank you sir.

The truth is (and I'm certain you will not like it) I'm 56 years old and will hopefully retire when I'm 62. I have paid into social security my entire working life. I would like my money back. When I retire, I will have two pensions, one mutual fund and one 401 which are not doing worth a crap, and social security. I thank God my social security was not invested in the market. If you start personal accounts now, you would be decreasing the amount of money going into the program. So, for me, personally, I am against personal accounts. I do not consider social security a social program. I consider it an investment that I was forced to make, an investment that I would like a return from.

Now, if I was in my twenties, I would be totally for personal accounts with secured investments, and keep the government away from it.
McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time, and was 110% behind Bush concerning the war in Iraq. Palin is just a joke, a joke the Republican base is totally in love with. Game over.
With regards to the 90%, that's been discussed. I'm not surprised that you keep parroting the talking point though.

I also see that you nothing of substance to debate against Palin's record.
With regards to the 90%, that's been discussed. I'm not surprised that you keep parroting the talking point though.

I also see that you nothing of substance to debate against Palin's record.

My mistake, but thats what I get for believing anything McCane or any Republican says. As for Palin, she IS a joke, but I wouldn't mind getting mavericky with her.