Bush ends Reganism...


Well-known member
Bush, whose presidency, was the logical extension of the Regan years, has effectivly proven to the American people that Regan style politics and especally his trickle down "voodoo economics" do not work.

The forign policy that started with the intrusion into the Faulklin Islands, Grenada and Pannama ended with what we are now dealing with in Iraq. The economic policy that started with deregulation, lower taxes and higher defects has ended with where we are now.

Reganism has destroyed most of what we had built after the great depression. We are back to where we were and President Obama will start the ardous process of rebuilding. The fingers in the dike that were Carter and Clinton were not enough to stop the flood that has come down on us. Lets hope we can rebuild with President Obama!!!
You're a fuckin idiot.

Name calling really does not help your point, if you would like to discuss and explain why you disagree that might make your position seem more reasonable. Just calling someone an idiot... that makes you seem very weak, and it stringthen's my point.
The forign policy that started with the intrusion into the Faulklin Islands, Grenada and Pannama ended with what we are now dealing with in Iraq. The economic policy that started with deregulation, lower taxes and higher defects has ended with where we are now.

I'm sadly missing out on this area of history here.

Where are the Faulklin Islands? And when did America invade them?
I'm sadly missing out on this area of history here.

Where are the Faulklin Islands? And when did America invade them?

We did not invade them, we supported the Brittish and made it possable for them to do so.
It's not just Reaganism but the whole conservative ideology that's biting the dust. The 'greed is good' 'free market' ideology has proven to be good for the upper 5%. But the rest of us have realized that it's just a ploy to drive our economy into the ditch and to lower our standard of living.
We did not invade them, we supported the Brittish and made it possable for them to do so.

Made it possible for us to rid the Falkland Islands of their unwanted Argentine invaders?

I think we did that pretty much on our own with a little help from, of all people, the Chilean Pinochet government.
Made it possible for us to rid the Falkland Islands of their unwanted Argentine invaders?

I think we did that pretty much on our own with a little help from, of all people, the Chilean Pinochet government.

Sure we helped the great liberators free the people of a far away forign land. We helped bring freedom and democracy to the Falklin Islands. Good policy.
It's not just Reaganism but the whole conservative ideology that's biting the dust. The 'greed is good' 'free market' ideology has proven to be good for the upper 5%. But the rest of us have realized that it's just a ploy to drive our economy into the ditch and to lower our standard of living.

It is so great the way our founders set up our nation so that peacefull revolution was possable once one group became so opressive. In France, this would have required a rebellion and lots of blood.
Bush, whose presidency, was the logical extension of the Regan years, has effectivly proven to the American people that Regan style politics and especally his trickle down "voodoo economics" do not work.

The forign policy that started with the intrusion into the Faulklin Islands, Grenada and Pannama ended with what we are now dealing with in Iraq. The economic policy that started with deregulation, lower taxes and higher defects has ended with where we are now.

Reganism has destroyed most of what we had built after the great depression. We are back to where we were and President Obama will start the ardous process of rebuilding. The fingers in the dike that were Carter and Clinton were not enough to stop the flood that has come down on us. Lets hope we can rebuild with President Obama!!!

1) Regan was never President moron.... he was Sec Treasury under Reagan

2) If lower taxes were such a problem, then why did the market boom when Clinton cut cap gains rates? Why is Obama now suggesting that he WON'T be raising taxes on those making more than $250k?

3) The greatest bull market in our history began in 1982 and ended last year. This country was wallowing around without any sense of direction throughout most of the 60's and 70's.

4) The ONLY good thing Carter did economically was appointing Volcker in late '79.

5) Clinton is the one that signed into law all of the deregulation that led to this economic collapse. He could have stopped Glass Steagall from being repealed. But he chose instead to join hands with idiots in both parties to promote the "more people own homes now than ever before...and no, we do not care if they can actually afford those homes, we just want to be able to say more people own homes now than ever before" plan.

6) As for the foreign policy you mention... just more Bullshit from you. Think about who got us into Korea (Truman) and who got us into a fullscale war (I mean police action) in Vietnam (mainly Johnson).
Sure we helped the great liberators free the people of a far away forign land. We helped bring freedom and democracy to the Falklin Islands. Good policy.

Actually, mate, what you didn't do is give a so-called ally any help in ridding British sovereign territory of an aggressor.

Still, we don't hold grudges.
Sure we helped the great liberators free the people of a far away forign land. We helped bring freedom and democracy to the Falklin Islands. Good policy.

I assume you meant to say FALKLAND islands and foreign policy. That said, we did not participate in the Falkland island wars you twit. That was Great Britain vs. Argentina
Bush, whose presidency, was the logical extension of the Regan years, has effectivly proven to the American people that Regan style politics and especally his trickle down "voodoo economics" do not work.

The forign policy that started with the intrusion into the Faulklin Islands, Grenada and Pannama ended with what we are now dealing with in Iraq. The economic policy that started with deregulation, lower taxes and higher defects has ended with where we are now.

Reganism has destroyed most of what we had built after the great depression. We are back to where we were and President Obama will start the ardous process of rebuilding. The fingers in the dike that were Carter and Clinton were not enough to stop the flood that has come down on us. Lets hope we can rebuild with President Obama!!!

Bush certainly did his part, but the inevitable result of reganism is what ended reganism. Dems in congress did their part as well.
I assume you meant to say FALKLAND islands and foreign policy. That said, we did not participate in the Falkland island wars you twit. That was Great Britain vs. Argentina

Check your facts, we participated, not on the battle field, but we participated.
Bush certainly did his part, but the inevitable result of reganism is what ended reganism. Dems in congress did their part as well.

I agree Reganism ended Reganism, but it would not have been so strongly put down had Bush not carried it to its logical extension.
I agree Reganism ended Reganism, but it would not have been so strongly put down had Bush not carried it to its logical extension.

True, the unwavering support made it hit bottom hard. But Bush just accelerated the issue. The end result was inevitable.
1) Regan was never President moron.... he was Sec Treasury under Reagan

2) If lower taxes were such a problem, then why did the market boom when Clinton cut cap gains rates? Why is Obama now suggesting that he WON'T be raising taxes on those making more than $250k?

3) The greatest bull market in our history began in 1982 and ended last year. This country was wallowing around without any sense of direction throughout most of the 60's and 70's.

4) The ONLY good thing Carter did economically was appointing Volcker in late '79.

5) Clinton is the one that signed into law all of the deregulation that led to this economic collapse. He could have stopped Glass Steagall from being repealed. But he chose instead to join hands with idiots in both parties to promote the "more people own homes now than ever before...and no, we do not care if they can actually afford those homes, we just want to be able to say more people own homes now than ever before" plan.

6) As for the foreign policy you mention... just more Bullshit from you. Think about who got us into Korea (Truman) and who got us into a fullscale war (I mean police action) in Vietnam (mainly Johnson).

1. I never claimed to be able to spell, unless you are a moron you knew who I was refering to.

2. Lower taxes are not always a problem, especally when the fundamentals are strong. Everyone wants lower taxes, but it is only responsable to have lower taxes when we can afford them.

3. Ended last year!!!

4. Wrong.

5. Wrong, Clinton did sign into law some deregulation, it was a mistake, Bush had 8 years 6 with a Republican congress to fix the mistake. THat singular deregulation is not the cause of the mess we are in today.

6. Korea and vietnam are ancient history that Bush and Reagn failed to learn from.