Bush ends Reganism...

Made it possible for us to rid the Falkland Islands of their unwanted Argentine invaders?

I think we did that pretty much on our own with a little help from, of all people, the Chilean Pinochet government.
Had to save what little empire was left.
Quality of life in the United States has, in the last 200 years, consistantly moved up. On a micro (small) level it fluculates, this year is worse than last, next year might even be worse, but ultimatly it gets better and better on a larger scale.

The 1880's were better than the 1860's, the 1950's were better than the 1930's, the 1970's were better than the 1930's and the 2000's were better than the 1970's.

In fact if you look at history of human kind this is true on a grand scale, there is constant improvement if you look at a big enough scale.

again dipshit... I know the LONG term TREND is up, but AGAIN... that does not mean there aren't periods where people's situations get WORSE. Quit trying to spin your way out of your stupidity. Compounding stupidity with ignorance is not going to get you very far. Though I will mock you for it... so do continue if you so desire.

Side note... the 2000's were worse than the 90's, the 70's were worse than the 40's, the 30's were worse than the 20's.... see, when you massage the data it can tell you a different story.
Actually, mate, what you didn't do is give a so-called ally any help in ridding British sovereign territory of an aggressor.

Still, we don't hold grudges.

Jarod isn't even making sense. The Faulkland Islands war wasn't an unjustified war.

I just wish it wouldn't have happened, because that's what kept that lunatic bitch in power to screw over Britian even more.
Jarod isn't even making sense. The Faulkland Islands war wasn't an unjustified war.

I just wish it wouldn't have happened, because that's what kept that lunatic bitch in power to screw over Britian even more.

You are batshit nuts.

Why was privatization bad?
Jarod isn't even making sense. The Faulkland Islands war wasn't an unjustified war.

I just wish it wouldn't have happened, because that's what kept that lunatic bitch in power to screw over Britian even more.

Testify, brother Watermark.
You are batshit nuts.

Why was privatization bad?

From our experience of privatisation some things worked our pretty well. British Airways, Rolls-Royce, Telecoms, etc, things that the government had no reason being mixed up in, were privatised and achieved relative success.

Less so others.

The prime example being the rail network which went from underfunded behemoth with a penchant for lateness to a private network which is the most expensive in Europe (i can fly to the US cheaper than taking a train journey to London), overcrowded to the point of physical suffocation and with a healthy tendency to kill its passengers through lack of maintenance (allegedly, just in case my lawyers are reading). And for all that the taxpayer pays more subsidies to the private network than when we actually owned it outright.

Gas, Electricity and Water privatisation aren't much better.
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My God Jarhead, you were thoroughly embarrassed here! I mean, you were refuted on virtually every point you tried to make, and ridiculed soundly over your lack of basic spelling skills. I would be ashamed to ever post here again, if I were you.

In fact, can you imagine what people would say, if 'Dixie' had made the kind of errors you made in spelling? It's amazing, we are all the time hearing how Southerners are just a bunch of dumb hick rednecks who support the Republican party... a bunch of totally uneducated knuckledraggers... but here you are, a proud member of the Democrat party, espousing your idiocy of history with the grammatical skill of a third-grader!

It was enlightening to see the pathology of your liberal mental disorder, and how you have managed to string together your ill-informed thoughts, to derive your current left-wing lunacy. I think this is a testament to how many liberal idiots actually think! You really do believe this shit! Not only do you believe it, you've concocted a completely revised 'history of the world' to back it up! Amazing!

For the record, Bush Sr. was not a big fan of Reaganomics. In fact, H.W. was responsible for coining the phrase "Voodoo Economics!" I don't know if you were aware of that, but it's the truth. This happened in the primaries of the 1980 presidential campaign. When Bush Sr. eventually ascended to the presidency, he did not follow the principles of Reaganomics at all, he increased taxes after vowing not to do so, which cost him re-election. From a purely fiscal standpoint, Clinton implemented more of a Reagan type economic plan than either of the Bush's. Now, granted, much of this had to do with the political pressure of the 1994 Republican landslide in Congress and 'Contract With America' which prompted the populist president Clinton to cut taxes and move forward with the purely Reagan vestige of reforming welfare.

So, not only are you borderline illiterate, and out in left field on world history, but you are completely clueless as to the policies and fundamentals of Ronald Reagan. I would encourage you to educate yourself a little, not just on basic spelling and world history, but also on the fundamentals of Reagan economic philosophy. In order to engage people in meaningful debate, you should have enough knowledge to at least speak intelligently on the subject. Otherwise, you render yourself as nothing more than a joke and laughing stock, as you have done here.
The Reagan Revolution officially ended with this past election, which cracks me up.

The election also marked a triumph over the forces of anti-intellectualism, which have at times completelely ruled politics during the course of the past few decades.

All in all, 2 very enthusiastic thumbs up!
My God Jarhead, you were thoroughly embarrassed here! I mean, you were refuted on virtually every point you tried to make, and ridiculed soundly over your lack of basic spelling skills. I would be ashamed to ever post here again, if I were you.

In fact, can you imagine what people would say, if 'Dixie' had made the kind of errors you made in spelling? It's amazing, we are all the time hearing how Southerners are just a bunch of dumb hick rednecks who support the Republican party... a bunch of totally uneducated knuckledraggers... but here you are, a proud member of the Democrat party, espousing your idiocy of history with the grammatical skill of a third-grader!

It was enlightening to see the pathology of your liberal mental disorder, and how you have managed to string together your ill-informed thoughts, to derive your current left-wing lunacy. I think this is a testament to how many liberal idiots actually think! You really do believe this shit! Not only do you believe it, you've concocted a completely revised 'history of the world' to back it up! Amazing!

For the record, Bush Sr. was not a big fan of Reaganomics. In fact, H.W. was responsible for coining the phrase "Voodoo Economics!" I don't know if you were aware of that, but it's the truth. This happened in the primaries of the 1980 presidential campaign. When Bush Sr. eventually ascended to the presidency, he did not follow the principles of Reaganomics at all, he increased taxes after vowing not to do so, which cost him re-election. From a purely fiscal standpoint, Clinton implemented more of a Reagan type economic plan than either of the Bush's. Now, granted, much of this had to do with the political pressure of the 1994 Republican landslide in Congress and 'Contract With America' which prompted the populist president Clinton to cut taxes and move forward with the purely Reagan vestige of reforming welfare.

So, not only are you borderline illiterate, and out in left field on world history, but you are completely clueless as to the policies and fundamentals of Ronald Reagan. I would encourage you to educate yourself a little, not just on basic spelling and world history, but also on the fundamentals of Reagan economic philosophy. In order to engage people in meaningful debate, you should have enough knowledge to at least speak intelligently on the subject. Otherwise, you render yourself as nothing more than a joke and laughing stock, as you have done here.

I admit I am a terrable speller, ridicule all you want, I am used to it. Ive been attacked all my life for my spelling skills. It just shows how ignorant you are when you cant see past the cosmetic to the substnance.

Funny, I knew who coined the phrase "Voodoo economics" and while writing the origional post... I thought of you and decided it was the type of incredable arrogance of argument that you would make, so I chose to post it anyway. I have been trying to be as Dixie like in my posting in the past two days as I possabley can!

Look how upset it got you! (Ohh, and you are the one who runs from your posts, not me!)
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here is my argument - What period of time was better top to bottom? The 50's - 70's {Dem control} or the 80's through today {Rep Control}? If only we had the quality of life they had in the 70's! That would be great!

Kinda ruins obs whole idea of the 70s huh?
Kinda ruins obs whole idea of the 70s huh?

Depends on your definition of Control....

If you are talking strictly 'who was in the white house' then perhaps. But when you look at who controlled Congress, the entire 60's and 70's were controlled by the Democrats.
I admit I am a terrable speller, ridicule all you want, I am used to it. Ive been attacked all my life for my spelling skills. It just shows how ignorant you are when you cant see past the cosmetic to the substnance.

Funny, I knew who coined the phrase "Voodoo economics" and while writing the origional post... I thought of you and decided it was the type of incredable arrogance of argument that you would make, so I chose to post it anyway. I have been trying to be as Dixie like in my posting in the past two days as I possabley can!

Look how upset it got you! (Ohh, and you are the one who runs from your posts, not me!)

I'm not ridiculing you as much as I am trying to give you some sound advice. No one will ever take what you say seriously, if you spell this badly. You come across as a completely uneducated moron, not that proper spelling would make you less of a moron, but it would improve perception of your education level immensely. In this day and age, you can find all kinds of spell check programs, google has one built-in to their toolbar, Firefox incorporates it into its browser. If nothing else, you can compose your posts in Outlook or Word, and spell check there, before posting.

You claim you are trying to be 'Dixie-like' in your posting, but again... Cud u imajun whut kiend of flack i wud cach if'n i posted liek i didnt no how 2 spell?

As for "Voodoo Economics" I don't think you had a clue as to where the term originated, your entire basis of argument was how Bush policy was the extension of Reaganism, and as I pointed out, it was Bush Sr. who coined the phrase "Voodoo Economics", so this is totally inaccurate. George W. Bush adopted a policy of "Compassionate Conservatism" which is a direct contradiction of many Reagan economic policies. Also, as I said, Clinton's tax cuts and welfare reform, were right out of the book of Reaganomics! Ronald Reagan pushed vigorously for welfare reform during his 8 years as president, but never could achieve it because of a Democrat-controlled congress.
I'm not ridiculing you as much as I am trying to give you some sound advice. No one will ever take what you say seriously, if you spell this badly. You come across as a completely uneducated moron, not that proper spelling would make you less of a moron, but it would improve perception of your education level immensely. In this day and age, you can find all kinds of spell check programs, google has one built-in to their toolbar, Firefox incorporates it into its browser. If nothing else, you can compose your posts in Outlook or Word, and spell check there, before posting.

You claim you are trying to be 'Dixie-like' in your posting, but again... Cud u imajun whut kiend of flack i wud cach if'n i posted liek i didnt no how 2 spell?

As for "Voodoo Economics" I don't think you had a clue as to where the term originated, your entire basis of argument was how Bush policy was the extension of Reaganism, and as I pointed out, it was Bush Sr. who coined the phrase "Voodoo Economics", so this is totally inaccurate. George W. Bush adopted a policy of "Compassionate Conservatism" which is a direct contradiction of many Reagan economic policies. Also, as I said, Clinton's tax cuts and welfare reform, were right out of the book of Reaganomics! Ronald Reagan pushed vigorously for welfare reform during his 8 years as president, but never could achieve it because of a Democrat-controlled congress.

About the spelling you sound like my 6th grade teacher. Ive gotten much further in life than she got! I do use spell check and the like when I am turning a paper in to a court, I dont usually take the time on this cite becuse it is just recreational.

I knew Bush coined the phrase, I knew for several reasons, one way I knew it was from the Ben Stein classroom sceen in Faris Builers Day Off...

I honestly was trying to make an argument as clearly and flatly wrong logic as you would make.

(BTW, you are the one who runs from threads, not me!)
I honestly was trying to make an argument as clearly and flatly wrong logic...

I think you succeeded wildly! You missed the boat on the Fauklands, missed the boat on Reaganomics, missed the boat on Bush, missed the boat on US foreign policy, and missed the boat on spelling and grammar. You follow this up with some boasting of your imaginary legal career and tales of your 6th grade teacher... I doubt you ever made it to 6th grade! This is absolute comedy gold!