Bush ends Reganism...

1. I never claimed to be able to spell, unless you are a moron you knew who I was refering to.

2. Lower taxes are not always a problem, especally when the fundamentals are strong. Everyone wants lower taxes, but it is only responsable to have lower taxes when we can afford them.

3. Ended last year!!!

4. Wrong.

5. Wrong, Clinton did sign into law some deregulation, it was a mistake, Bush had 8 years 6 with a Republican congress to fix the mistake. THat singular deregulation is not the cause of the mess we are in today.

6. Korea and vietnam are ancient history that Bush and Reagn failed to learn from.

1) yes, I understand you are an idiot, that is why I rubbed it in

2) Again, if it is NOT responsible to have the lower taxes, then WHY is Obama backing away from raising the taxes on the rich? Are you suggesting he is acting irresponisble? Or could it be his economists have told him that raising taxes would be detrimental at this time?

3) yes you moron, when I state the bull market ran from 1982 to 2007 that does indeed mean that it ended last year.

4) Wrong in that you think Volcker was bad or wrong in that you wish to add to his list of economic accomplishments?

5) LMAO... how is it wrong you moron? Clinton signed into law the fair lending act of 1995 AND the GLB act of 1999. Both of which dismantled and destroyed Glass Steagall. While you are correct that Bush could have corrected Clintons mistake, that doesn't change the fact that Clinton signed these bills into law.

6) LMAO AGAIN... so when you say the foreign policy of the Falkland wars (which we didn't participate in) and Grenada (1000 troops or so) led to Iraq. But Vietnam and Korea (both of which had MORE US troops committed than Iraq) don't apply? Why is that alice? Because DEMS were in charge?
The GLB act was the major contributor to the current situation and even the current SEC head says so.

Clinton signed it and should not have.

Bush and the Rs did nothing to stem the resulting problems of having GLB on the books.

Reagan did begin this spend your ass off and cut taxes and Bush did take it to its redicules conclusion.

Now we are sitting on a heap of shit. Obama will need all the best ideas to get us through this with the best long term outcome.

Its is truely time to recognize the good ideas from the bad no matter which side of the fence they come from.

Its the republicans chance to prove they have something relavent to add to the solution.

To keep screaming that we should not allow them any input is to not listen to all ideas. That is a recipe for stupidity.

The republican party will be helped by Obama allowing for people to the right of him having a chance to prove the validity of some of their ideas.

Lets take a breath and allow the cream to come to the top. The whole reason this is being done is to help our country and not just helping one party.
1. I never claimed to be able to spell, unless you are a moron you knew who I was refering to.

2. Lower taxes are not always a problem, especally when the fundamentals are strong. Everyone wants lower taxes, but it is only responsable to have lower taxes when we can afford them.

3. Ended last year!!!

4. Wrong.

5. Wrong, Clinton did sign into law some deregulation, it was a mistake, Bush had 8 years 6 with a Republican congress to fix the mistake. THat singular deregulation is not the cause of the mess we are in today.

6. Korea and vietnam are ancient history that Bush and Reagn failed to learn from.

Can you point to even one deregulation bill that Bush passed that you believe led to our current predicament?

I can point to one massive new regulation he signed and that is Sarbnes-Oxley.

Reaganism (which is apparently defined as us letting the British defend their territory) is dead thanks to Bush!

Best argument ever! Do we give out awards?

Reaganism (which is apparently defined as us letting the British defend their territory) is dead thanks to Bush!

Best argument ever! Do we give out awards?

No matter your viewpoint, just make an argument instead of just attacking.

Plus, even if it were complete bullshit... Its not Dixie claiming that the First Amendment has nuthing to do with the government.
here is my argument - What period of time was better top to bottom? The 50's - 70's {Dem control} or the 80's through today {Rep Control}? If only we had the quality of life they had in the 70's! That would be great!
here is my argument - What period of time was better top to bottom? The 50's - 70's {Dem control} or the 80's through today {Rep Control}? If only we had the quality of life they had in the 70's! That would be great!

Of corse, quality of life is always improving, no matter who the president is. Any 30 year period always results in better sol.

Now as far as policy affecting QOL... that is what we should be discussing.
Of corse, quality of life is always improving, no matter who the president is. Any 30 year period always results in better sol.

Now as far as policy affecting QOL... that is what we should be discussing.

1) Quality of life is NOT always improving. There are these things called recessions and depressions where quality of life is in decline. You also have periods of stagnation where the quality of life really doesn't change much.

2) The 60's and 70's were most definitely NOT better for the average American.
1) Quality of life is NOT always improving. There are these things called recessions and depressions where quality of life is in decline. You also have periods of stagnation where the quality of life really doesn't change much.

2) The 60's and 70's were most definitely NOT better for the average American.

Sure we have periods of recession and stagnation, but ultimatly the highs are higher than the last high and the lows are not as bad as the last low. Thats how it works.
Sure we have periods of recession and stagnation, but ultimatly the highs are higher than the last high and the lows are not as bad as the last low. Thats how it works.

That is not always the case, that is the same type of logic that led people to buy more homes than they could afford. 'oh, home prices eventually always go up so I can't go wrong buying this $500k home for nothing down on my $50k salary.'
Of corse, quality of life is always improving, no matter who the president is. Any 30 year period always results in better sol.

Now as far as policy affecting QOL... that is what we should be discussing.

well up til now anyway.
The future may well set new precedents.
That is not always the case, that is the same type of logic that led people to buy more homes than they could afford. 'oh, home prices eventually always go up so I can't go wrong buying this $500k home for nothing down on my $50k salary.'

And eventually home prices will again go up, it is true however that they are down now, and for the next 10 years or so. 30 years from now they will again be up.
And eventually home prices will again go up, it is true however that they are down now, and for the next 10 years or so. 30 years from now they will again be up.

While they may indeed go up again sometime in the future, that does not mean that quality of life always goes up as you so ignorantly claimed. It does not do so. Like most things, quality of life can be moving up, down or it can be stagnant.
While they may indeed go up again sometime in the future, that does not mean that quality of life always goes up as you so ignorantly claimed. It does not do so. Like most things, quality of life can be moving up, down or it can be stagnant.

Quality of life in the United States has, in the last 200 years, consistantly moved up. On a micro (small) level it fluculates, this year is worse than last, next year might even be worse, but ultimatly it gets better and better on a larger scale.

The 1880's were better than the 1860's, the 1950's were better than the 1930's, the 1970's were better than the 1930's and the 2000's were better than the 1970's.

In fact if you look at history of human kind this is true on a grand scale, there is constant improvement if you look at a big enough scale.