Bush ends Reganism...

Bush, whose presidency, was the logical extension of the Regan years, has effectivly proven to the American people that Regan style politics and especally his trickle down "voodoo economics" do not work.

The forign policy that started with the intrusion into the Faulklin Islands, Grenada and Pannama ended with what we are now dealing with in Iraq. The economic policy that started with deregulation, lower taxes and higher defects has ended with where we are now.

Reganism has destroyed most of what we had built after the great depression. We are back to where we were and President Obama will start the ardous process of rebuilding. The fingers in the dike that were Carter and Clinton were not enough to stop the flood that has come down on us. Lets hope we can rebuild with President Obama!!!

Do you know who it was the coined the term "Voodoo Economics?"
Hey - how 'bout that market the past few days?

Probably has nothing to do w/ Obama's leadership & visibility on the economic crisis. Must just be some weird thing where investors who made the decision to bail for good because of the oppressive taxes that are coming decided what the hey, and got back in, anyway...
I think you succeeded wildly! You missed the boat on the Fauklands, missed the boat on Reaganomics, missed the boat on Bush, missed the boat on US foreign policy, and missed the boat on spelling and grammar. You follow this up with some boasting of your imaginary legal career and tales of your 6th grade teacher... I doubt you ever made it to 6th grade! This is absolute comedy gold!

Except for the spelling, it was very Dixiesque....

(BTW you are the one who runs from threads)
Hey - how 'bout that market the past few days?

Probably has nothing to do w/ Obama's leadership & visibility on the economic crisis. Must just be some weird thing where investors who made the decision to bail for good because of the oppressive taxes that are coming decided what the hey, and got back in, anyway...

Its a combo of things....

1) Obamas pick of Geithner

2) Bailout of Citi

3) Announcement of $600 billion in assets being bought from financials... which means Paulson is back on that idea again... at least for today.

4) Lighter trading volume this week... which will get even lighter tomorrow and Friday...and light volume days trend positive.

5) Loans up to $200b to holders of securitized debt

6) $20b of coverage for the Fed.
You're a fuckin idiot.

No, I'd have to venture that you are. His assessment is correct. Trickle down supply side economics is as failed an economic system as communism. It's the old style of good ole boy lassies-faire capitalism. The Bush economic systems is a logical extension of the Reagan years in which regresive taxation combined with rampant dergulation and a grossly irresponsible deficit spending used to over reach our foreign policy through unilateral militarism has placed this country on the brink of economic collapse.
No, I'd have to venture that you are. His assessment is correct. Trickle down supply side economics is as failed an economic system as communism. It's the old style of good ole boy lassies-faire capitalism. The Bush economic systems is a logical extension of the Reagan years in which regresive taxation combined with rampant dergulation and a grossly irresponsible deficit spending used to over reach our foreign policy through unilateral militarism has placed this country on the brink of economic collapse.

That is the same argument, and its true, you just used rational thought to support your theory. I was trying to make an argument that used Dixie logic.
No, I'd have to venture that you are. His assessment is correct. Trickle down supply side economics is as failed an economic system as communism. It's the old style of good ole boy lassies-faire capitalism. The Bush economic systems is a logical extension of the Reagan years in which regresive taxation combined with rampant dergulation and a grossly irresponsible deficit spending used to over reach our foreign policy through unilateral militarism has placed this country on the brink of economic collapse.

You say there was rampant deregulation. Can you name one large or good sized deregulation passed while Bush was President? Can you name anything near the size of the regulatory Sarbenes-Oxley that was passed?
It's not just Reaganism but the whole conservative ideology that's biting the dust. The 'greed is good' 'free market' ideology has proven to be good for the upper 5%. But the rest of us have realized that it's just a ploy to drive our economy into the ditch and to lower our standard of living.

Aint that the truth. I get disgusted on listening to some plutocrat telling us that paying high wages makes American workers uncompetative and how American workers will have to accept lower paying jobs and a lower paying standard of living. It's bullshit when you consider our workers are the most skilled and productive workers in the world. I heard Carly Fiarino (or however you spell her name. McCains economic adviser) making such a claim last night.

What really pisses me off is that when American workers organize to improve working conditions and to get their share of the economic pie they accuse us of "class warfare". Well that's bullshit. The Republican plutocrats will not be happy until the middle class has been eliminated and we are all their serfs. They are the ones guilty of class warfare.
My God Jarhead, you were thoroughly embarrassed here! I mean, you were refuted on virtually every point you tried to make, and ridiculed soundly over your lack of basic spelling skills. I would be ashamed to ever post here again, if I were you.

In fact, can you imagine what people would say, if 'Dixie' had made the kind of errors you made in spelling? It's amazing, we are all the time hearing how Southerners are just a bunch of dumb hick rednecks who support the Republican party... a bunch of totally uneducated knuckledraggers... but here you are, a proud member of the Democrat party, espousing your idiocy of history with the grammatical skill of a third-grader!

It was enlightening to see the pathology of your liberal mental disorder, and how you have managed to string together your ill-informed thoughts, to derive your current left-wing lunacy. I think this is a testament to how many liberal idiots actually think! You really do believe this shit! Not only do you believe it, you've concocted a completely revised 'history of the world' to back it up! Amazing!

For the record, Bush Sr. was not a big fan of Reaganomics. In fact, H.W. was responsible for coining the phrase "Voodoo Economics!" I don't know if you were aware of that, but it's the truth. This happened in the primaries of the 1980 presidential campaign. When Bush Sr. eventually ascended to the presidency, he did not follow the principles of Reaganomics at all, he increased taxes after vowing not to do so, which cost him re-election. From a purely fiscal standpoint, Clinton implemented more of a Reagan type economic plan than either of the Bush's. Now, granted, much of this had to do with the political pressure of the 1994 Republican landslide in Congress and 'Contract With America' which prompted the populist president Clinton to cut taxes and move forward with the purely Reagan vestige of reforming welfare.

So, not only are you borderline illiterate, and out in left field on world history, but you are completely clueless as to the policies and fundamentals of Ronald Reagan. I would encourage you to educate yourself a little, not just on basic spelling and world history, but also on the fundamentals of Reagan economic philosophy. In order to engage people in meaningful debate, you should have enough knowledge to at least speak intelligently on the subject. Otherwise, you render yourself as nothing more than a joke and laughing stock, as you have done here.

Yup. Dixie is right Jarod. Your basic point is valid but you undermined it because you didn't do your homework. Bush 1 coined that term in the 1980 primaries as a criticism aimed directly at Reagan and the Falkland Islands (or Grenada or Panama for that matter) had nothing to do with Reagans penchant for over reaching in foreigh affairs.

As for Dixie telling you that this makes "a joke, laughing stock, etc" trust Dixie on this one. He certainly knows!! LOL
Yup. Dixie is right Jarod. Your basic point is valid but you undermined it because you didn't do your homework. Bush 1 coined that term in the 1980 primaries as a criticism aimed directly at Reagan and the Falkland Islands (or Grenada or Panama for that matter) had nothing to do with Reagans penchant for over reaching in foreigh affairs.

As for Dixie telling you that this makes "a joke, laughing stock, etc" trust Dixie on this one. He certainly knows!! LOL

PLEASE READ ABOVE... I knew about the Falkland Islands and GB coining the phrase.
You say there was rampant deregulation. Can you name one large or good sized deregulation passed while Bush was President? Can you name anything near the size of the regulatory Sarbenes-Oxley that was passed?

No matter how many times you ask that... they are not going to respond.
That is the same argument, and its true, you just used rational thought to support your theory. I was trying to make an argument that used Dixie logic.

Dixie Logic? Hell son there is no such thing. "Dixie Logic" is an oxymoron...ya know? Like Jumbo Shrimp, Millitary Intelligence, Holy War, Compassionate Conservative.
Dixie Logic? Hell son there is no such thing. "Dixie Logic" is an oxymoron...ya know? Like Jumbo Shrimp, Millitary Intelligence, Holy War, Compassionate Conservative.

Ive been trying to illistrate that for years... Some dont understand the guy is an idiot. I have honestly suspected he is GWB posting from the oval office all this time.
No, I'd have to venture that you are. His assessment is correct. Trickle down supply side economics is as failed an economic system as communism. It's the old style of good ole boy lassies-faire capitalism. The Bush economic systems is a logical extension of the Reagan years in which regresive taxation combined with rampant dergulation and a grossly irresponsible deficit spending used to over reach our foreign policy through unilateral militarism has placed this country on the brink of economic collapse.

Wrong on all counts. As was pointed out, neither Bush president incorporated Reagan principles in their economic plan. The Bush economic plan is not the logical extension of anything having to do with Ronald Reagan. Ironically, Bush and Obama are not that different in their fiscal ideologies! For example, both men agree on the massive government bailouts currently happening.

The only way Reagan and Bush are even similar, is on cutting marginal tax rates to generate revenue, and even Clinton realized this. Obama is already backing off his pledge to raise taxes, because he understands the dynamics as well. We've not had a president who vigorously endorsed Reagan economic principles, since Ronald Reagan!
Dixie can you respond to this one? You must have missed it over and over again!!!

"You see, I know this is a bit complicated for someone like you, but when the Congress approperates money for "Public Schools" it is passing a law that if those public schools promoted a religien would be violative of the First Amendment. When "congress" passes a law to create a department of Education, if that Department of Education were to promote a religen, that law would be violative of the 1st Amendment.

To be fair they dont teach this in Alabama, but it is true. You see, Congress is not only prohibited from passing a law that says, "Islam is the national religen and all Americans are required to practice it." Congress is also prohibited from passing laws, no matter what they call the law, that in effect do promote a religen. Like funding for a school that promotes the establishment of a national religen."
PLEASE READ ABOVE... I knew about the Falkland Islands and GB coining the phrase.

:lmao: This is TOO funny! You make a completely serious attempt to rip Reaganomics, and try to connect George W. Bush to Ronald Reagan by 'logical extension', using events in history that never happened and doing so with complete illiteracy... and when you are called on it... you claim you knew this stuff all along, and was just trying to be like dixie! I suppose you are an excellent speller as well, you are just pulling our legs with this gross mangling of the English language?

Jarhead, you are a trip man!
Dixie can you respond to this one? You must have missed it over and over again!!!

"You see, I know this is a bit complicated for someone like you, but when the Congress approperates money for "Public Schools" it is passing a law that if those public schools promoted a religien would be violative of the First Amendment. When "congress" passes a law to create a department of Education, if that Department of Education were to promote a religen, that law would be violative of the 1st Amendment.

To be fair they dont teach this in Alabama, but it is true. You see, Congress is not only prohibited from passing a law that says, "Islam is the national religen and all Americans are required to practice it." Congress is also prohibited from passing laws, no matter what they call the law, that in effect do promote a religen. Like funding for a school that promotes the establishment of a national religen."

Nope, I sure can't respond to this. First, it's not the topic of this thread, and I try to remain on topic whenever possible. Secondly, I refuse to debate with the uneducated. Learn how to spell correctly and show me you have the intellect to discuss the issues, and I will be more than happy to debate with you.
"show me you have the intellect to discuss the issues"


Now THAT is truly funny. Dixie, the keen judge of intellect...