Bush's Ruins


598,000 Jobs Lost as Jobless Rate Hit 7.6% in January
WASHINGTON — The country moved into its second year of uninterrupted job losses last month, with companies shedding another 598,000 jobs and the unemployment rate moving up to 7.6 percent, the Labor Department reported on Friday.

Economists had forecast a loss of 540,000 jobs and a unemployment rate of 7.5 percent.

Job losses were once again spread across both manufacturing and service industries, reinforcing the picture of an economy that is contracting at its fastest pace in decades.

Employers in the United States have shed jobs every month since January 2008, for an aggregate decline in payroll employment of 3.2 million.

The Labor Department also revised its numbers from December, saying that the economy lost 577,000 jobs compared with an initial reading of a loss of 524,000.

Although the United States officially slipped into a recession in December 2007, the decline was erratic and temporarily disguised by the impact of the emergency tax rebate last spring. But since September, analysts say, economic activity has plunged on almost every front. Consumer spending started to decline in the summer, an extremely rare event in the United States, even in recession, and by September, almost every economic indicator had fallen sharply.

For the last several months, analysts said, the United States has increasingly been trapped in a vicious circle of slumping consumer demand, falling business investment, mounting losses in the banking system, and rising unemployment, which was 7.2 percent in December.

As a result, the monthly pace of job losses shot up to about 500,000 a month for the last three months of 2008. Economists see no hint that the bottom has been reached.

Most economic forecasters had been expecting a loss of roughly 500,000 jobs in January, at least as bad as in December, because other indicators of the job market had been trending down as well. Last week, the number of Americans filing first-time jobless claims reached a 26-year high, with 626,000 filling out initial applications.

Major retailers, rocked by one of the worst holiday shopping seasons in memory, have been shutting stores and laying of armies of workers in recent weeks. On Thursday, the nation’s retailers reported that sales fell 1.6 percent in January, the fourth consecutive month of steep sales declines.

And in sign that the country’s slowdown continues to reach beyond its borders, Canada, America’s largest trading partner, reported Friday that its unemployment rate jumped to 7.2 percent in January, from 6.7 percent in December.

In Washington, Friday’s gloomy job report put more pressure on Congress to pass an economic stimulus bill. The House passed a bill last week that would provide more than $800 billion in spending and tax cuts. In the Senate, still bogged down by objections from Republicans, lawmakers were hoping to be able to muster enough votes to pass a measure on Friday

For comparison, the unemployment rate was 4.9 percent in January 2008. But some analysts contend that the current unemployment rate understates the labor market’s problems because the percentage of adults participating in the labor force has slumped in recent years, and those people are not listed as “unemployed.”

Peter Morici, an economist at the University of Maryland, estimated that if the labor force participation rate today was as high as it was when President Bush took office, the unemployment rate would be 9.4 percent.

Is it really bush's fault or is is cyclical? Seems to me the whole world is in a major recession. Just a question :)
Is it really bush's fault or is is cyclical? Seems to me the whole world is in a major recession. Just a question :)

What's with the new idiotic smiley face? Is it new, or is my computer messed up?

It's pretty startling that the hold world would be affected by the world's largest economy going down in an interconnected global economy where half the world own's our bad debt, I know.
The whole world was dragged down by the subprime mortgage mess created in the USA. A couple of other countries followed our greedy lead abd had their own subprime mess as well. Plus our trade imbalance shows that if we go down so does the global economy. I do not think the rest of the world will be so eager to follow our lead in finiancial matters in the future.
Is it really bush's fault or is is cyclical? Seems to me the whole world is in a major recession. Just a question :)

Ups & downs are cyclical. Ups & catastrophic downward spirals are not.

For 8 years, we had an absentee President. It was all war on terror, all the time, and every other issue took a backseat.

This is his legacy as much as anything else.
What's with the new idiotic smiley face? Is it new, or is my computer messed up?

It's pretty startling that the hold world would be affected by the world's largest economy going down in an interconnected global economy where half the world own's our bad debt, I know.

I dont think its possible. I think we are in a GLOBAL economic recession. Bush or Gore and it would have happened. Now if you want to debate severity for America's Recession versus the rest of the world then yes Bush is responsible. Likewise Obama is now responsible for leading us out of this recession so that we rise out a strong economic global force.

I am disappointed in general with some parts of this pork laden method hes using. What I was really hoping for is for him to drive an appolo like transformation of America into a powerhouse of alternative Energy and Bio/Life sciences.
Ups & downs are cyclical. Ups & catastrophic downward spirals are not.

For 8 years, we had an absentee President. It was all war on terror, all the time, and every other issue took a backseat.

This is his legacy as much as anything else.

I can agree with this. Im still hopeful that ours is not catastrophic. Still a lot of uncertainly but companies I invest in are seeing some glimmer of hope Q3 and Q4. If thats turns out to be the beginning of the recovery then this is not much more then a severe recession.
The whole world was dragged down by the subprime mortgage mess created in the USA. A couple of other countries followed our greedy lead abd had their own subprime mess as well. Plus our trade imbalance shows that if we go down so does the global economy. I do not think the rest of the world will be so eager to follow our lead in finiancial matters in the future.

Was it really created in the USA? Or did we just rip off ideas from places like Iceland? In terms of trade imbalance that is pretty bad right now. Mostly i worry about countries like china who treat there employees like animals and have no American type labor laws.
The whole world was dragged down by the subprime mortgage mess created in the USA. A couple of other countries followed our greedy lead abd had their own subprime mess as well. Plus our trade imbalance shows that if we go down so does the global economy. I do not think the rest of the world will be so eager to follow our lead in finiancial matters in the future.

Yes and many foreign banks owned our bad mortgages. Exactly, and this is what people want to ignore in the rush to claim that it's everybody's fault so that it is no one's fault, so that we can all vote Republican and claim to be sane.

But in fact, that would be an act of insanity.

I'm clear, even with all the noise.
Okay, we need to be very clear. Republicans are insane.

36 out of 41 of them voted to cut ALL spending from the stimulus bill and make it ALL tax cuts.

Republicans are insane.


Just stop now, you people have done enough. Stop. Stop apologizing, stop making excuses, stop.

They're insane, and they should be in prison, and anyone who votes for them is also insane.
Was it really created in the USA? Or did we just rip off ideas from places like Iceland? In terms of trade imbalance that is pretty bad right now. Mostly i worry about countries like china who treat there employees like animals and have no American type labor laws.

The rest of the World have had a meeting and decided that, yes, it was all your fault.

The fact that many of us were only too happy to go along with it all is neither here nor there.
Okay, we need to be very clear. Republicans are insane.

36 out of 41 of them voted to cut ALL spending from the stimulus bill and make it ALL tax cuts.

Republicans are insane.


Just stop now, you people have done enough. Stop. Stop apologizing, stop making excuses, stop.

They're insane, and they should be in prison, and anyone who votes for them is also insane.

They are dumb asses your right. Tho that mortgage idea was pretty good.
The rest of the World have had a meeting and decided that, yes, it was all your fault.

The fact that many of us were only too happy to go along with it all is neither here nor there.

It be interesting to find out who created sub primes and thought it would be smart to lend them to risky people.
It be interesting to find out who created sub primes and thought it would be smart to lend them to risky people.

Hopefully, whoever thought them up is currently having his testicles introduced to an extremely vexed badger.

All i can say is that i'd honestly never even heard of the term "sub-prime mortgage" until we started hearing reports from America telling us that it was going to lead to the end of the world. That's not to say they necessarily started there though.
Hopefully, whoever thought them up is currently having his testicles introduced to an extremely vexed badger.

All i can say is that i'd honestly never even heard of the term "sub-prime mortgage" until we started hearing reports from America telling us that it was going to lead to the end of the world. That's not to say they necessarily started there though.

Bottom line is you dont lent to scumbags who dont pay bills. Thats really what got us into this mess. Should be 20% down and certain proven track record income level and credit history that determine what is available. Also PMI should be required for higher risk mortgages.

I was amazed when i purchased my first house in 2001 how i basically sidestepped PMI put nothing down and actually got cashback on my first home on a loan of over 250K.. Crazy.
Hopefully, whoever thought them up is currently having his testicles introduced to an extremely vexed badger.

All i can say is that i'd honestly never even heard of the term "sub-prime mortgage" until we started hearing reports from America telling us that it was going to lead to the end of the world. That's not to say they necessarily started there though.
Many of the banks that failed in Europe did so because they gave these loans to people in California...

You know how those Californians are. Never actually pay a debt when an IOU can do...

It be interesting to find out who created sub primes and thought it would be smart to lend them to risky people.

Sub prime mortgages have existed for many decades. They just weren't used by lenders much prior to the mid to late 1990's. The reason? They did not want to take the risk of having those loans on their books. So what happened?


A good article on how it started.

Bottom line, the Republicans and Democrats wanted more people to own homes. So they changed the rules. They forced banks to loan in low income neighborhoods and subprime loans exploded (as referenced in the article, this was highlighted by USA today back in 2004).

Add to that in 1992 Bush and the Democratic Congress began chipping away at Glass Steagall. Clinton and the Republican Congress continued to do so, culminating in its destruction in 1999. Bush jr. and the Republican Congress did nothing to put these regulations back in place. Even worse, the problem was greatly exagerated by Greenspan keeping interest rates at then historic lows for several years. This led to massive refi's and an over-inflated housing bubble.

Due to Glass Steagall being removed and the explosion in CDOs, lenders no longer cared if a subprime loan was issued because they did not have to keep those loans on the books. Freddie, Fannie and the Investment banks swept in and loaded up on these loans... either directly or via the CDOs. Then the ratings agencies compounded the mess by rating these packaged subprimes 'AAA'.

Borrowers obviously share in the blame to an extent as many who did not qualify for a 30 year fixed took out loans on properties they could not afford using ARMs. ARMs that were issued while rates were at historic lows. A recipe for disaster. For as soon as interest rates rose and the ARMs started to reset.... well, here we are.
Sub prime mortgages have existed for many decades. They just weren't used by lenders much prior to the mid to late 1990's. The reason? They did not want to take the risk of having those loans on their books. So what happened?


A good article on how it started.

Bottom line, the Republicans and Democrats wanted more people to own homes. So they changed the rules. They forced banks to loan in low income neighborhoods and subprime loans exploded (as referenced in the article, this was highlighted by USA today back in 2004).

Add to that in 1992 Bush and the Democratic Congress began chipping away at Glass Steagall. Clinton and the Republican Congress continued to do so, culminating in its destruction in 1999. Bush jr. and the Republican Congress did nothing to put these regulations back in place. Even worse, the problem was greatly exagerated by Greenspan keeping interest rates at then historic lows for several years. This led to massive refi's and an over-inflated housing bubble.

Due to Glass Steagall being removed and the explosion in CDOs, lenders no longer cared if a subprime loan was issued because they did not have to keep those loans on the books. Freddie, Fannie and the Investment banks swept in and loaded up on these loans... either directly or via the CDOs. Then the ratings agencies compounded the mess by rating these packaged subprimes 'AAA'.

Borrowers obviously share in the blame to an extent as many who did not qualify for a 30 year fixed took out loans on properties they could not afford using ARMs. ARMs that were issued while rates were at historic lows. A recipe for disaster. For as soon as interest rates rose and the ARMs started to reset.... well, here we are.

That makes sense. Not all people are cut out for home ownership. We as a country really need to accept who we are.
Well it doesn't really matter.

Oprah says that we all had our priorities all mixed up, wanting shit like Oprah has, and thinking we were all Oprah or something. And now we better learn what the important stuff in life is for peons like us. And that important stuff doesn't include no fancy tutors for our kids thinking we're going to send them to no fancy schools. They'll go to trade schools where they can learn how to make shit for Oprah. What we have to embrace, is love, and family, and monogamy!

Doesn't that sound like fun? Yee-Ha!
Well it doesn't really matter.

Oprah says that we all had our priorities all mixed up, wanting shit like Oprah has, and thinking we were all Oprah or something. And now we better learn what the important stuff in life is for peons like us. And that important stuff doesn't include no fancy tutors for our kids thinking we're going to send them to no fancy schools. They'll go to trade schools where they can learn how to make shit for Oprah. What we have to embrace, is love, and family, and monogamy!

Doesn't that sound like fun? Yee-Ha!
Well, we can't all be in movies and have talk shows, and we must stick within our own classes. The little people got too uppity and lost their "focus" on "the important things" and started liking things that only rich people should have.

Good thing she was there to set me straight, I had started ignoring my family, you know going to work and stuff, so I could afford some nice furnishings and stuff like food and medical care. Now I know we should just sit on boxes and eat imaginary food so long as we got the priorities thing down. I quit my job and expect us to start living on the ether from now on as we really just "talk", ya know? Thank Oprah!