Bush's Ruins

Is it really bush's fault or is is cyclical? Seems to me the whole world is in a major recession. Just a question :)

Regular ups and downs are cyclical, to have the worst down since the Great Depression, to have it become world wide, but led by the United States...

Yes, Bush and his policies bear much of the blame.
Just two years of a Democratic controlled Congress and this is what you get...imagine what its gonna be with a Dim. President to go alone with a Dim Congress
Regular ups and downs are cyclical, to have the worst down since the Great Depression, to have it become world wide, but led by the United States...

Yes, Bush and his policies bear much of the blame.

While I agree Bush and the Rep Congress share in a lot of the blame for not correcting the problems, it is actually Clintons policies that started this mess.
While I agree Bush and the Rep Congress share in a lot of the blame for not correcting the problems, it is actually Clintons policies that started this mess.

You should feed that one to Mitch McConnell - he can add it to his comedy routine...
Just two years of a Democratic controlled Congress and this is what you get...imagine what its gonna be with a Dim. President to go alone with a Dim Congress

I am genuinely curious.

Do you really believe that carp you are spouting?
Just two years of a Democratic controlled Congress and this is what you get...imagine what its gonna be with a Dim. President to go alone with a Dim Congress

I rate this post two dims, for a poor job. You are on the right track piñata boy, but you forgot a few things. Watch me and see how it's done by a real man.
While I agree Bush and the Rep Congress share in a lot of the blame for not correcting the problems, it is actually Clintons policies that started this mess.

Two dims! You call yourselves conservative posters? Neither your nor liberal piñata bag Bravo can hold a candle to Dixie's posts! The problem didn't just start under Clinton - Clinton was the problem! He created this whole fucking mess! For eight long years, poor George Bush labored to correct the mess he was left by Clowntoon, and just as his plans were beginning to work, BAM! the pinheads won the election, and now they are going to finish the job they started under Clinton.

I predict rising unemployment with maybe as many as 500 thousand a week losing their jobs, banks closing, and the DOW diving, with the Dims in control now.

Let's pray we can hang on until 2012 when we may get a Palin-led miracle pulling us out of the Clinton/Obama depression! Barracuda!
You should feed that one to Mitch McConnell - he can add it to his comedy routine...

LOL Always the Dem appologist ... Without question this situation would not be nearly as bad as it is had Glass Steagall not been repealed. It was eliminated by Clinton. Hence, it is his policy. Add to that the Fair lending act that was also signed by Clinton and you have the foundation for this mess.

As I explained earlier... there are many other factors. But Jarod is incorrect to say Bush policies made this happen. Bush's lack of policy on the matter certainly had an effect. But name one policy that enabled this mess to occur that Bush put in place. Maybe you could stretch Greenspans ineptitude into being Bush policy, but that is about it.

This environment we are in was created due to a housing bubble which formed due to irresponsible lending and borrowing.
LOL Always the Dem appologist ... Without question this situation would not be nearly as bad as it is had Glass Steagall not been repealed. It was eliminated by Clinton. Hence, it is his policy. Add to that the Fair lending act that was also signed by Clinton and you have the foundation for this mess.

As I explained earlier... there are many other factors. But Jarod is incorrect to say Bush policies made this happen. Bush's lack of policy on the matter certainly had an effect. But name one policy that enabled this mess to occur that Bush put in place. Maybe you could stretch Greenspans ineptitude into being Bush policy, but that is about it.

This environment we are in was created due to a housing bubble which formed due to irresponsible lending and borrowing.

And 90% of the bad mortgages were made to people under the fair lending act. Fact.
Two dims! You call yourselves conservative posters? Neither your nor liberal piñata bag Bravo can hold a candle to Dixie's posts! The problem didn't just start under Clinton - Clinton was the problem! He created this whole fucking mess! For eight long years, poor George Bush labored to correct the mess he was left by Clowntoon, and just as his plans were beginning to work, BAM! the pinheads won the election, and now they are going to finish the job they started under Clinton.

I predict rising unemployment with maybe as many as 500 thousand a week losing their jobs, banks closing, and the DOW diving, with the Dims in control now.

Let's pray we can hang on until 2012 when we may get a Palin-led miracle pulling us out of the Clinton/Obama depression! Barracuda!

LMAO.... like ditzie, you need to take reading comprehension courses.
And 90% of the bad mortgages were made to people under the fair lending act. Fact.

Going to call bullshit on that. If it were true, then you would not be seeing the widespread foreclosures in middle and upper income neighborhoods.

But since you proclaim it to be 'FACT'.... please provide your evidence of such.
LOL Always the Dem appologist ... Without question this situation would not be nearly as bad as it is had Glass Steagall not been repealed. It was eliminated by Clinton. Hence, it is his policy. Add to that the Fair lending act that was also signed by Clinton and you have the foundation for this mess.

As I explained earlier... there are many other factors. But Jarod is incorrect to say Bush policies made this happen. Bush's lack of policy on the matter certainly had an effect. But name one policy that enabled this mess to occur that Bush put in place. Maybe you could stretch Greenspans ineptitude into being Bush policy, but that is about it.

This environment we are in was created due to a housing bubble which formed due to irresponsible lending and borrowing.

Like no one presided over that borrowing & lending, for YEARS?

You seem to think that a President has to be proactively involved in something in order for it to reflect upon him. My biggest problem with Bush - well, aside from the mass murder - is that he was ABSENT, for 8 years, on not just this issue but a host of others.

He has been in over his head from the get go. It's okay to delegate if you're a President, but if you're going to do that, pick competent people.

Bush doesn't get out of this one, simply because he didn't sign a bill that created the situation...
Going to call bullshit on that. If it were true, then you would not be seeing the widespread foreclosures in middle and upper income neighborhoods.

But since you proclaim it to be 'FACT'.... please provide your evidence of such.

My mistake. You're right. The fair lending act actually had nothing to do with the mortgage crisis. You win.
Ups & downs are cyclical. Ups & catastrophic downward spirals are not.

For 8 years, we had an absentee President. It was all war on terror, all the time, and every other issue took a backseat.

This is his legacy as much as anything else.

Actually he passed the largest ever social welfare bill since the 60's in the Pill Bill, the largest ever increase to education in NCLB, the largest cost in increase to productivity in Sarbanes-Oxley, giant increases in farm aid and transportation, while increasing instead of cutting spending just about everywhere else.
When it came to economic issues, except for the tax cuts, Bush gave the left everything they wanted and now Obama and Dems call change the exact same spending increases except higher.
Like no one presided over that borrowing & lending, for YEARS?

You seem to think that a President has to be proactively involved in something in order for it to reflect upon him. My biggest problem with Bush - well, aside from the mass murder - is that he was ABSENT, for 8 years, on not just this issue but a host of others.

He has been in over his head from the get go. It's okay to delegate if you're a President, but if you're going to do that, pick competent people.

Bush doesn't get out of this one, simply because he didn't sign a bill that created the situation...

Try reading what I stated. Especially the part that says.... " Bush's lack of policy on the matter certainly had an effect."

Because I agree completely that his lack of attention to a growing problem certainly made a bad situation worse. So quit proclaiming what you THINK I am saying and do try to actually comprehend what has actually been written.
My mistake. You're right. The fair lending act actually had nothing to do with the mortgage crisis. You win.

again dipshit... read what I wrote. I clearly stated that the fair lending act was part of the problem. I am disagreeing with your assertation that '90 percent' of the bad loans were due to the fair lending act. That is clearly not the case. Unless, again, you wish to provide evidence to support your 'fact'.