Bush's Ruins

I have bee sort of watching this thread. Waiting for something besides the name calling and the warped discussions of the economic mess.

Both parties ignored the sub-prime mess. Both rode the wave of prosperity and both deserve scorn for where we are.

But if we are going to talk about what Bush has done, how about the 4,100+ american soldiers who have died in Iraq for no good reason?

The economy will recover and prosperity will return. But four thousand of our sons and daughters will not. There are thousands of families that will spend decades wondering why they lost their loved one. If Vietnam is any example, they will wonder and get no answers.

Put that squarely at Bush's feet.
don't be goofy. the citizens of Alaska work to keep the state running, even at 50, 60 below zero. It's money that is invested in the stock market from oil profits and then redistributed to its citizens once a year..

too bad your alls states don't think so much of you..

Yeah and they are paid for "keeping the state running" too.
I have bee sort of watching this thread. Waiting for something besides the name calling and the warped discussions of the economic mess.

Both parties ignored the sub-prime mess. Both rode the wave of prosperity and both deserve scorn for where we are.

But if we are going to talk about what Bush has done, how about the 4,100+ american soldiers who have died in Iraq for no good reason?

The economy will recover and prosperity will return. But four thousand of our sons and daughters will not. There are thousands of families that will spend decades wondering why they lost their loved one. If Vietnam is any example, they will wonder and get no answers.

Put that squarely at Bush's feet.

But the Bush WH managed the media brialliantly so the public did not get up in arms.
How many photos/videos of wounded in the field soldiers have made ti to mainstream nightly news?
Damn liberal media!

Compare this to what those of us alive during Nam saw.

Out of sight out of mind.
Ok... but bottom line, it is quite ignorant to mock living in a place to which you have never been.

You are quite obsessed with meme.... is she your secret lover?

Please, she's become my stalker for some reason..I wish she'd go stalk someone else..