Bush's Ruins

Of course - Bush didn't do anything for the past 8 years.

I mean, literally; he didn't do anything.

No accountability with you guys....

And Clinton was responsible for repealing Glass Steagl not the republican controlled congress?
again dipshit... read what I wrote. I clearly stated that the fair lending act was part of the problem. I am disagreeing with your assertation that '90 percent' of the bad loans were due to the fair lending act. That is clearly not the case. Unless, again, you wish to provide evidence to support your 'fact'.

Listen you faggot pinhead, I admitted I was wrong and that the fair lending act had nothing to do with the mortgage crisis. You were right. What is your problem dude? Are you looking for a fight? You fuck with me, you fuck with my BFF Dixie too, got it? Here: SUPERFREAK THE PINHEAD WAS RIGHT, THE FAIR LENDING ACT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MORTGAGE CRISIS.

Are you happy now pinhead?
If Obama has to have it passed without a republican vote he will.
Then he will unleash Nacy and she will stick a high heel far up numerous republicans ass.
Come back to me on this one.
If Obama has to have it passed without a republican vote he will.
Then he will unleash Nacy and she will stick a high heel far up numerous republicans ass. Come back to me on this one.

Top, stop, you're getting the Republicans all excited.
Of course - Bush didn't do anything for the past 8 years.

I mean, literally; he didn't do anything.

No accountability with you guys....

Sure he did....we had 6+ years of FULL employment, won a war, and protected the US mainland from terrorists attacks....all while battling an unfriendly and untruthful media and obstructionists minority party.....
Listen you faggot pinhead, I admitted I was wrong and that the fair lending act had nothing to do with the mortgage crisis. You were right. What is your problem dude? Are you looking for a fight? You fuck with me, you fuck with my BFF Dixie too, got it? Here: SUPERFREAK THE PINHEAD WAS RIGHT, THE FAIR LENDING ACT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MORTGAGE CRISIS.

Are you happy now pinhead?

No dipshit... I am saying you are yet again WRONG. It is incorrect to say that the fair lending act caused 90% of the bad loans. IT IS ALSO incorrect to state that the fair lending act had nothing to do with the mortgage problems.
No dipshit... I am saying you are yet again WRONG. It is incorrect to say that the fair lending act caused 90% of the bad loans. IT IS ALSO incorrect to state that the fair lending act had nothing to do with the mortgage problems.

I am getting fucking tired of you following me around, trying to hang onto Dixie's coattails you fucking pinhead! Read My Lips Pinhead - You were right, the fair lending act had nothing to do with the mortgage crisis.
I am getting fucking tired of you following me around, trying to hang onto Dixie's coattails you fucking pinhead! Read My Lips Pinhead - You were right, the fair lending act had nothing to do with the mortgage crisis.

LMAO... ok darla... your super trolling is quite amusing, but I am done playing.
He just HAPPENS to sound just exactly the way you attempt to portray Republicans/conservatives.

Talking to yourself SF? Or did you just forget to sign in as your alter-ego, Super Patriot?

Top said it looked like a case of supercoldcaller going schizoid again, and the way you are acting now, I have to agree.
Talking to yourself SF? Or did you just forget to sign in as your alter-ego, Super Patriot?

Top said it looked like a case of supercoldcaller going schizoid again, and the way you are acting now, I have to agree.

No goofball... I was talking to you... are your reading skills deteriorating to toppys level?
I wonder how long Obama and the Democrats are going to continue to blame everything on Bush? of course nothing is their fault..:cof1:
I wonder how long Obama and the Democrats are going to continue to blame everything on Bush? of course nothing is their fault..:cof1:

Um....meme? They haven't been in office a month yet.

I think they get at least another couple of weeks.

I wonder how long Obama and the Democrats are going to continue to blame everything on Bush? of course nothing is their fault..:cof1:

Three weeks in and they're still blaming Bush! Hey pinheads, this is the Clinton Economy! Take some goddamned responsibility!
This is all the dems fault. they had the majority and passed TARP anyway. Obamas failed presidency, didn't even make it 100 days. It happened on his watch.

\anyone got anymore?
The whole world was dragged down by the subprime mortgage mess created in the USA. A couple of other countries followed our greedy lead abd had their own subprime mess as well. Plus our trade imbalance shows that if we go down so does the global economy. I do not think the rest of the world will be so eager to follow our lead in finiancial matters in the future.

while the world is heading more and more towards a global economy, china and the u s of a are still the 500 lb. gorillas in the world economies

the rest of the world still will need a place to invest and the u s of a is the only the nation that is willing to sell itself to the rest of the world

as for bushco being responsible, it was asleep at the switch while major fraud and greed were acting in a reduced oversight environment:eek:
Does anyone else think the very high cost of oil played a major contributing role in creating the current difficulties?
while the world is heading more and more towards a global economy, china and the u s of a are still the 500 lb. gorillas in the world economies

the rest of the world still will need a place to invest and the u s of a is the only the nation that is willing to sell itself to the rest of the world

as for bushco being responsible, it was asleep at the switch while major fraud and greed were acting in a reduced oversight environment:eek:

Yes the let industry regulate itself moronic mentality.

Well we see where it has gotten us.