Bush's Ruins

This bs about the Republican party and the people who belong to it being racist is just that, BS. Regular everyday Americans are getting sick of being called a racist by the party who elected a grand wizard of the KKK as one of their leaders.

this is so very dishonest and disgusting, but what is new?
easy...in response to taking responsibility instead of blaming bush, you said he has only been in office less than a month, given him a few weeks...

ergo, he is not ready to take responsibility and imo, that means he is not ready to be president as how can you be president and not ready to take responsibility

I shouldn't have to say this. I was referencing the impact of actual policies, which anyone over the age of 4 would have been able to discern.

So, either you're under 4, or have poor comprehension skills. Your choice on that one.
I shouldn't have to say this. I was referencing the impact of actual policies, which anyone over the age of 4 would have been able to discern.

So, either you're under 4, or have poor comprehension skills. Your choice on that one.

blah blah...ad hominem....

i pointed out where you said it, 'nuff said

I don't really like or dislike anyone on this board. Everyone is a faceless avatar to me as I personally don't know anyone here. There are simply those whom I agree with, those I don't and a whole lot in between.

Though I find your views extreme (or maybe it's the way you present them) you may be suprized (and Maineman too) that one of the posters I enjoy the most is Dixie. Oh he is extreme, obtuse, willfully ignorant and stubborn to a fault but he does make life interesting. Needless to say this board would be worthless as tits on a boar hog if this were one big mutual admiration society, which thankfully, it is not.

The passionate exchange of ideas is what I like about this board. I hope that does not change but for that to happen it requires the participants, to a certain degree, to be open minded, tolerant and most of all thick skinned. At the end of the day, we all share more in common then we differ.

So no I do not equate opposition to Obama as being racist. But I am aware that much of the criticism and attacks on Obama, from the right, have been racial in nature and that in fact Republicans have used race to recruit alienated working class white males. Particularly those in the south and rural midwest who have been frustrated with their gradual loss of political and economic clout for which they have had difficulties adapting too.

This racism may not always be overt but often when you scratch the surface that is what you find, at some level, though certainly not always. So though I do not think opposing Obama equates with racism I am not naive enough not to be skeptical a lot of the time.

fair enough...i don't think there is as much racism from the right as you think...and i think there is racism on the left as well, some on the left voted for obama solely based on his skin color and obama was the one who constantly brought up race and said the republicans are "going" to fear monger, yet obama never cited one example, just kept repeating they are "going" to do it, you watch he said....yet not a single example could obama provide
This bs about the Republican party and the people who belong to it being racist is just that, BS. Regular everyday Americans are getting sick of being called a racist by the party who elected a grand wizard of the KKK as one of their leaders.

this is so very dishonest and disgusting, but what is new?

What is it with you wingnuts and your strawman arguments. Who was saying "All Republicans are racist?". Why can't you make a rational argument without misrepresenting the issue or point someone is making?
Very good, it was the GLB act of 1999 that opened the flood gates.

It was the lack of an entirely republican controled government who ignored the problem as it snowballed into the Great Depression II which we are now living.

Nice try, but WRONG as usual...but it proves you're a Dim hack..

Subprime lending is the practice of lending, mainly in the form of mortgages for the purchase of residences, to borrowers who do not meet the usual criteria for borrowing at the lowest prevailing market interest rate. These criteria pertain to the borrower's credit score, credit history and other factors.

Lenders began to offer more and more loans to higher-risk borrowers,[64] including illegal immigrants.[65] Subprime mortgages amounted to $35 billion (5% of total originations) in 1994,[66] 9% in 1996,[67] $160 billion (13%) in 1999,[66] and $600 billion (20%) in 2006.

One high-risk option was the "No Income, No Job and no Assets" loans, sometimes referred to as Ninja loans. Another example is the interest-only adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), which allows the homeowner to pay just the interest (not principal) during an initial period. Still another is a "payment option" loan, in which the homeowner can pay a variable amount, but any interest not paid is added to the principal. An estimated one-third of ARMs originated between 2004 and 2006 had "teaser" rates below 4%, which then increased significantly after some initial period, as much as doubling the monthly payment.

In 1995, the GSEs began receiving government incentive payments for purchasing mortgage backed securities which included loans to low income borrowers. Thus began the involvement of the GSE with the subprime market.[105] Subprime mortgage originations rose by 25% per year between 1994 and 2003, resulting in a nearly ten-fold increase in the volume of subprime mortgages in just nine years.

In 1996, HUD directed the GSE that at least 42% of the mortgages they purchased should have been issued to borrowers whose household income was below the median in their area.


Before Bush was even elected, the fat was in the fire and no one took his warnings when he was elected....

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fair enough...i don't think there is as much racism from the right as you think...and i think there is racism on the left as well, some on the left voted for obama solely based on his skin color and obama was the one who constantly brought up race and said the republicans are "going" to fear monger, yet obama never cited one example, just kept repeating they are "going" to do it, you watch he said....yet not a single example could obama provide

I think that you are only pointing out the obvious that racism belongs also on the left. Race in America is the 600 lb gorilla in the attic that no one wants to talk about in polite company.

The Problem for republicans was that in the late 60's and 70's they adopted a southern strategy designed to attract southern conservatives who, traditionally, had been Democrats since the time of reconstruction for whom racism was entrenched, endemic and institutionalized. By using thinly veiled code terms such as "law and order" Republicans made it clear they supported southern conservatives racial policies which clearly were racist.'

So the perception that all Republicans are racist is a generalization and like all generalizations is wrong when applied to individuals. However, having appealed to a voting demographic based on covertly supporting racially oppressive policies the Republicans (or more correctly southern and rural conservatives) have a well earned reputation for racism. Having lived in the south and having been raised in the rural midwest, I know this only to well.

But you do have a valid point. Some of the most virulent racist I know are Democrats. Particularly union democrats/factory workers, whom I'm well aquanted with.

Having said that, it does not change the fact that when Nixon adopted the southern strategy and Reagan made it a Republican institution the Republicans cemented their reputation for racism for a long time to come. How else can you explain why so few blacks trust Republicans?
the stock republican answer to your last question will be, of course, that the democrats GIVE those lazy blacks their welfare checks... and that response is, in and of itself, proof of the latent racism of that party.
I think that you are only pointing out the obvious that racism belongs also on the left. Race in America is the 600 lb gorilla in the attic that no one wants to talk about in polite company.

The Problem for republicans was that in the late 60's and 70's they adopted a southern strategy designed to attract southern conservatives who, traditionally, had been Democrats since the time of reconstruction for whom racism was entrenched, endemic and institutionalized. By using thinly veiled code terms such as "law and order" Republicans made it clear they supported southern conservatives racial policies which clearly were racist.'

So the perception that all Republicans are racist is a generalization and like all generalizations is wrong when applied to individuals. However, having appealed to a voting demographic based on covertly supporting racially oppressive policies the Republicans (or more correctly southern and rural conservatives) have a well earned reputation for racism. Having lived in the south and having been raised in the rural midwest, I know this only to well.

But you do have a valid point. Some of the most virulent racist I know are Democrats. Particularly union democrats/factory workers, whom I'm well aquanted with.

Having said that, it does not change the fact that when Nixon adopted the southern strategy and Reagan made it a Republican institution the Republicans cemented their reputation for racism for a long time to come. How else can you explain why so few blacks trust Republicans?

easy, they have been mislead by lies fed to them in the media. the liberals constantly scream that republicans are racist yet can't show a thing or very much and certainly cannot show that republicans institute racism institutionally. republicans are, in my opinion, far less racist than liberals. unfortunately, due to our history of slavery, many blacks are not well off. as a general rule, people (of all color) who do not have a lot of money support liberal policies as liberal policies are more akin to socialism....think obama and spreading the wealth.

i read somewhere once, that blacks (upwardly mobile is how they referred to themselves, never understood that) who are fairly well off tend to vote more conservative.

i am not at all familiar with those southern strategies, how exactly were they racist?

further, clinton, the first "black" president didn't have any black cabinent members (i think none) and bush, who the liberals decried as racist had two, but oh boy did condi get the racial treatment from many on the left, calling her aunt jemimah and so forth and colin powell recieved his fair share. that is racist. so you see, that is also a problem, if a black person goes conservative others call them traitors. peer pressure, unfortunately does work.
Oh fer sure..it's just gotta be because of Obama's skin color that those 48 million people voted against him..

so old and tiring and dishonest already:rolleyes:

Well that and they loved a woman shooting an automatic rifle.
All of them were not rascist, many were just tools.
And then some are just demented.
Well that and they loved a woman shooting an automatic rifle.
All of them were not rascist, many were just tools.
And then some are just demented.

Well. you might want to get used to a woman who can shoot an automatic rifle, and actually run something, like a state.. she could be you next PRESIDENT.:p
Superfreak needs to help me on this on.
I am or was the most pro corp tool on the board. But the bullshit on wallstreet is at least as responsible for the recession as the inflated real estate market.
I watch business news for a couple hours daily (ok maybe I should be institutionalized), but never heard squat about AID, SELLING INSURANCE AGIANST THE MARKET GOING DOWN; SELLING/BETTING ON WITCH WAY INTEREST RATES ARE GOING.
There neeeds to be a shitload of new regulation on these tools/gamblers who Obama is letting dig in our wallets for their retarded losses.

Without question the tools on Wall Street also share a large portion of the blame. Leveraging up to 40 times... that is friggin insane... yet they did it. Bottom line, Glass Steagall needs to be put back in place. This is exactly what it was put in place to try and prevent.
easy...in response to taking responsibility instead of blaming bush, you said he has only been in office less than a month, given him a few weeks...

ergo, he is not ready to take responsibility and imo, that means he is not ready to be president as how can you be president and not ready to take responsibility

This is just dumb yurt... the point is that Obama has been in office for a few weeks. His cabinet is just now getting into place. There is NO way anyone could have turned the corner on this mess in such a short period of time. Obama has done a pretty good job thus far. Though he needs to vet his appointees better.
Very good, it was the GLB act of 1999 that opened the flood gates.

It was the lack of an entirely republican controled government who ignored the problem as it snowballed into the Great Depression II which we are now living.

Desh, I have stated many times that it was the repealment of Glass Steagall that indeed caused this to be as bad as it was. Your problem is you continue to think it was done all at once in 1999. As I have explained to you before... the idiots in DC began chipping away at it in 1992 under Bush. Then the Fair lending act eroded it further. The GLB act was the final nail in the coffin.

Bottom line, Bush and Clinton killed it along with Dem and Rep led Congresses. W did nothing to correct their mistakes to be certain and Greenspan screwed us all by keeping rates so low for so long in 2001-2004.

Your need to pin this all to one bill is humorous, but it is getting old. There are many factors that led to this. Both parties, wall street, lenders and borrowers all had a large hand in this mess.
freak I heard about an etf that kicks out banks or companies that lower or cut dividens.
SDY dividend aristocrats, I thinking of doing it instead of S&P 500 so I can get paid to wait out the crisis. What do you think?
freak I heard about an etf that kicks out banks or companies that lower or cut dividens.
SDY dividend aristocrats, I thinking of doing it instead of S&P 500 so I can get paid to wait out the crisis. What do you think?

Is it really a benefit to kick them out after they cut dividends? Because as soon as the announcement comes, the stock will get hammered. Selling it would just lock in the loss. I would want to take a closer look at it before saying definitively, but off the cuff I think you can find better dividend options out there.
Well. you might want to get used to a woman who can shoot an automatic rifle, and actually run something, like a state.. she could be you next PRESIDENT.:p

If she was actually running a state.
She took several months off from that job and it seemed to do fine without her.