C.S. Lewis vs. Friedrich Nietzsche

What is the point of being Christian if you cannot feel superior to others?

1. Not to have any responsibility for anything. (everything is controlled from some mystical place that is beyond our mental capabilities to fathom)
2. Eternal Life. Cypress (and Uncle Snitch) want to hang out with Jesus for Eternity ... playing Harps and discussing 'Why did God make Mankind so fucked up?'.
3. 'If I become Enlightened' ... Can I have my own Ant Farm to be Lord over?
1. Not to have any responsibility for anything. (everything is controlled from some mystical place that is beyond our mental capabilities to fathom)
2. Eternal Life. Cypress (and Uncle Snitch) want to hang out with Jesus for Eternity ... playing Harps and discussing 'Why did God make Mankind so fucked up?'.
3. 'If I become Enlightened' ... Can I have my own Ant Farm to be Lord over?

Yes. I am a seeker and you are condemned to hell. Typical Christian.
Yes. I am a seeker and you are condemned to hell. Typical Christian.

Being brainwashed as a child is difficult to part from.
Also, some personality-types like the feeling of 'Having an Adult in the room', like some 'God/Gods' or 'mystical force' that none of us can comprehend because it's too ... too ... it's too complex.
Using terms like 'natural law' means they don't have to do any thinking. It's just ... 'natural'.
Being brainwashed as a child is difficult to part from.
Also, some personality-types like the feeling of 'Having an Adult in the room', like some 'God/Gods' or 'mystical force' that none of us can comprehend because it's too ... too ... it's too complex.
Using terms like 'natural law' means they don't have to do any thinking. It's just ... 'natural'.

Natural law sounds a lot like "because I say so."
Natural law sounds a lot like "because I say so."

Yeah, something like that. Didn't the Kings of the Old World claim something like that?

"In European Christianity, the divine right of kings, divine right, or God's mandation is a political and religious doctrine of political legitimacy of a monarchy. It stems from a specific metaphysical framework in which a monarch is, before birth, pre-ordained to inherit the crown. Wikipedia"
Yeah, something like that. Didn't the Kings of the Old World claim something like that?

"In European Christianity, the divine right of kings, divine right, or God's mandation is a political and religious doctrine of political legitimacy of a monarchy. It stems from a specific metaphysical framework in which a monarch is, before birth, pre-ordained to inherit the crown. Wikipedia"

Yes. God said no one can challenge my power.
He would be in charge of hanging your fucktarded ass.

Sadly, you'll be dead soon and the only people at your funeral will be the workers bitching about all the cardboard coffins they have to bury that day.


I think he's trying to tell you, you're not in the middle!:seenoevil:

Just barely.
Time for a Story?

The Tenant came over to pay her Rent, late as usual. This is the one that 'Dances' at Clubs in the French Quarter. So, she tells me she has been in Cabo the last 3 weeks, making money. Cabo San Lucas is at the end of Baja, a Beach-type Resort, lots of sun. But, she looked real 'white', NOT tan. I asked her about 'getting a suntan'. She hoists up her dress and shows me a faint tan line between her hip and leg, exposing half her butt at the same time. Obviously NOT wearing any underwear. Then she starts talking about her Tattoos, which she has quite a few of. At this point, I'm not sure if she is talking about her suntan, Tattoos, or just likes showing off her butt. Then, she turns, lifts her dress again and shows me more Tattoos ... along with more butt. I said something like 'that's a lot of money there', and she said she wants to get into modeling Lingerie. I said 'yeah, there's probably a niche for that', and she said 'yeah, Tattooed girls and Lingerie is a Thing'.
Anyway, she paid the Rent, I gave her a Receipt, and stood up to indicate the 'Fashion Show' was over with and it was time to go. After she left, I was wondering if the 'suntan and Tattoo' discussion was honest (which I thought it was) or was this some 'dress rehearsal' for her 'Lingerie Modeling Career'?

So. See. There is still Life at the End of the Road. :)
'Moral Standard'. Yes.
"transcendent moral code". No.

That's where the 'We're here on the tiny Mudball flying through space and time all by ourselves' differs from the 'We're all God's Children' schism.
The first group believes it's ALL IN OUR HANDS.
The second group keeps looking around for the 'HIGHER INTELLIGENCE' to step in and sort things out.
It's like the second group (like you) looks around, sees Humans like themselves, and says: "Holy Shit! We're all gonna' fucking die!".
So you are not a relativist and materialist, as you seemed to insinuate.

You agree that humanity has an innate universal (or widespread) moral standard against which we compare and weigh the ethics of various actions.

Where does this moral standard come from? I am not saying it comes from a God, but there is something in the human condition that leads to it
Agreed Jefferson was ahead of the curve. If he was alive today, where would he be? Small government, isolationist and focused on the wealthy in the country? :)

Impossible to say what he would be like if born 100 years later. Humans are a product of their history and geography.

What we do know is that the classic liberals of the 18th century thought despotic government was the biggest threat to freedom, while liberals of the late 19th and early 20th century evolved to believe the biggest threat to freedom was corporate monopoly and big business.
Impossible to say what he would be like if born 100 years later. Humans are a product of their history and geography.

What we do know is that the classic liberals of the 18th century thought despotic government was the biggest threat to freedom, while liberals of the late 19th and early 20th century evolved to believe the biggest threat to freedom was corporate monopoly and big business.

A corporation is a money engine. It has no morality, no conscience. It's only function is to make money for its shareholders. As such, if given too much power, it is no different than a despotic government.** Democracies must be maintained like a marriage. If not maintained, then apathy sets in and things begin to fall apart.

**Dupont and the Bhopal disaster. Up to 15,000 humans dead and Dupont pays a few bucks to the families. Corporate despotism IMO.

on the night of December 2, 1984, an accident at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, released at least 30 tons of a highly toxic gas called methyl isocyanate, as well as a number of other poisonous gases. The pesticide plant was surrounded by shantytowns, leading to more than 600,000 people being exposed to the deadly gas cloud that night. The gases stayed low to the ground, causing victims throats and eyes to burn, inducing nausea, and many deaths. Estimates of the death toll vary from as few as 3,800 to as many as 16,000, but government figures now refer to an estimate of 15,000 killed over the years. Toxic material remains, and 30 years later, many of those who were exposed to the gas have given birth to physically and mentally disabled children. For decades, survivors have been fighting to have the site cleaned up, but they say the efforts were slowed when Michigan-based Dow Chemical took over Union Carbide in 2001. Human-rights groups say that thousands of tons of hazardous waste remain buried underground, and the government has conceded the area is contaminated. There has, however, been no long-term epidemiological research that conclusively proves that birth defects are directly related to the drinking of the contaminated water.
Sadly, you'll be dead soon and the only people at your funeral will be the workers bitching about all the cardboard coffins they have to bury that day.



That's all arranged already. Brass or copper or something, not the highest end stuff because IDGAF.

I had to, it's not like I'm rich or anything, but I have a lot of stuff valuable to the family I would not want the state throwing out.

We do have a privately owned cemetary or 2. With rights to bury whoever we want there.

I'll probably have 30-50 people at my funeral. Would be more if my fam knew people to contact, but they don't.

Being a long-time American, I have quite a big family. 30-50 is a small fraction.
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