Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

Just because you took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution doesn’t prove a fucking thing relative to evidence that you even knew what the Constitution was, or a single thing in it.

Politicians take that oath for their respective offices yet there’s hundreds of identifiable incidences whereby they sure as hell violated that oath.

The fact that you became a career military service person doesn’t necessarily prove either that you served for patriotic principles. Your service while commendable if satisfactory could have simply been because you feared private market place competition for employment or a lack of desire to learn a trade.

The only practical and honest growth and evolution in our Constitution is the 27 amendments to it. Court decisions are no proof of constitutionality, they only prove that a gang of political partisans, appointed by a political partisan and confirmed by other political partisans have either legalized unconstitutional or constitutional laws or events.

I’d be interested in your ”evolved” interpretation of amendment 10 to our Constitution. Amendment 13 would also be interesting. According to your leftist post, you haven’t a fucking clue about any actual, honest and truthful constitutional interpretation.

BINGO!!! Hitting the proverbial nail on the head. Bravo.
I'm not sure I like the term "patriot" as it refers to the Constitution. A "patriot" can lead to blind devotion to a particular ideology originating from the State.

I do believe that Liberals, like Obama, find the limitations on power contained in the Constitution as an inconvenience for furthering their failed ideology. But then, as is typical with unthinking Liberal hypocrites, embrace them when THEIR guys are not in charge.

Remember, you are dealing with low information fools who have been brainwashed into thinking that only the State can know what is good and fair for everyone; but only if THEIR deciders are in charge. They also foolishly believe that they can prove how much they care by electing dishonest politicians who claim they care more than anyone else on the planet while doing nothing other than turning them into wards of the State.

But remember that this is more about personal emotions when it comes to Liberals rather than results. You cannot judge Liberals by their historic failures, but by how much they care. If you remember this, and the fact that they are dishonest intollerant fools, you will understand how one must deal with them; by pointing at them and laughing.

So right now Liberals are devoted patriots to Obamunism and can't underestimate their rapture for our military. But never forget; when Bush was in charge, it was patriotic to defy him and our military were nothing but a bunch of bumbling fools who could not win a war and tortured innocent Muslims.

The Obama also claimed Bush was unpatriotic for spending, then he turned around and spent a hell of a lot more. So The Obama is unpatriotic by his own definition, and his followers are therefore also unpatriotic.
Actually, I served during the administrations of Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. The party of the president DEFINATELY [sic] has nothing to do with my patriotism whatsoever.
The Obama also claimed Bush was unpatriotic for spending, then he turned around and spent a hell of a lot more. So The Obama is unpatriotic by his own definition, and his followers are therefore also unpatriotic.

BINGO! Starting to see a pattern aren't we? ;)
Actually, I served during the administrations of Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. The party of the president DEFINATELY [sic] has nothing to do with my patriotism whatsoever.

Now you're lying. But dishonesty is what defines you. Yay you!
and if you don't LIKE the fact that the Supreme Court interprets the constitution, pray tell, what are you prepared to DO about it?
1. Vote for representatives that limit the court's power to it's Constitutional mandate.
2. Hold up a mirror to individuals who call themselves patriots yet think that the Supremes are the end-all interpreters of the Constitution.
This is the problem when debating what patriotic means. John Kerry, for example, came back from his VERY short service in Vietnam having received numerous medals for that VERY short service time on a river patrol boat, and testified against his fellow soldiers describing their actions in not so flattering terms.

Now many would claim that he was being unpatriotic and dishonest about his delusional portrayal of military actions there, but many others would claim he was the ultimate patriot by "outing" his fellow soldiers.

This is another reason I don't like to claim the mantle of patriot or suggest that one group is less of a patriot than another.
This is the problem when debating what patriotic means. John Kerry, for example, came back from his VERY short service in Vietnam having received numerous medals for that VERY short service time on a river patrol boat, and testified against his fellow soldiers describing their actions in not so flattering terms.

Now many would claim that he was being unpatriotic and dishonest about his delusional portrayal of military actions there, but many others would claim he was the ultimate patriot by "outing" his fellow soldiers.

This is another reason I don't like to claim the mantle of patriot or suggest that one group is less of a patriot than another.

I think in the US of A, where our Founders, who no one can argue where not patriots, wrote the Constitution, that a definition of patriotism must therefore include reverence for the Constitution. This is reinforced daily where public servants swear to uphold the Constitution.

Therefore anyone who seeks to usurp it, through creative interpretation or other means, is unpatriotic. Especially someone who has taken that oath and reminds people of it at every chance.
1. Vote for representatives that limit the court's power to it's Constitutional mandate.
2. Hold up a mirror to individuals who call themselves patriots yet think that the Supremes are the end-all interpreters of the Constitution.

I applaud your first option. Your second option is only effective if you think that your opinion has any impact on anyone other than yourself.
I think in the US of A, where our Founders, who no one can argue where not patriots, wrote the Constitution, that a definition of patriotism must therefore include reverence for the Constitution. This is reinforced daily where public servants swear to uphold the Constitution.

Therefore anyone who seeks to usurp it, through creative interpretation or other means, is unpatriotic. Especially someone who has taken that oath and reminds people of it at every chance.

I will accept your version of what patriotic means if you explain how French are not patriotic, and Germans and the Thai etc etc. They dont have a Constitution. You see that slippery slope right?
I support the country!
I'm not fighting for anything mr Riechwinger is part of.

The last couple of days are seeing some major corrections in the stock market. Down over 180 today so far. Long overdo in my opinion.

So if the market continues to "correct", should we blame Obama? After all, you gave him credit for the massive increase did you not? Should we now blame him if it continues to drop?
Indeed it is. And those who sought to change the Constitution to give women the vote and outlaw slavery were certainly patriots. So seeking a change in the Constitution is not, in and of itself, evil or unpatriotic.

The Founding Fathers knew the times would change and as a result constructed the Constitution to be amended.

Anyone who doesn't understand this is stupid or trolling or a stupid troll.
The Founding Fathers knew the times would change and as a result constructed the Constitution to be amended.

Anyone who doesn't understand this is stupid or trolling or a stupid troll.

There you have it from the liberal elite; if you don't agree with their version of the Constitution, you're a stupid troll.

Thank you for clearing that up for us. I don't know what the forum would do without your valuable contribution.

I feel smarter already for having read your post; thank you.
I think not.

A modern day liberal, or progressive, seeks to creatively interpret the Constitution. In truth they ignore it, usurp it, despise it. A patriot, on the other hand, is someone who reveres the Constitution, understands its original intent and meaning, and seeks to apply it to solving modern problems.

The meaning of liberalism has changed throughout US history. During the revolutionary period a liberal was someone who was against the monarchy and fought for a republican form of government. They recognized that government was a necessary evil, and that in order to minimize the evil they also had to limit the powers of the government. So they created a federal system with very limited powers and left the rest to the states, or to the people.

In the modern era, a liberal is someone who sees the Constitution as outdated. They want the federal government to have broad, unrestricted power. This power approaches that of a monarchy, of which the patriot, both then and now, fights against.

How can any reactionary madman who opposes democracy on racist grounds be anything but a traitor, as is obvious from the treasonous postings here and everywhere from these weirdoes? The nutters lost one war, and will never be happy till they've been thrashed again and can feel really put upon in prison.
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|How can any reactionary madman who opposes democracy on racist grounds be anything but a traitor, as is obvious from the treasonous postings here and everywhere from these weirdoes? The nutters lost one war, and will never be happy till they've been thrashed again and can feel really put upon in prison.

I feel smarter for having read this; thank you. LMAO
Anyone who puts themselves out to accomplish something towards what they believe is in the best interests of our nation is a patriot.
"Right" and TD seem to live in a bizaro world where they imagine all kinds of untrue things about the evil "Liberal".

I don't know anyone who has ever thought "our military were nothing but a bunch of bumbling fools", or who "sees the Constitution as outdated".
The last couple of days are seeing some major corrections in the stock market. Down over 180 today so far. Long overdo in my opinion.

So if the market continues to "correct", should we blame Obama? After all, you gave him credit for the massive increase did you not? Should we now blame him if it continues to drop?

1. Did you give him credit over the last 5 years of rising markets?
2. If you continue to say something like this every time the market fluctuates, eventually you will be right about a correction, it usually happens more often than it has over the past 5 years.