Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

1. Did you give him credit over the last 5 years of rising markets?
2. If you continue to say something like this every time the market fluctuates, eventually you will be right about a correction, it usually happens more often than it has over the past 5 years.

Obama - these nutters


Jews - Hitler.

sick racist nutters!
"Right" and TD seem to live in a bizaro world where they imagine all kinds of untrue things about the evil "Liberal".

I don't know anyone who has ever thought "our military were nothing but a bunch of bumbling fools", or who "sees the Constitution as outdated".

That would be because you wallow in blissful denial and ignorance. There is no medicine than can fix this affliction. This can only be accomplished by opening ones mind and eyes to see the truth and reality.

You're not even close.
1. Did you give him credit over the last 5 years of rising markets?
2. If you continue to say something like this every time the market fluctuates, eventually you will be right about a correction, it usually happens more often than it has over the past 5 years.

Dear shit-for-brains; I am not the one who is giving Democratic Presidents credit for stock market fluctuations; that would be The Dunce. Do try to comprehend before you erupt. Thank you.
One of these days I shall have to take Truth Detector off ignore, to see if he has detected any truth. He hadn't when last I looked, fair play.
Ill save you the effort, he has not.

Really Counselor?

Then perhaps you missed this:

Or perhaps you glossed over this?

Maybe you were sleeping through this?

You definately misread this:

I would say that as a lawyer, your propensity for dishonesty is merely exceeded by your ability to construct fantastic strawman claims.

Dismissed; as usual you add little or nothing to a thread debate other than whiney ineffectual drivel.
"Right" and TD seem to live in a bizaro world where they imagine all kinds of untrue things about the evil "Liberal".

I don't know anyone who has ever thought "our military were nothing but a bunch of bumbling fools", or who "sees the Constitution as outdated".

I am glad more than one person here sees them as reality challenged. I know I sure do.
How can any patriot back the cheating of elections like the republican party is guilty of?

Your traitors

The case began in 1981 when the RNC created a “national ballot security task force” that, among other things, undertook mailing campaigns targeted at black and Latino neighborhoods in New Jersey. If mailers were returned undelivered, party activists put those voters on a list to be challenged if they showed up to cast a ballot. In addition, the party was alleged to have hired off-duty law enforcement officers to “patrol” minority neighborhoods on election day.

The DNC sued the RNC in federal court, alleging its activities violated the Voting Rights Act and were intended to suppress voting among minorities. Rather than fight the charges in a trial, the RNC agreed to a consent decree promising to “refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities … directed toward [election] districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic minority populations.”

The consent decree has remained in effect, and DNC lawyers say they have gone to court in states such as Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana and Pennsylvania to challenge Republican activities that appear to target mostly black precincts. Both sides agree, however, that the consent decree does not forbid “normal poll watching” by Republican officials.

The RNC has tried repeatedly to have the consent decree lifted, contending it interferes with its efforts to combat voter fraud. But a federal judge in New Jersey in 2009 ruled that it should remain in effect, and the U.S. Court of Appeals agreed last year.
that was 1/14/ 2013


your right wing packed SCOTUS refused to help you continue to cheat.

And every fucking con here PRETENDS these facts are not facts.

Your traitors for backing this
I think not.

A modern day liberal, or progressive, seeks to creatively interpret the Constitution. In truth they ignore it, usurp it, despise it. A patriot, on the other hand, is someone who reveres the Constitution, understands its original intent and meaning, and seeks to apply it to solving modern problems.

The meaning of liberalism has changed throughout US history. During the revolutionary period a liberal was someone who was against the monarchy and fought for a republican form of government. They recognized that government was a necessary evil, and that in order to minimize the evil they also had to limit the powers of the government. So they created a federal system with very limited powers and left the rest to the states, or to the people.

In the modern era, a liberal is someone who sees the Constitution as outdated. They want the federal government to have broad, unrestricted power. This power approaches that of a monarchy, of which the patriot, both then and now, fights against.

That you think modern-day liberals can't be "patriots" is idiocy raised to an art form.