Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

What is it you so passionately disagree with....his definition of patriot or his description of liberalism or something else.

that you would even find anything to agree with in a statement that basically says, only one side of our political spectrum can be patriotic is truly frightening.
I think not.

A modern day liberal, or progressive, seeks to creatively interpret the Constitution. In truth they ignore it, usurp it, despise it. A patriot, on the other hand, is someone who reveres the Constitution, understands its original intent and meaning, and seeks to apply it to solving modern problems.

The meaning of liberalism has changed throughout US history. During the revolutionary period a liberal was someone who was against the monarchy and fought for a republican form of government. They recognized that government was a necessary evil, and that in order to minimize the evil they also had to limit the powers of the government. So they created a federal system with very limited powers and left the rest to the states, or to the people.

In the modern era, a liberal is someone who sees the Constitution as outdated. They want the federal government to have broad, unrestricted power. This power approaches that of a monarchy, of which the patriot, both then and now, fights against.

This modern day liberal if need be, would die for the flag if invaders would to come on our homeland. Despite my ancestors being hung and called "niggers" and what not, I'd still die for the Native Americans, Whites, Blacks, Chinese, Philipinos, Irish, Arabs, etc etc all those who call this nation home. You cannot get more patriotic than that. In actuality I should have served and I wish I did (my dad, and two uncles, cousins, all served). Despite the founding fathers being racist imperial bastards I still believe in the philosophies they subscribed to.
well... this modern day liberal, patriot and retired career serviceman disagrees. I took an oath to defend the constitution - and your life - and did so for a long long time. You had other priorities, as I recall. I certainly don't see the constitution as "outdated". It has grown and evolved as our country has evolved. What was once deemed constitutional under a ruling like Plessy v. Ferguson was later ruled unconstitutional by Brown v. Board of Education. That's how it works. If you want to go back to 1789, invent a fucking time machine. Barring that, deal with it.

You like my father, and the rest of my family thanks for your service and I apologize for all the bullshit I'm sure you had to put up with, with unappreciative Americans.
Jim Webb and a host of democratic heroes would tend to disagree with you.

what's your highest decoration for valor, by the way? Good conduct medal, perhaps?

Webb served under Reagan...quite a guy and hero...
Many of today's liberals might just call Webb gun nut today or a pervert, if you've read any of his books... sexual content, graphic descriptions of female anatomy stuff....
He certainly wasn't crazy about Bush going into Iraq nor was soft on Kerry for his anti war stance and having served in Nam, I don't think he wasn't too keen even on Democrats...
Personally, I admired the guy....I understand that many run for office as Democrats just for the fact that the district they run in they have a better chance of winning....
He was a Democrat I could vote for any time.....

.but the op was about 'modern day liberals' not Democrats....especially those like Webb.

that you would even find anything to agree with in a statement that basically says, only one side of our political spectrum can be patriotic is truly frightening.
What is it you so passionately disagree with....his definition of patriot or his description of liberalism or something else.

Thread title: Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

Response: I think not.

A modern day liberal, or progressive, seeks to creatively interpret the Constitution. In truth they ignore it, usurp it, despise it.

In the modern era, a liberal is someone who sees the Constitution as outdated. They want the federal government to have broad, unrestricted power.

He poses a trick question and answers it with supposition, faulty interpretation and outright lying. Furthermore, there is no one definition of patriotism that applies to everyone, let alone conservatives only.

The case began in 1981 when the RNC created a “national ballot security task force” that, among other things, undertook mailing campaigns targeted at black and Latino neighborhoods in New Jersey. If mailers were returned undelivered, party activists put those voters on a list to be challenged if they showed up to cast a ballot. In addition, the party was alleged to have hired off-duty law enforcement officers to “patrol” minority neighborhoods on election day.

Desh and her one pony horse show....its more that laughable....:bdh::bdh::bdh:obsessive-compulsive neurosis.
Webb served under Reagan...quite a guy and hero...
Many of today's liberals might just call Webb gun nut today or a pervert, if you've read any of his books... sexual content, graphic descriptions of female anatomy stuff....
He certainly wasn't crazy about Bush going into Iraq nor was soft on Kerry for his anti war stance and having served in Nam, I don't think he wasn't too keen even on Democrats...
Personally, I admired the guy....I understand that many run for office as Democrats just for the fact that the district they run in they have a better chance of winning....
He was a Democrat I could vote for any time.....

.but the op was about 'modern day liberals' not Democrats....especially those like Webb.

And another problem is his faulty characterization of "modern day liberals", as if "modern day conservatives" themselves haven't completely lost the plot.
Thread title: Can a modern day "liberal" also be a "patriot"?

Response: I think not.

A modern day liberal, or progressive, seeks to creatively interpret the Constitution. In truth they ignore it, usurp it, despise it.

In the modern era, a liberal is someone who sees the Constitution as outdated. They want the federal government to have broad, unrestricted power.

He poses a trick question and answers it with supposition, faulty interpretation and outright lying. Furthermore, there is no one definition of patriotism that applies to everyone, let alone conservatives only.

Just like Hillary said, right ?

And another problem is his faulty characterization of "modern day liberals", as if "modern day conservatives" themselves haven't completely lost the plot.

Its a matter of one's perspective.. anyway, mm brought up Mr. Webb and I just wanted to comment on him,....he wasn't a "modern day liberal' by any stretch....

Of course 'modern day conservatives' are not the same as 40 years ago either....
Jim Webb and a host of democratic heroes would tend to disagree with you.

what's your highest decoration for valor, by the way? Good conduct medal, perhaps?

They cannot be patriots. Sorry you are not. Desh is not. Simple really. Don't let it hurt your feelings. These are the choices you made. Live with your consequences
They cannot be patriots. Sorry you are not. Desh is not. Simple really. Don't let it hurt your feelings. These are the choices you made. Live with your consequences
So maineman spent a good part of his life defending his country because he hates it. This must come from the same part of the reality train that says the earth is 6000 years old, our supply of fossil fuels is infinite, and that all gays want to convert strait people to being gay.
So maineman spent a good part of his life defending his country because he hates it. This must come from the same part of the reality train that says the earth is 6000 years old, our supply of fossil fuels is infinite, and that all gays want to convert strait people to being gay.

And you know positively that mainman wasn't stealing military secrets and selling them to the commies, right stang?

How do you know that mainman wasn't just hanging out in some military goldbricking, pussy job, or stealing government/taxpayer's military equipment and selling it on the black market because he was frightened of the private job market competition?

How do you know he’s not just another crazy-assed Fort Hood Shooter in waiting?

Does military service prove patriotism? Or can it simply indicate sometimes some folks just can’t find another job?