Can Artificial Intelligence have free will?

A digital computer can usually be
regarded as consisting of three parts:
(i) Store.
(ii) Executive unit.
(iii) Control.

A digital computer can usually be
regarded as consisting of three parts:
(i) Store.
(ii) Executive unit.
(iii) Control.


Someone knows how to use Google. Harvard and Yale are going to be fighting over you.
In addition to the LLM (Large Language Model), however, a language agent has files that record its beliefs, desires, plans, and observations as sentences of natural language. The language agent uses the LLM to form a plan of action based on its beliefs and desires. In this way, the cognitive architecture of language agents is familiar from folk psychology.

fucking idiotic nonsense.

ai is programmed by people.

the agenda of the programmers will be the agenda of the program.

ai is a nazi notion to kill people and then blame a "program gone rogue" which they will also say can't be unplugged because it's a living thing, unlike a human baby.

the internet should be destroyed immediately.
An AI system can set tasks for itself and complete them. This fulfills one definition of free will.

Clippy 2024!
The view that machines cannot give rise to surprises is due, I believe,
to a fallacy to which philosophers and mathematicians are particularly
subject. This is the assumption that as soon as a fact is presented to a mind
all consequences of that fact spring into the mind simultaneously with it. It
is a very useful assumption under many circumstances, but one too easily
forgets that it is false. A natural consequence of doing so is that one then
assumes that there is no virtue in the mere working out of consequences
from data and general principles.

Not a fallacy.
Let me put this deference to you. In layman's terms AI applications are web browsers. That's all they are.

They are not web browsers at all.
AI is a programming technique. It involves setting up a 'neural net' (or matrix) that can be used to influence results of the program, and the net itself is modified via an automated feedback loop, designed by the programmers.

AI has no sentience, and is not capable of sentience, any more than your average brick.
A.I. is the blackbox interface to off world control of humanity.


AI isn't an interface. It is not 'world control' (despite that being the exact phrase of Colussus in The Forbin Project). Like any program, it is purely up to the programmers. Yes, there are what you might call 'evil' programs, but they do not control the world, and cannot.