Can Everyone Take A Minute?

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On December 14, 2012, a gunman entered the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and opened fire, killing what is currently being reported as a minimum of 27 people, 20 of whom were children. Completely innocent unarmed victims.

Columbine. Red Lake, Minnesota. Essex, Vermont. Lancaster, Ohio. Virginia Tech. To name a few.

How many more innocents must die at the hands of an antiquated and oft-misinterpreted amendment? Enough.

It's time to stop the violence. That's why I created a petition on to Congress and President Obama, which says:

Our Second Amendment rights are long overdue a reevaluation. How many more senseless and entirely PREVENTABLE shootings have to occur before we do something about gun control?

As a citizen and constituent of this great country, I am asking that you take a firm stand and make a positive change by restricting access to guns and saving lives.

I don't have a gun. I don't want a gun. I don't need a gun. But somehow the guns always wind up in the hands of people crazy enough to use them irresponsibly and dangerously. THIS HAS TO BE STOPPED.
Howey, you say this was entirely preventable but how? Do we institutionalize all citizens who show signs of mental health issues? If our government can't stop illegal aliens and drugs from coming into the country how will they be able to prevent guns from coming in (assuming we were able to ban guns in the U.S.) and into the hands of those who wish to do ill will?
Howey, you say this was entirely preventable but how? Do we institutionalize all citizens who show signs of mental health issues? If our government can't stop illegal aliens and drugs from coming into the country how will they be able to prevent guns from coming in (assuming we were able to ban guns in the U.S.) and into the hands of those who wish to do ill will?

Nothing I've seen has convinced me that evil acts are entirely preventable, yet I don't accept that our nation is incapable of attempting better preventive measures without violating the Second Amendment.
Howey, you say this was entirely preventable but how? Do we institutionalize all citizens who show signs of mental health issues? If our government can't stop illegal aliens and drugs from coming into the country how will they be able to prevent guns from coming in (assuming we were able to ban guns in the U.S.) and into the hands of those who wish to do ill will?

We do it by education. By changing the way our society glorifies violence. By teaching that you don't solve problems with weapons.
We do it by education. By changing the way our society glorifies violence. By teaching that you don't solve problems with weapons.

Ok, I'm all for that. But has there ever been a time in man's history when violence has not been a part of it? Do we not allow Hollywood to show violence on TV or in movies? Do we not allow video games which have violence? Did we not allow music that has violent themes? How far do we go to get rid of the violence in our culture?
We do it by education. By changing the way our society glorifies violence. By teaching that you don't solve problems with weapons.

Education isn't really one of our strong points. Neither is parenting, which helps explain the former, as well as why curbing violence might be a tad bit difficult...
Ok, I'm all for that. But has there ever been a time in man's history when violence has not been a part of it? Do we not allow Hollywood to show violence on TV or in movies? Do we not allow video games which have violence? Did we not allow music that has violent themes? How far do we go to get rid of the violence in our culture?

Yes to your first four questions. About how far we go, it's complicated. Remember when people excoriated Tipper Gore because she wanted to warn buyers about explicit music? I was one of them at the time. Then I got married and had kids and wanted to keep them wrapped up in cotton so they'd never be exposed to all the nastiness in the world, including explicit lyrics.

Don't take this as scientific, but I think people who live in a *relatively* safe environment get a vicarious thrill out of violence. As long as it doesn't touch them personally, they'll watch the movies and TV, play the video games. It would be interesting to see if kids in danger-filled environments get the same thrill out of these things or if they daydream about Leave It To Beaver scenarios.

Maybe the way to get rid of it is to study cultures where violence isn't a big thing and apply their methods. But I don't really know.
Maybe the way to get rid of it is to study cultures where violence isn't a big thing and apply their methods. But I don't really know.

Cultures like that are ethnically homogenous. We, unique among first world nations, are not. Nor are the Brits anymore either (hence their rising crime).
I'm actually planning on donating to the NRA.
That comment should be on billboards all over America to remind all Americans that most/many are just too stupid to be members of any society. Joke or not you clearly do not have the sense you were born with.