Can Everyone Take A Minute?

Do I have the right to own M-1 Abrhams? Do I have the right to indiscriminaly plant mines on my property? Do I have the right to own a missle launcher in case unidentified aircraft fly over my home?

SmarterThanFew says "yes".
I don't believe that, if true that would mean everybody over the age of say fifteen supports the NRA!! I am assuming that there was a age cutoff and they weren't asking seven year olds their opinion.

The NRA should be the new KKK. Ostracised by all Americans with a brain. But the NRA is a symptom, not a cause. The changes that are necessary ar in American minds not in their amendments. Their language spews violence. It is present on their TV, in their movies, in their day to day conversation. 'You cant say that to me,' 'They acnt do that to America' 'Americans do what they want and no one is going to stop them'. Kids are brought up with this crap, this flag waving, touch me not attitude. There needs to be major changes, not only in the law, but in the people themselves.
It will take generations.
Meanwhile the next school full of kids to be shot by someone who can get a gun from his mother, or who was given an automatic rifle for his third birthday or who steals it from someone who thinks it a sport to shoot animals, waits oblivious to their fate.
Guns in the possession of ordinary private individuals should be confiscated NOW. If someone breaks into your house for your TV, give the bugger to him, YOU CAN BUY ANOTHER TV. Your family can't buy another you.
Here's the full text. Please share on your FB and other forums you visit.

On December 14, 2012, a gunman entered the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and opened fire, killing what is currently being reported as a minimum of 27 people, 20 of whom were children. Completely innocent unarmed victims.

Columbine. Red Lake, Minnesota. Essex, Vermont. Lancaster, Ohio. Virginia Tech. To name a few.

How many more innocents must die at the hands of an antiquated and oft-misinterpreted amendment? Enough.

It's time to stop the violence. That's why I created a petition on to Congress and President Obama, which says:

Our Second Amendment rights are long overdue a reevaluation. How many more senseless and entirely PREVENTABLE shootings have to occur before we do something about gun control?

As a citizen and constituent of this great country, I am asking that you take a firm stand and make a positive change by restricting access to guns and saving lives.

I don't have a gun. I don't want a gun. I don't need a gun. But somehow the guns always wind up in the hands of people crazy enough to use them irresponsibly and dangerously. THIS HAS TO BE STOPPED.
This shows how desperate you are getting with all your pathetic online begging for signatures for this jackass petition, face it, no one cares, new gun bills will NOT get past the Congress because we hold ALL THE ACES. Huey, you need to stop sucking your thumb and stop the whining and begging, get off the floor, stop kissing feets, just to get votes. I bet that you would do just about anything to anyone to get a vote, if you know what I mean. TOUCHE'
The online survey showed that 68 percent, or two out of three respondents, had a favorable opinion of the NRA, which starts its annual convention in St. Louis, Missouri, on Friday.
Eighty-two percent of Republicans saw the gun lobbying group in a positive light as well as 55 percent of Democrats, findings that run counter to the perception of Democrats as anti-NRA.

Here ya go...doesn't bode well, does it?

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the National Rifle Association?

Favorable Unfavorable Not sure
All 48 41 11

Down 20%. Not to good...
The NRA should be the new KKK. Ostracised by all Americans with a brain. But the NRA is a symptom, not a cause. The changes that are necessary ar in American minds not in their amendments. Their language spews violence. It is present on their TV, in their movies, in their day to day conversation. 'You cant say that to me,' 'They acnt do that to America' 'Americans do what they want and no one is going to stop them'. Kids are brought up with this crap, this flag waving, touch me not attitude. There needs to be major changes, not only in the law, but in the people themselves.
It will take generations.
Meanwhile the next school full of kids to be shot by someone who can get a gun from his mother, or who was given an automatic rifle for his third birthday or who steals it from someone who thinks it a sport to shoot animals, waits oblivious to their fate.
Guns in the possession of ordinary private individuals should be confiscated NOW. If someone breaks into your house for your TV, give the bugger to him, YOU CAN BUY ANOTHER TV. Your family can't buy another you.

TV's are expensive.
Honestly, everything Low wrote in that quote is pure evil. I hope he never betrays his (lack-of) principles when the society he expatriated to collapses, and attempts to seek refuge in the good 'ole USA...
Honestly, everything Low wrote in that quote is pure evil. I hope he never betrays his (lack-of) principles when the society he expatriated to collapses, and attempts to seek refuge in the good 'ole USA...

Evil? Pure evil? Explain.
Why should I, an Englishman with English family and English roots, with English bank accounts and English property paying British taxes ever even consider moving to a country that kills people as yours does? It is also a good reason for me not to live in PRC or N korea.