Can Everyone Take A Minute?

Simple thinking is for simple minds Wacko. No one said this is going to be easy. We got a problem in this country. Too many fanatics and mentally ustable people like STY have access to guns and do horriffic things with them. There is a limit to every right. Just as you don't have a right to scream "FIRE!" in a crowded hallway you 2nd ammendment right doesn't give you unlimited access to military weapons designed for mass killings.

I mean where the fuck do you draw the line? Do I have the right to own M-1 Abrhams? Do I have the right to indiscriminaly plant mines on my property? Do I have the right to own a missle launcher in case unidentified aircraft fly over my home? Where the fuck do you draw the line?

I'm a second ammendment advocate but what I'm hearing from a bunch of gun nuts is. "We recognise that there is a problem but our fanatical and irrational belief that we have unlimited right to access and use of weapons of mass killing is sacrasanct and we don't care how many innocent children have to die to make our point." Not only is it fucking irrational it's god damned disrespectful to the memory of these victims of these sick twisted individuals.

What we need to focus on are real fucking solutions to a real tough problem that's going to require some real hard thinking (something your average NRA member seems to be incapable of.).

We have a serious public safety issue here and we need solutions to this tough problem that respects our 2nd ammendment rights but are actionable, enforceable and work.

What we don't need are a bunch of mindless glib comments from people with more fire power than brains.

Excellent post, Mott. :good4u: These people are writing opinions and asking us to accept them as fact.

Opinion #1 Our government is tyrannical.

Opinion #2 Our tyrannical government is trying to take away all our guns.

How can anyone not get exasperated at this lack of logic?
Spare me. You are the one who shits your britches when people speak of morality. You are the one who glorifies the murder of the unborn. You are the one who spews names at people who criticize the oversexualization of our children.

You are the first to turn your back on religion and the teachings of Christ. You are the first to remove God from the public square. Now you act shocked and dismayed by the tragedy of last Friday? Spare me.

You've gone completely around the bend. You must have some phantom person in your mind and attached my nic to it.

You say I've "glorified" abortion. Cite evidence that I did. My position on it is Bill Clinton's.. it should be safe, legal and rare. You say I've spewed names at people, etc. Cite evidence for your claim. And, WTH? I have children. I don't want my or anyone's children to be oversexualized. You say I turned my back on religion. Cite evidence for your claim. I've said numerous times that I'm a practicing Catholic. That you never read it isn't my problem.

You're a Pharisee. Check yourself already.
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Excellent post, Mott. :good4u: These people are writing opinions and asking us to accept them as fact.

Opinion #1 Our government is tyrannical.

Opinion #2 Our tyrannical government is trying to take away all our guns.

How can anyone not get exasperated at this lack of logic?

Funny given the complex nature of the problem, you and your ilk only focus on ONE solution. Let me know when you have others.

What gun laws do you advocate that would have prevented this that won't "restrict the 2nd Amendment" like you say?. He wasn't using military grade weapons. He was using a standard 9mm hand gun with what seems like a standard clip.

So gun laws don't we have today that you think we should? The fact that you and your ilk throw around the word "semi automatic" shows you really don't know what you are talking about or you are talking about it deliberately in ways to scare the uninformed like Desh who thinks she can block bullets with a desk
She is? I know she and Desh agree on many things politically but now I'm curious what Christi thinks of Desh saying she believes in fantasy (aka God)? Not sure Tom if you caught the VP debate a couple of months ago but Joe Biden said Catholocism defines who he is. How would Desh or Low respond to that?

I'm in line with Biden. Catholic social teaching is right in line with what liberals fight for. I read an interesting book by a Baptist minister. He said abortion was never politicized until the religious right adultery scandals of the 1980s, people like Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, etc. Before that divorce was the big issue. Divorce is denounced in Scripture but when so many of the well-known preachers were caught cheating the RR had to back down and find a new cause to rally behind, and that was abortion. There's a lot more to this but I can't type out the entire chapter that explain's the man's position.

Just for the record, I don't care whether or not people believe in God and don't think you have to be religious in order to be moral. For me it's a private matter. I judge others on how they treat their fellow man and some of the most fervent Christians seem more hateful than the most outspoken atheists. Not going to name names, but you know who I'm talking about, on this forum at least.
Funny given the complex nature of the problem, you and your ilk only focus on ONE solution. Let me know when you have others.

What gun laws do you advocate that would have prevented this that won't "restrict the 2nd Amendment" like you say?. He wasn't using military grade weapons. He was using a standard 9mm hand gun with what seems like a standard clip.

So gun laws don't we have today that you think we should? The fact that you and your ilk throw around the word "semi automatic" shows you really don't know what you are talking about or you are talking about it deliberately in ways to scare the uninformed like Desh who thinks she can block bullets with a desk

it turns out he killed the kids with a semi
we are and always have been a melting pot.

Here is what some Americans forget about being a melting pot.

That means we are all in the pot and melting.

melt dammit
Oh quit being a troll. Only a moron or a fanatic would do that. If you really care about gun rights advocacy contribute to a responsible organization like Ducks Unlimited and not those fucking idiots at NRA.

Contribute to NRA? Why don't you just tattoo "STUPID REDNECK" on your forhead?

68% of americans have a favorable view of the nra.
76% of NRA members favor restrictions on guns.

so do i. we already have restrictions on guns. You need a background check, you can't have them if you are a felon (i think some felons should be able to have them, like drug offenders, but not violent felons)

there are age restrictions

there are mental health restrictions

plenty of restrictions. The guns weren't even the shooters, he stole them.
so do i. we already have restrictions on guns. You need a background check, you can't have them if you are a felon (i think some felons should be able to have them, like drug offenders, but not violent felons)

there are age restrictions

there are mental health restrictions

plenty of restrictions. The guns weren't even the shooters, he stole them.

The mental health restrictions are inadequate, and inadequately enforced. We are quite capable of tracking, monitoring and denying firearm purchase and possession far better than we're currently enforcing. One need only look at how effectively we deny services, goods, jobs and opportunities to people based on their credit history. It's a matter of priorities.
so do i. we already have restrictions on guns. You need a background check, you can't have them if you are a felon (i think some felons should be able to have them, like drug offenders, but not violent felons)

there are age restrictions

there are mental health restrictions

plenty of restrictions. The guns weren't even the shooters, he stole them.

Not enough, obviously. And, yes, he stole the guns from his "responsible gun owner" mother.

There is no such thing as a responsible gun owner.