Can Obama actually lose/blow what should be the easiest presidential election?


The Force is With Me
Can Barack Obama actually blow this thing? Can he actually lose in November?

We have a deeply troubled economy, an unpopular war, a very unpopular president and a historic reluctance on the part of the American people to elect the same party to the White House three terms in a row.

You look at all that, and you figure Obama would be leading by double digits. But he isn’t. The race is essentially tied, and not just in the national polls, which really don’t count for much, but in the Electoral College projections, which do. On Monday, MSNBC put its electoral count at 233 for Obama and 227 for McCain, with 270 needed for victory. That’s really close.

more at link --
Enough with this. 2000 was the "easiest election ever" for the Dems. 2004 was as well.

In case you haven't caught up with current events, we have a pretty evenly split country, as well as a ton of voters on both sides who wouldn't know an actual issue if it bit them in the arse, and vote based on personality, who they relate to, fear tactics and yes, sometimes based on skin color, as well.

It's going to be a close election, as 2000 & 2004 were. There is no such thing as an "easy" election anymore...
Enough with this. 2000 was the "easiest election ever" for the Dems. 2004 was as well.

In case you haven't caught up with current events, we have a pretty evenly split country, as well as a ton of voters on both sides who wouldn't know an actual issue if it bit them in the arse, and vote based on personality, who they relate to, fear tactics and yes, sometimes based on skin color, as well.

It's going to be a close election, as 2000 & 2004 were. There is no such thing as an "easy" election anymore...

Seriously, I totally agree, and I'm getting really tired of this pretense that electing the first black president was going to be no thing at all, not even worth mentioning, not affecting the polls, after all, white people voted for him in a primary which primarily attracts the most liberal voters in the country, so that proves that the entire country has no problem with it, why, it's just a real wonder why we haven't had 17 black presidents by now, since it's just no thing, no thing at all.
Seriously, I totally agree, and I'm getting really tired of this pretense that electing the first black president was going to be no thing at all, not even worth mentioning, not affecting the polls, after all, white people voted for him in a primary which primarily attracts the most liberal voters in the country, so that proves that the entire country has no problem with it, why, it's just a real wonder why we haven't had 17 black presidents by now, since it's just no thing, no thing at all.

OH .. his failures are because he's black .. his total metamorphisis into a republican has absolutely nothing to do with it.

When he ran in the primaries as a principled politician he attracted white people of all political perspectives, including many republicans.

The VAST majority of people who have voted for him are white people.

Black people didn't fully support him until after the all-white people state of Iowa did.

Now white people are the problem?

He's alienating a growing number of black people who were once all out supporters .. did white people do that?

Obama's problems are not all connected to white people or him being the black guy.
Enough with this. 2000 was the "easiest election ever" for the Dems. 2004 was as well.

In case you haven't caught up with current events, we have a pretty evenly split country, as well as a ton of voters on both sides who wouldn't know an actual issue if it bit them in the arse, and vote based on personality, who they relate to, fear tactics and yes, sometimes based on skin color, as well.

It's going to be a close election, as 2000 & 2004 were. There is no such thing as an "easy" election anymore...

2000 should have been an easy election and 2004 should have been even easier.

If the country is evenly divided, then why can't democrats win presidential elections?
I think he will lose. Dummy Democrats have done it again. They will lose what appears to be inevitable. Picking Biden certainly didn't help. What a dumb move. I still don't understand that pick.
2000 should have been an easy election and 2004 should have been even easier.

If the country is evenly divided, then why can't democrats win presidential elections?

What do you want me to tell you, BAC? You think George Bush was a genius pick, and Cheney even better? Did the GOP "out-smart" the Dems when the picked the biggest rube imaginable to head their ticket in 2000?

Obama's running a good campaign; 10x better than Gore's. You want to believe that racism has nothing to do with the fact that he has an incredibly difficult time breaking 48% in the polls, at pretty much any time this year, fine. You think it's his "rush to the center" that's killing him; I disagree with that, vehemently. If he was running as a "true liberal," he'd be getting slaughtered right now; the GOP campaign machine feasts on that.

I can't account or explain for the relentless stupidity of the American people. It's hard to remember an election when large groups of people didn't vote against their own self-interest. And you want me to explain that.
OH .. his failures are because he's black .. his total metamorphisis into a republican has absolutely nothing to do with it.

When he ran in the primaries as a principled politician he attracted white people of all political perspectives, including many republicans.

The VAST majority of people who have voted for him are white people.

Black people didn't fully support him until after the all-white people state of Iowa did.

Now white people are the problem?

He's alienating a growing number of black people who were once all out supporters .. did white people do that?

Obama's problems are not all connected to white people or him being the black guy.

you know I'm so sick of you ignoring the fact that sorry bac, but guess what? He got about 19 million total votes in the primary? How m any of them were white people? Millions, yeah. Anywhere near the number he would need in a far less liberal general electorate? NOOOOOO. NOOOOO.

Stop pretending that just because 19 million communists didn't go to teh fucking polls during the fucking democratic primary, that the democratic BASE, isn't far to the left of the general electorate. It makes you look stupid. I don't think you're stupid. Is this an act?

If OBama loses OHio, in this economy - it's racism. Got it? Good.

The people who moved to McCain, they're all disaffected black leftists, right bac?

And Obama is a republican now in most people's minds.

Stop stating your personal, far left grievences as representative facts. And stop talking down to people who still support Obama. It's so fucking old man.
I think he will lose. Dummy Democrats have done it again. They will lose what appears to be inevitable. Picking Biden certainly didn't help. What a dumb move. I still don't understand that pick.

So it is your opinion that Biden being on the ticket is responsible for lost support? Evidence? Not that I'm not highly entertained by what far leftists like bac, and libertarians like you pull out of their asses to piss on Obama supporters, or god forbid, DEMOCRATS, with everyday.

But if you have any actual evidence, that this Biden theory is more than just your personal grievance, don't be shy, lay it on us.
I'm not going to apologize to anyone here, be they far leftists, who like to throw digs about "so-called anti-war activists" (that'd be me), or libertarians who are the biggest farces going, about supporting the guy who isn't going to force me to bear my rapists child, who DOES believe in the plantetary emergency of global fucking warming, who is for equal pay, for you know, ME, who isn't against birth control, and who is far less likely , regardless of what the very far left (and trust me, I hang with the far left, bac is like, way fucking out there) to start a new war.

Go talk down to someone else. I have an idea! Try a fucking republican. You bac, have done little but accept and give support to and from the lately. Who has turned into the republican, obama, or you?
Here are some interesting points from Bob Cesca, this is the 2nd half of the piece:

"Why are the polls so close? Not only do around 25 percent of Americans watch FOX News Channel on a regular basis, but, from coast to coast, there are more than a thousand far-right talk radio stations occupied by shows that make Morning Joe sound like an Olbermann Special Comment. And 17 percent of Americans are glued to it at work and in their cars. Talkers like Hugh Hewitt, Sean Hannity, John Gibson, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved, Bill Bennett and Glenn Beck broadcast on your public air around the clock. Non-stop. Unrelenting. Only interrupted by Accu-weather and traffic. Free to anyone with an AM radio.

I don't know if you've dared to listen to far-right talk radio lately, but I can assure you that they're not ignoring Senator Obama -- or his family. Put it this way: if you only got your news and opinions from talk radio, you'd probably believe that Senator Obama is some kind of foreign-born baby-killing Manchurian Candidate terrorist -- if not a sexist uppity black man who, if he loses in November, will incite race riots in every city.

Last night, Keith Olbermann reported that convicted Watergate burglar and radio talk show host G. Gordon Liddy continues to insist that Senator Obama was born in Kenya and that his birth certificate is a forgery. Lies. Debunked months ago by numerous nonpartisan experts.

Sean Hannity continues to beat the Reverend Wright and William Ayers drums every chance he gets while making wild claims that Senator Obama is an anti-white bigot.

Alleged sex-tourist Rush Limbaugh, whose show is carried in almost every American city, is routinely accusing Senator Obama of infanticide and referring to him as a "little black man-child," clearly stopping short of blurting out the name "Sambo," thus indicating that the drugs seem to have left intact a shred of discretion in Limbaugh's otherwise melty cheese brain.

And that's just three of the more popular hosts out of hundreds more. There's Mike Gallagher, Lars Larson, Laura Ingraham, Monica Crowley, Mike Savage, Dennis Prager, Neil Boortz, Bill Hussein Cunningham -- the list goes on and on. Nothing is out of bounds. Devoid of shame and accountability. Inventing its own stories and spreading lies in soundbyte chunks easily passed along via listeners to non-listener friends and family.

We too-often overlook the influence of far-right talk radio given the overproduced, groomed-monkeys on far-right cable news shows. So radio talkers too often operate with impunity and a dangerous lack of watchdogging despite their market saturation -- their menacing ubiquity. Consequently, concern-trolls like Joe Scarborough and Jon Meacham can go on television and thump their chests -- questioning why-God-why have the Democrats only won three of the last ten presidential elections?! What's wrong with these foreign-sounding, smarty-pants Democrats who, as Meacham mentioned today, are incapable of "speaking American."

Could it be -- I don't know, just a hunch -- that the opinions of perhaps a third of all Americans are shaped by FOX News Channel, cable news shows like Morning Joe and, especially, far-right talk radio? Could it be that the lies and blind-patriotism of these far-right propagandists are painting an historic, brilliant, accomplished, patriotic presidential candidate as some kind of Bin Laden meets Farrakhan chimera? 24 hours a day? In every town in the Union? Distracting Americans from this economic crisis and skewing their priorities -- making pocketbook issues seem less important than bullshit lies. And political hacks still wonder why half of Americans vote against their financial interests every two years. Joe Scarborough still wonders out loud why Senator Obama isn't 20 points ahead in the polls.

Riddle me this, Joe. Given the ideological landscape of cable news, talk radio and the nefarious lie-based caricature therein of Obama as a black-power, fetus-crushing Muslim terrorist, why isn't John McCain 20 points ahead in polls?
It's time to bring the fairness doctrine back. There can be nothing better for society at this moment than to bring debate back to the airwaves. Conservatism is the type of philosophy that only flourishes without debate.
It's time to bring the fairness doctrine back. There can be nothing better for society at this moment than to bring debate back to the airwaves. Conservatism is the type of philosophy that only flourishes without debate.

Libtards don't want to debate, you want to control what is said. You hate the fact that Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly and the rest of the conservative talk show hosts dominate the airwaves. Liberals tried and failed at talk radio, no one wanted to buy your message.
Libtards don't want to debate, you want to control what is said. You hate the fact that Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly and the rest of the conservative talk show hosts dominate the airwaves. Liberals tried and failed at talk radio, no one wanted to buy your message.

Conservatism is a philosophy that only flourishes when not driven back to the depths it belongs in. It's a philosophy that thrives on factlessness and is only taken seriously whenever the talking heads are allowed to blather on and lie. Right wing talk radio isn't in competition, it's exploitation of ignorance.
liberals are funny as shit, Obama has said fuck you to the anti war masses.
He isn't saying shit about the unjustly jailed population. He is most certainly over running the middle.
I'm not going to apologize to anyone here, be they far leftists, who like to throw digs about "so-called anti-war activists" (that'd be me), or libertarians who are the biggest farces going, about supporting the guy who isn't going to force me to bear my rapists child, who DOES believe in the plantetary emergency of global fucking warming, who is for equal pay, for you know, ME, who isn't against birth control, and who is far less likely , regardless of what the very far left (and trust me, I hang with the far left, bac is like, way fucking out there) to start a new war.

Go talk down to someone else. I have an idea! Try a fucking republican. You bac, have done little but accept and give support to and from the lately. Who has turned into the republican, obama, or you?
Last three posts are some of your best. I have been telling my far left friends that pretending that Obama will be no different from McCain is like the Nadar tards telling me that Gore and Bush were the same. So I have asked a couple of them if they thought Gore would have nominated Alito or Roberts first? That seems to bring their dumb leftist asses back to reality. Don't vote for Obama if you don't want to BAC, you have some good reasons to dislike him, but don't EVER pretend that Obama and McCain will be the same because their judicial nominees alone are going to differ to the tune of millions of more in prison for bullshit drug charges and women having to seek illegal abortions.
Sounds like a lot of crying in your cornflakes happening here. I thought we were all going to GET OBAMA DAMMIT! That is what I was told a month or so ago, it was all over... McCain didn't stand a chance in hell, it was going to be Obama for sure! Now look at yourselves... sniveling around here like the losers you are! Making excuses for why your guy is going to get his ass kicked, and to no surprise, playing the race card. Oh yeah, it's because Obama is black, that's the only reason in the whole wide world he can't win. Let me tell you racist moron's something, Conservatives would vote for Sarah Palin if she was black, blue, green, red, yellow, orange, or chartreuse! There is only ONE color we give a damn about, and that is CONSERVATIVE! The country is basically 50/50... Half Con, Half Lib... If Obama loses, it's because the LIB half is too racist to elect him. Deal with that! I happen to think he will lose because he is too LIBERAL! But maybe you're right, maybe it's because Democrats are hypocritical RACISTS, who talk a good talk, and bash on Republicans for being racist, when they have their own prejudice to deal with. Maybe you should try that, instead of pointing your crooked finger at us!

I agree with Topspin though, Liberals are funny as shit... especially when they are melting down.
Hey, Dix - did you catch the polls today?

I thought we were supposed to be "discrediting" them by now?

Haha - Palin didn't fool anyone...