Can there be a proof of God?

The Vatican, for one

On the flipside, I actually think the Militant Atheists who revel and rejoice in mocking the Bible are attacking it from a position of weakness. Because almost 100 percent of their mockery is directed at just ten percent of the Bible - the Book of Genesis.

Almost never mentioned or mocked are the histories, wisdom literature, prophetic literature, or gospels. Because they tend to be chock full of perfectly reasonable and sound ethical lessons and moral truths.

The Vatican is all about out dated rituals.
I don't think I have ever mocked people who want to believe it is.

To me, there was obviously something which deeply inspired humans to record and maintain for thousands of years a written tradition like the Gospels, the Torah, the Analects, the Baghavad Gita.

Maybe God was involved?
The Vatican is all about out dated rituals.

Thanks for the American acknowledgement as could be partially due to my Great Britain & Scottish ancestors that chose to be American over centuries old religious BS in England which obviously hasn't stopped escalating in the USA with those Knights of Columbus "one nation under God" interpretation of "serve the Pope or die" diatribe trying to be American; but for their Christiananality pedophilia reasoning with malice aforethought force obviously not within the parameters of their beyond the pleasure principle in suicidal super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming for a way too dang lily brilliant white Christian Nation according to SCOTUS fabricated Islam & immaculate drug conceptions as proof of "man is God".
Thanks for the American acknowledgement as could be partially due to my Great Britain & Scottish ancestors that chose to be American over centuries old religious BS in England which obviously hasn't stopped escalating in the USA with those Knights of Columbus "one nation under God" interpretation of "serve the Pope or die" diatribe trying to be American; but for their Christiananality pedophilia reasoning with malice aforethought force obviously not within the parameters of their beyond the pleasure principle in suicidal super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming for a way too dang lily brilliant white Christian Nation according to SCOTUS fabricated Islam & immaculate drug conceptions as proof of "man is God".


Since the Czar of Russia renaming Jewish ancestors in that coffee, tea or sugar tautology while SCOTUS still maintains their continuing Christiananality pedophilia mentality of being more American in still protecting & serving Russia along with thieving arsonists over Washington, D.C. born USA citizens & National Archives purchased US Constitutions, Eisenhower presented old glories to Holocaust survivors for business excellence & Israel hand scribed old testaments as proof it's Christian Nation business economics of "man is God" no problems in American politics.
The Vatican is all about out dated rituals.

Is this going to be one of those times you ask me a question, and then will not acknowledge that I gave you a comprehensive, complete, and unimpeachable answer?

That is a Vatican webpage with the text from Genesis.

There are two different creation stories which don't match up with each other.

In Genesis 1-11 to 1-27 God's order of creation is vegetation>animals>man.

In the second creation story, Genesis 2-7 to 2-19, the order of creation is the exact opposite: man>vegetation>animals.

I personally don't think it's a big deal because the literary style of late Bronze Age scribes was the classical epic style, and they weren't as worried about logic as post Greek civilization was.

It's just an interesting literary observation that there are two creation accounts in Genesis which don't match up.
Is this going to be one of those times you ask me a question, and then will not acknowledge that I gave you a comprehensive, complete, and unimpeachable answer?

That is a Vatican webpage with the text from Genesis.

There are two different creation stories which don't match up with each other.

In Genesis 1-11 to 1-27 God's order of creation is vegetation>animals>man.

In the second creation story, Genesis 2-7 to 2-19, the order of creation is the exact opposite: man>vegetation>animals.

I personally don't think it's a big deal because the literary style of late Bronze Age scribes was the classical epic style, and they weren't as worried about logic as post Greek civilization was.

It's just an interesting literary observation that there are two creation accounts in Genesis which don't match up.

You either believe YHWH had his prophets write the Bible,or you don't.
You either believe YHWH had his prophets write the Bible,or you don't.

As Russia's Orthodox Church Putin preyers relentless assaults on Ukraine based on fabricated Nazi misnomers certainly mirrors those Catholic Church "serve the Pope or die" Knights of Columbus "one nation under God" interpretation & assassination of JFK; which supposedly not my problem as I was in a hospital & got out for a quick lunch & stop by the National Archives & SCOTUS before having to return for more medical care the day they assassinated JFK. Christiananality pedophilia in that WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations avoidance in waiting for that proverbial Islam medical human reproduction fabricated virgin Mary misnomer son of Allah immaculate Jesus the Christ forgiveness conception acceptance in no equal justice under law business economics Peter Principle pyramid scheme of survival of the fittest fascists.
As Russia's Orthodox Church Putin preyers relentless assaults on Ukraine based on fabricated Nazi misnomers certainly mirrors those Catholic Church "serve the Pope or die" Knights of Columbus "one nation under God" interpretation & assassination of JFK; which supposedly not my problem as I was in a hospital & got out for a quick lunch & stop by the National Archives & SCOTUS before having to return for more medical care the day they assassinated JFK. Christiananality pedophilia in that WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations avoidance in waiting for that proverbial Islam medical human reproduction fabricated virgin Mary misnomer son of Allah immaculate Jesus the Christ forgiveness conception acceptance in no equal justice under law business economics Peter Principle pyramid scheme of survival of the fittest fascists.

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Just to add something my kinetic evolving brain thought about seeing this thread topic again..

The concept of proving there is or isn't God is all done to remove the idea biology works eternally separating results occupying space now in plain sight so vernacular tribalism can work within the species fooling itself until extinction event occurs. Does maintain that 1% governing the other 99% by power of suggesting life cannot be limited to biologically reproduced occupying space here now.

When every reality is based upon that negative for over 300 generations, what person in their "right mind" wants to honestly use their own unique brain.

Those Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia tradition of suicidal super egos from Islam fabricated medical human reproduction pseudoscience virgin Mary misnomer immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception certainly had Czar of Russia military recruitment in renaming Jews as coffee, tea, sugar or put to death in that "serve the Pope or die" business economics master plan where fabricated misnomers of being the Rosenberg child for Knights of Columbus "one nation under God" interpretation or communist certainly escalated with their assassination of JFK & yet again from relentless Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists enforcement with SCOTUS fabricated Islam misnomers plus those burning Bush's 9/11 Arab "death to the infidels" health care plan Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom "serve the Pope or die" as rootin' tootin' Putin's Russian Orthodox Church implements for perpetuality of survival of the fittest fascists master race pyramid scheme to make space the place for the human race; fried & freeze dried all over the place as a proof of "man is God".
Those Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia tradition of suicidal super egos from Islam fabricated medical human reproduction pseudoscience virgin Mary misnomer immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception certainly had Czar of Russia military recruitment in renaming Jews as coffee, tea, sugar or put to death in that "serve the Pope or die" business economics master plan where fabricated misnomers of being the Rosenberg child for Knights of Columbus "one nation under God" interpretation or communist certainly escalated with their assassination of JFK & yet again from relentless Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists enforcement with SCOTUS fabricated Islam misnomers plus those burning Bush's 9/11 Arab "death to the infidels" health care plan Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom "serve the Pope or die" as rootin' tootin' Putin's Russian Orthodox Church implements for perpetuality of survival of the fittest fascists master race pyramid scheme to make space the place for the human race; fried & freeze dried all over the place as a proof of "man is God".

Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord

Those twin brothers of Russia's rootin' tootin' Putin & his Russian Orthodox Church; from different mothers being Islamidiotocracy medical pseudoscience human reproduction fabricated virgin Mary misnomer "death to the infidels" son of Allah immaculate Jesus the Christ conception & bungling GI Joe Biden "serve the Pope or die" suicidal super egos forgiving themselves in business economics of sociopsychpathilogical homicidal human farming granted "man is God" standing by "one nation under God with equal justice under law".....