Capitalism Is EVIL!

He ran away

No capitalism means no restaurants run and owned by Chefs

It means your neighbor can’t pay you to make him a bird house like the one that you made and hang in your front yard

It means really shitty innovation levels

It means your band can’t play for tips in the park

There is a reason China has to STEAL ideas from the western world
You hate humans

Not capitalism

What a fool

So, I tell you that you are too stupid to talk to and to just go away. But you disobey me. If only you disobeyed the right things for the right reasons. Also, your last reply that I replied to was the last one I cared to bother reading. But I see you had many other things to say. Well I have no desire to play "whack a mole" with your stupidity. Or to let you cause me to go chasing various rabbit holes. You apparently had many things to say. Pick your best argument against what I said. Not a whole bunch of them. Just the one single point you had to make against what I said. The one that you are absolutely sure that I don't have an answer for. I will reply to that one single point. When I smash it to smithereens, let that stand as the worth of any other argument you may come up with.
So, I tell you that you are too stupid to talk to and to just go away. But you disobey me. If only you disobeyed the right things for the right reasons. Also, your last reply that I replied to was the last one I cared to bother reading. But I see you had many other things to say. Well I have no desire to play "whack a mole" with your stupidity. Or to let you cause me to go chasing various rabbit holes. You apparently had many things to say. Pick your best argument against what I said. Not a whole bunch of them. Just the one single point you had to make against what I said. The one that you are absolutely sure that I don't have an answer for. I will reply to that one single point. When I smash it to smithereens, let that stand as the worth of any other argument you may come up with.


Real democratic of you huh

Fucking idiot

You are not worthy of taking part in a democracy

Move to china
So, I tell you that you are too stupid to talk to and to just go away. But you disobey me. If only you disobeyed the right things for the right reasons. Also, your last reply that I replied to was the last one I cared to bother reading. But I see you had many other things to say. Well I have no desire to play "whack a mole" with your stupidity. Or to let you cause me to go chasing various rabbit holes. You apparently had many things to say. Pick your best argument against what I said. Not a whole bunch of them. Just the one single point you had to make against what I said. The one that you are absolutely sure that I don't have an answer for. I will reply to that one single point. When I smash it to smithereens, let that stand as the worth of any other argument you may come up with.

Is your Chinese bot programmer too busy to actually reply?

Fucking dictator brain
There isn't much that the religious and myself can agree upon. But when it comes to capitalism being evil, we are on the same page. I have a short video from the Michael Moore documentary called, "Capitalism: A Love Story." In it they show a few religious leaders saying that capitalism is evil. I agree with them. Here is the video.


Which religions asscrack dweller?

Chinese religions

Not western world religions

Your programmer fucked up huh
the human trait of greed is why excellent products thrive and shitty products go bankrupt

One thing the Bible and I can agree on. “The love of money is the root of all evil.” There is a difference between the desire to excel and profit vs greed. Same thing with satisfying one’s hunger and gluttony.
You can't separate the one from the other. They go hand in hand. Also, I will reply to what you said in post #34. There is no difference between a "desire to excel" and profit and greed. Profit and greed are the driving force behind any desire to excel. Otherwise, why bother. Could anybody be so stupid as to not have anything better to do? Also, what is important in life. Food, water, shelter and clothing. Now if you already have all of those things, then you could bother with trying to excel at something. But even then, wouldn't the point of it most likely be to improve the quality of food, water, shelter and clothing?
You can't separate the one from the other. They go hand in hand. Also, I will reply to what you said in post #34. There is no difference between a "desire to excel" and profit and greed. Profit and greed are the driving force behind any desire to excel. Otherwise, why bother. Could anybody be so stupid as to not have anything better to do? Also, what is important in life. Food, water, shelter and clothing. Now if you already have all of those things, then you could bother with trying to excel at something. But even then, wouldn't the point of it most likely be to improve the quality of food, water, shelter and clothing?

Perhaps you can’t separate the two, but I can. Easily.

I can easily have the desire to excel without money even entering into the equation. It would be a sad statement about yourself if monetary reward is your only motivating force in life.
Dear fucking idiot

Ayn Rand was also a simpleton

And a shitty writer

She died broke living on Social Security

Grow the fuck up

Fuck you very much

What a brilliant retort.

How much meth and fentanyl did you use this morning to come up with it?
imagine being such a piece of shit that you decide voluntary exchange is the problem

I don't believe the OP grasps that voluntary exchange of value for value is the definition of capitalism.

There are two possible ways to build a functioning society - money and free exchange - or the whip and chains for the enslaved.

May the OP experience the lash across his own back so that he can understand which is preferable.