Capitalism Is EVIL!

Fuck, man! Make up your goddam mind!


Pick a fucking lane, bitch!

It's pretty easy dumber, tell us what you would excel at that requires no capital investment, no money?

You made a retarded claim - can't you back it up?

Standard Disclaimer: You can never back up any of the idiocy you post.

It's pretty easy dumber, tell us what you would excel at that requires no capital investment, no money?

You made a retarded claim - can't you back it up?

Standard Disclaimer: You can never back up any of the idiocy you post.


Read my posts, illiterate cumstain. No, wait. Have a literate 10 year old read them, then EXPLAIN them to you. Have them use crayons snd stick figures. Perhaps you’ll be able to grasp those concepts.
There isn't much that the religious and myself can agree upon. But when it comes to capitalism being evil, we are on the same page. I have a short video from the Michael Moore documentary called, "Capitalism: A Love Story." In it they show a few religious leaders saying that capitalism is evil. I agree with them. Here is the video.


So the voluntary production of products and services for voluntary sale at the agreed upon price is 'evil'. You would rather see socialism, which depends on theft to exist, as 'good'.
You are fucked up.
No, YOU are the idiot. And a highly dangerous one at that. Also, to list all the things that make capitalism evil would be a monumental task. For you, it would be "casting my pearls before swine."
So you won't answer the question. You can't define what capitalism is.
Find out for yourself. Watch the documentary I mentioned. You could also try the documentary, "The Corporation." Though I don't agree with absolutely everything in it, another good one is, "Where to invade next." Here is another good one for you. If you can tear yourself away from your video games and "reality" TV shows. It is called, "What lies upstream."
Won't work. YOU have to define it. You cannot use anyone else to answer for you.
Though I will answer one of your questions about what I think capitalism is. I will tell you what I KNOW it is. Basically, slavery.
Slavery is a form of socialism. It is based on theft of labor. The Master takes care of the slaves and exploits their labor. That's socialism, dude.
Why? Because do you know how much a wealthy person thinks is enough? Nothing is enough to them.
Who are YOU to say "it's enough"? YOU are not the king. Price controls don't work.
Or to them, is there such a thing as working too hard for what they pay you? NO FUCKING WAY!!!
There is. If you want to give your labor away for nothing, that's YOUR problem. You are in a market saturated with losers just like you. Go out and get yourself a skill and make yourself useful to people.
In that, I am reminded of Andrew Carnegie.
A man with great advice.
He used to subject his workers to long work days 7 days a week. And in poor working conditions with low pay.
Nope. He paid them market wages.
He considered it survival of the fittest.
Yeah, he did misuse Darwin's failed theory that way.
When what it actually was is him stuffing his pockets with as much money as they could hold.
But these days, we have a new form of slavery.
Carnagie paid his workers the market rate. That is not slavery. They were allowed to quit anytime.
Where we just export our jobs to foreign countries to wage slaves there.
There's that socialist 'we' again. You are not everyone, Sock.
Whining about your miserable lot because you choose to remain unskilled is YOUR problem.
And in that way we don't have to worry about the workers or the pollution they cause.
Buzzword fallacy. What is this 'pollution'? What is it 'polluting' and how?
On top of that we import wage slaves from latino countries who are willing to work for less than what an American worker would expect.
So you whine yet again. Get yourself a skill, loser. Make yourself worth something to somebody. You have only yourself to blame for low wages.
Does any of this help your shriveled up mind?

Capitalism is the voluntary production of products and services for voluntary sale at the agreed upon price.

Your label is a service. You volunteered that service for the market (agreed upon) price. You have only yourself to blame.
As I suspected, you are a Marxist dolt who watched a propaganda film and mindlessly nodded along.

Michael Moore is the Stalinist who produces propaganda for children and the very, very stupid. Those like you who "feel" but cannot think. Lowbrow fools who are led by jealousy and greed.


So, the free exchange of goods between people is "slavery?"

You could have just said "no" that you have no idea what Capitalism is and are woefully ignorant of economic terms. No need to make such a complete fool of yourself.

Oh, the "wealthy person," no fair they have more than you - you want what they have and no fair they have it and no fair you deserve what they have because no fair.

Oh? Did ultra-rich Oligarch Michael Moore tell you this?

Did he keep them in chains? Or were people free to leave whenever they wanted?

And Carnegie - isn't he the one who build Carnegie Hall to preserve the arts, creating endowments of nearly a trillion dollars in inflation adjusted currency that funds art, theater, and music to this day?

You mean Communist China? Where Communism enslaves the masses and sells their labor? You demand socialism so that government can enslave you and sell your labor to Apple, Nike, and Mattel?

Xi's Biden Regime has indeed imported millions of slaves - the left thrives on literal slavery. Sex slaves are a bulk import by Myorkas and the democrats.

So do you agree that the border must be closed and the 12 million illegal aliens OBiden has imported be deported? Sounds like you are a Trump voter.

Well put.

He is trying to redefine 'slavery', which is a form of socialism, not capitalism. Like all forms of socialism, slavery is based on theft.
Yes...Carnegie build Carnegie Hall.
Don’t confuse the human trait of greed with an economic system.

Okay. Let's talk about this greed.

Company Y produces a product X. It competes with other companies producing similar products.
People like product X, and it's for sale at a price people are willing to pay, so they buy it.
If product X from company Y is better built, but available at the same price, they are going to sell more. There is better quality for the price.
If product X from another company is inferior, people will buy it, but be disappointed in it, and word gets around. Fewer people buy the inferior product which is sold at the same price.

Company Y of course wants to charge as much as possible for it's product X. That's greed.
People buying product X want to pay as little as possible for that product. That's greed.

Somewhere along the way, product X finds a price that people are willing to pay. That's compromise. It is the heart of capitalism.

If Company Y charges too much for product X, people won't buy it.
If Company Y charges too little for product X, people will buy it, but company Y won't make much money (if at all).

Yes...greed drives capitalism. Greed on BOTH sides of the deal. ONLY when the price is discovered that BOTH sides agree on, does the deal go through and keep company Y profitable to produce even better products or a greater array of products.

Griping about Apple using 'slave workers' in China? Oddly enough, Apple paid them. That's not slavery. If you don't think Apple's business practices are very good, don't buy their product. It's as simple as that.

What makes these wages so low for unskilled workers? The simple fact that there are so many of them! What people will pay for is something that is more rare. They don't pay a lot for common sand. They'll pay a lot for diamonds, though.

Fortunately, it's possible to go out and get yourself a worthwhile skill that people are willing to pay top dollar for.
Whining about your low wages is like sand whining that it's sand.

Such whiners have only themselves to blame.

Capitalism encourages people to produce a better product or cheaper (or both!) to compete in the market.

Example: The computer industry once consisted of machines that needed a fair sized building just to house it. They were expensive, required many trained technicians and programmers to run it, and they broke down a lot and consumed a lot of power. They even needed a dedicated HVAC and fire control system dedicated to just that machine.

Today, personal computers are so common people don't even recognize them as computers far more powerful than an IBM360, such as their phones. That little Android or Apple phone can easily run rings around an IBM 360. Desktop machines, laptops, phones, even kiosk machines (like ATMs and slot machines) are far more capable (and a lot cheaper!) than that big iron. No dedicated HVAC or fire control system required either. No special wiring required. Just plug it in to a standard C15 wall outlet.

What reduced the size of the computer to sit in your pocket or on your desk? Capitalism. One by one, piece by piece, the personal computer was born and became part of everyday life in America, and the market for them has expanded to trillions of dollars.

And good old capitalism did that!

Only capitalism can create wealth out of nothing but work, innovation, drive, and maybe a few raw materials.
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You are a simpleton


Capitalism is awesome when run by adults who don’t fall for idiot screeds and work to properly fetter it

Grow the fuck up

Capitalism needs no 'fetters'. It can run without any government just fine. It is self regulating, since price discovery is the compromise that makes it all work and creates the incentive to improve available products and services.

Government manipulation of markets has a name: fascism. It is government telling you what you can make, how much you can sell it for, where you must buy your raw materials from, who you can hire, who you can fire, your hours or place of business, etc. That is tyranny. Price controls do NOT WORK. They always cause the same thing: shortages. It doesn't matter if it's price controls on gasoline or price controls on wages (like minimum wage laws).

Government ownership of markets also has a name: communism. It is government OWNING companies, products, or services. They intend to be a monopoly. Indeed, monopolies can ONLY EXIST with government help.

Under capitalism, a monopoly is self destructive. It's only a matter of time (usually short) before some little company comes along and shoots the larger corporation's kneecaps off. The big company is simply to big to maneuver as well as the smaller company in producing a superior or cheaper product. Examples: Microsoft that shot off IBM's kneecaps and broke that monopoly. Linus Torvald's OS (linux), and Amazon's Web Services, and Google, that is currently shooting off Microsoft's kneecaps.

Before there were cities across the U.S., people traveled out into the weeds to where these cities would eventually be built. They created products (food, clothing, guns, whatever), and formed communities. They built every single building now in those cities over time. One by one. They build that city out of literally nothing but hard work, a few resources, and innovation and drive.

There was no government. They formed THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT after the fact. No government built those communities. CAPITALISM built those communities, and the cities to follow. They created whole cities out of the weeds, themselves, and formed their own government as they saw fit to quell any thievery and other crimes.

Fascism (government manipulation of markets) is NOT capitalism at all. It is socialism. All socialism is based on theft. Only capitalism can create wealth out of nothing.
You can’t have a modern world without capitalism

It is in essence the power of a better idea

It has to have REGULATIONS and large taxes involved for the mega corps

We can even FORCE them to not get bigger

No monopolies

DEREGULATION and freedom from any taxes for the corps creates mega corps that rape the entire world

Republicans want everything deregulated and untaxed because they are stupid and or corporate whores

Fascism is not capitalism, Sock. Taxes and regulations are not capitalism either. Monopolies can only continue to exist with government help.

Read my posts, illiterate cumstain. No, wait. Have a literate 10 year old read them, then EXPLAIN them to you. Have them use crayons snd stick figures. Perhaps you’ll be able to grasp those concepts.

So you won't answer the question put to you...yet again.

Read my posts, illiterate cumstain. No, wait. Have a literate 10 year old read them, then EXPLAIN them to you. Have them use crayons snd stick figures. Perhaps you’ll be able to grasp those concepts.

So then, you can't tell us what you would excel at that requires no capital investment, no money?

We knew that in advance - you are petulant yet retarded, as always.
Okay. Let's talk about this greed.

Company Y produces a product X. It competes with other companies producing similar products.
People like product X, and it's for sale at a price people are willing to pay, so they buy it.
If product X from company Y is better built, but available at the same price, they are going to sell more. There is better quality for the price.
If product X from another company is inferior, people will buy it, but be disappointed in it, and word gets around. Fewer people buy the inferior product which is sold at the same price.

Company Y of course wants to charge as much as possible for it's product X. That's greed.
People buying product X want to pay as little as possible for that product. That's greed.

Somewhere along the way, product X finds a price that people are willing to pay. That's compromise. It is the heart of capitalism.

If Company Y charges too much for product X, people won't buy it.
If Company Y charges too little for product X, people will buy it, but company Y won't make much money (if at all).

Yes...greed drives capitalism. Greed on BOTH sides of the deal. ONLY when the price is discovered that BOTH sides agree on, does the deal go through and keep company Y profitable to produce even better products or a greater array of products.

Griping about Apple using 'slave workers' in China? Oddly enough, Apple paid them. That's not slavery. If you don't think Apple's business practices are very good, don't buy their product. It's as simple as that.

What makes these wages so low for unskilled workers? The simple fact that there are so many of them! What people will pay for is something that is more rare. They don't pay a lot for common sand. They'll pay a lot for diamonds, though.

Fortunately, it's possible to go out and get yourself a worthwhile skill that people are willing to pay top dollar for.
Whining about your low wages is like sand whining that it's sand.

Such whiners have only themselves to blame.

Capitalism encourages people to produce a better product or cheaper (or both!) to compete in the market.

Example: The computer industry once consisted of machines that needed a fair sized building just to house it. They were expensive, required many trained technicians and programmers to run it, and they broke down a lot and consumed a lot of power. They even needed a dedicated HVAC and fire control system dedicated to just that machine.

Today, personal computers are so common people don't even recognize them as computers far more powerful than an IBM360, such as their phones. That little Android or Apple phone can easily run rings around an IBM 360. Desktop machines, laptops, phones, even kiosk machines (like ATMs and slot machines) are far more capable (and a lot cheaper!) than that big iron. No dedicated HVAC or fire control system required either. No special wiring required. Just plug it in to a standard C15 wall outlet.

What reduced the size of the computer to sit in your pocket or on your desk? Capitalism. One by one, piece by piece, the personal computer was born and became part of everyday life in America, and the market for them has expanded to trillions of dollars.

And good old capitalism did that!

Only capitalism can create wealth out of nothing but work, innovation, drive, and maybe a few raw materials.

Post of the month. Well said!