Capitalism Is EVIL!

There isn't much that the religious and myself can agree upon. But when it comes to capitalism being evil, we are on the same page. I have a short video from the Michael Moore documentary called, "Capitalism: A Love Story." In it they show a few religious leaders saying that capitalism is evil. I agree with them. Here is the video.

Capitalism has helped more people move out of poverty than any other political system in the history of mankind. To call it evil is to be stupid.
Capitalism has helped more people move out of poverty than any other political system in the history of mankind. To call it evil is to be stupid.
It is an economic system, not a form of government.

However, you are absolutely right. Capitalism not only brings people out of poverty, but it is capitalism that built cities out of the wilderness. It was capitalism that invented and modernized carriages. It was capitalism that brought the automobile and made them cheap enough for them to become commonplace. It is capitalism that created the computer, and made it cheap enough to put one not only in many homes, but made it cheap enough to put in your pocket (the cellphone!).

Capitalism built the trucks, trains, cars, and ships that we depend on today. It made the internet what it is today.

Capitalism busts up monopolies. Any company getting big enough to become a monopoly will soon face some little company with a better or more innovative product and will shoot the kneecaps off the larger company. Monopolies can only be sustained with government help.

Capitalism is the only way to create wealth. Indeed, socialism couldn't exist without it, since socialism is based on theft of wealth. Socialism must have someplace to steal wealth from.
Disobey has it backwards. Capitalism is the natural state of economic interaction. What is evil is socialism to a varying degree depending on the form it takes.

Capitalism in its most basic form is each person performing tasks and producing things that they want in excess of what they, themselves, need. That excess is then traded to others to accumulate wealth, or stuff, that makes them increasingly productive. In a capitalist economy, people can voluntarily pool their wealth and abilities to create a greater amount of output with value that can be used or traded. For those that have less or cannot provide for themselves, each individual with wealth decides what they might give. That is the basis of charity.

With socialism, or its more virulent cousin communism, human nature is denied in favor of forced contribution. In such a system you receive a base amount of goods, services, and wealth regardless of your input. Anything in excess of that can, to one degree or another, be taken by society to provide for those that don't produce. In a nutshell, socialism is forced altruism. That is, society expects you to work hard but willing give up the fruits of your labor to others in whole or part regardless of how slovenly and lazy those receiving it are.

It is criminally evil to forcibly rob the rich to give to the poor. Or, put another way steal the fruits of one man's labor to provide for another man who puts little or no effort in to his own welfare.

To make such a system work requires an increasingly authoritarian and dictatorial government to take from the productive to give to the unproductive. Charity dies in such a system as does any work ethic. Why work hard when it will just be stolen from you? Such systems also encourage by their actions cheating by those living in them.

There is nothing noble or just about socialism. It is an evil system designed to enrich the undeserving at the expense of the productive.
There isn't much that the religious and myself can agree upon. But when it comes to capitalism being evil, we are on the same page. I have a short video from the Michael Moore documentary called, "Capitalism: A Love Story." In it they show a few religious leaders saying that capitalism is evil. I agree with them. Here is the video.

Welcome to JPP.

Moore nails it. Capitalism has it's very dark side. But it also has a good side. We should try to maximize the good side and minimize the dark side by having greater government regulation of capitalism.

Government is pretty unpopular as it is. If we abandoned capitalism all together and let government run everything the resentment meter would be pegged. J6 mindsets would not have stopped at the Capitol.
As I suspected, you are a Marxist dolt who watched a propaganda film and mindlessly nodded along.

Michael Moore is the Stalinist who produces propaganda for children and the very, very stupid. Those like you who "feel" but cannot think. Lowbrow fools who are led by jealousy and greed.


So, the free exchange of goods between people is "slavery?"

You could have just said "no" that you have no idea what Capitalism is and are woefully ignorant of economic terms. No need to make such a complete fool of yourself.

Oh, the "wealthy person," no fair they have more than you - you want what they have and no fair they have it and no fair you deserve what they have because no fair.

Oh? Did ultra-rich Oligarch Michael Moore tell you this?

Did he keep them in chains? Or were people free to leave whenever they wanted?

And Carnegie - isn't he the one who build Carnegie Hall to preserve the arts, creating endowments of nearly a trillion dollars in inflation adjusted currency that funds art, theater, and music to this day?

You mean Communist China? Where Communism enslaves the masses and sells their labor? You demand socialism so that government can enslave you and sell your labor to Apple, Nike, and Mattel?

Xi's Biden Regime has indeed imported millions of slaves - the left thrives on literal slavery. Sex slaves are a bulk import by Myorkas and the democrats.

So do you agree that the border must be closed and the 12 million illegal aliens OBiden has imported be deported? Sounds like you are a Trump voter.
of course, fiat currency banker/state Keynesian fascism has forever changed the nature of what we call "capitalism". Trade is one thing. central banker Keynesian totalitarianism and the brainwashing of all the citizenry is something else.
I've been through this thread from the beginning. I'd like to engage in a discussion of capitalism, it's pluses and minuses, how to incorporate it best into a national economic system, etc, BUT! I am not into getting personal with the other voices in the discussion. That is *so* not where it's at. I don't see anything productive accomplished by a bunch of emotional name calling.

Capitalism is a wonderful engine of creativity and productivity. But it also tends to create winners and losers. It doesn't have to. Having a relatively few fabulously rich and powerful people, and the rest of society feeling left behind, is a recipe for resentment. The problem is whether people feel appreciated or not. The rich and powerful create their own sense of appreciation but the workers often do not feel like their contributions are appreciated.

Generally, capitalism only pays workers what is required to prevent them from leaving. All of their productivity generates far more profit than what is divided among the workers. The rest goes into the pockets of the owners and investors who did nothing but risk some of the wealth they already have. It takes government to properly manage that system so owners and investors get a fair return for their investments, and more security, and the workers feel more appreciated for their contribution.

Corporations should be set up very differently than the current system. They should be government regulated worker cooperatives. A well organized society should have a system in place that makes everyone feel like their contribution to the whole is properly acknowledged and appreciated, and they are paid enough to have a happy secure life. All jobs have to be done, so all jobs are important to the whole. Germany has a good idea of requiring worker representation on corporate boards. The ultimate best way to utilize capitalism has yet to be perfected. We can certainly do better than what we have now, which is the rich and powerful taking advantage of their power to create resentment and disgruntlement.

We should strive for a system that utilizes everyone's talents to the fullest potential, and makes most members of society proud to do their part.
of course, fiat currency banker/state Keynesian fascism has forever changed the nature of what we call "capitalism". Trade is one thing. central banker Keynesian totalitarianism and the brainwashing of all the citizenry is something else.

Have you ever read The General Theory? How about Man, Economy, and State? I consider these two seminal works to understanding economics.
I've been through this thread from the beginning. I'd like to engage in a discussion of capitalism, it's pluses and minuses, how to incorporate it best into a national economic system, etc, BUT! I am not into getting personal with the other voices in the discussion. That is *so* not where it's at. I don't see anything productive accomplished by a bunch of emotional name calling.

Capitalism is a wonderful engine of creativity and productivity. But it also tends to create winners and losers. It doesn't have to. Having a relatively few fabulously rich and powerful people, and the rest of society feeling left behind, is a recipe for resentment. The problem is whether people feel appreciated or not. The rich and powerful create their own sense of appreciation but the workers often do not feel like their contributions are appreciated.

Generally, capitalism only pays workers what is required to prevent them from leaving. All of their productivity generates far more profit than what is divided among the workers. The rest goes into the pockets of the owners and investors who did nothing but risk some of the wealth they already have. It takes government to properly manage that system so owners and investors get a fair return for their investments, and more security, and the workers feel more appreciated for their contribution.

Corporations should be set up very differently than the current system. They should be government regulated worker cooperatives. A well organized society should have a system in place that makes everyone feel like their contribution to the whole is properly acknowledged and appreciated, and they are paid enough to have a happy secure life. All jobs have to be done, so all jobs are important to the whole. Germany has a good idea of requiring worker representation on corporate boards. The ultimate best way to utilize capitalism has yet to be perfected. We can certainly do better than what we have now, which is the rich and powerful taking advantage of their power to create resentment and disgruntlement.

We should strive for a system that utilizes everyone's talents to the fullest potential, and makes most members of society proud to do their part.

Genetics creates "winners and losers."

Capitalism is merely an economic reality of free people exchanging value for value. Under Capitalism, you trade your effort and talent to others for what they - and they alone deem it to be worth. The use of a marker, a medium of exchange, what the classical economist Jean-Baptiste Say termed "fiat" or in English "marker" currency. Precious metals were long used as fiat currency - and yes they are fiat currency as they are a common medium of exchange rather than direct barter - which simply doesn't work.

Capitalism cannot "create winners and losers" as it is simply a recognition of free and uncoerced trade between people. Those who are bigger, stronger, smarter, and more motivated will do better than those who are not - they will be the winners. Blame genetics and evolution, capitalism has nothing to do with it.
I know fiat currency is totalitarianism.

Then "no," you've not read Keynes not Rothbard.

that's what you need to get through your fascist brain.

or explain how it isn't.

Perhaps an introductory to macro-economics would be in order. Do they have night schools or community colleges in your area?

Consider this, most reasoning adults would agree that voting for representative and leaders is the most fair method of choosing them. Yet democrats cheat in every election and corrupt the results. Does that mean that voting is totalitarianism?

I don't think you even grasp what fiat currency is. But what is your proposal for an alternative? Instead of money, how would people exchange goods?
Then "no," you've not read Keynes not Rothbard.

Perhaps an introductory to macro-economics would be in order. Do they have night schools or community colleges in your area?

Consider this, most reasoning adults would agree that voting for representative and leaders is the most fair method of choosing them. Yet democrats cheat in every election and corrupt the results. Does that mean that voting is totalitarianism?

I don't think you even grasp what fiat currency is. But what is your proposal for an alternative? Instead of money, how would people exchange goods?
THe ability to print all the money out of thin air is indeed a totalitarian power, your mountains of lies aside.
Disobey has it backwards. Capitalism is the natural state of economic interaction. What is evil is socialism to a varying degree depending on the form it takes.

Capitalism in its most basic form is each person performing tasks and producing things that they want in excess of what they, themselves, need. That excess is then traded to others to accumulate wealth, or stuff, that makes them increasingly productive. In a capitalist economy, people can voluntarily pool their wealth and abilities to create a greater amount of output with value that can be used or traded. For those that have less or cannot provide for themselves, each individual with wealth decides what they might give. That is the basis of charity.

With socialism, or its more virulent cousin communism,
human nature is denied in favor of forced contribution. In such a system you receive a base amount of goods, services, and wealth regardless of your input. Anything in excess of that can, to one degree or another, be taken by society to provide for those that don't produce. In a nutshell, socialism is forced altruism. That is, society expects you to work hard but willing give up the fruits of your labor to others in whole or part regardless of how slovenly and lazy those receiving it are.

It is criminally evil to forcibly rob the rich to give to the poor. Or, put another way steal the fruits of one man's labor to provide for another man who puts little or no effort in to his own welfare.

To make such a system work requires an increasingly authoritarian and dictatorial government to take from the productive to give to the unproductive. Charity dies in such a system as does any work ethic. Why work hard when it will just be stolen from you? Such systems also encourage by their actions cheating by those living in them.

There is nothing noble or just about socialism. It is an evil system designed to enrich the undeserving at the expense of the productive.
Communism is a subset of socialism. It is one of the major forms of socialism. Two other major forms are fascism and slavery.

ALL are based on theft of wealth.

Otherwise, you have it right!
Genetics creates "winners and losers."

Capitalism is merely an economic reality of free people exchanging value for value. Under Capitalism, you trade your effort and talent to others for what they - and they alone deem it to be worth. The use of a marker, a medium of exchange, what the classical economist Jean-Baptiste Say termed "fiat" or in English "marker" currency. Precious metals were long used as fiat currency - and yes they are fiat currency as they are a common medium of exchange rather than direct barter - which simply doesn't work.

Capitalism cannot "create winners and losers" as it is simply a recognition of free and uncoerced trade between people. Those who are bigger, stronger, smarter, and more motivated will do better than those who are not - they will be the winners. Blame genetics and evolution, capitalism has nothing to do with it.
precious metals are not inherently fiat

fiat means by decree.

nobody has to decree metals have value for metals to have value