Capitalism Is EVIL!

So the voluntary production of products and services for voluntary sale at the agreed upon price is 'evil'. You would rather see socialism, which depends on theft to exist, as 'good'.
You are fucked up.

If only you were worth talking to. Maybe I should have you on ignore so I don't have to see any of your crap.
It’s impossible for me to fight your illiteracy, Nancy.

"Illiteracy," yet another word you don't know the meaning of. You have the vocabulary of a groundhog.

And STILL you fail to answer the simple question.

You painted yourself into a corner. I don't know why you worry about looking stupid, it's not like anyone here wasn't already aware....
If only you were worth talking to. Maybe I should have you on ignore so I don't have to see any of your crap.
I totally see what you mean. The only people worth talking to are those who will do your thinking for you. Into the Night does nothing more than make you think for yourself, and that's just too much work, right? Definitely not worth it. You are totally spot on.

Just ignore Into the Night. If anyone really needs your view, he can just get it from the DNC website.
No, YOU are the idiot. And a highly dangerous one at that.
Insult fallacies (Mantra 1d).
Also, to list all the things that make capitalism evil would be a monumental task. For you, it would be "casting my pearls before swine." Find out for yourself. Watch the documentary I mentioned. You could also try the documentary, "The Corporation." Though I don't agree with absolutely everything in it, another good one is, "Where to invade next." Here is another good one for you. If you can tear yourself away from your video games and "reality" TV shows. It is called, "What lies upstream."
There is really no point watching communist propaganda. Since you so far refuse to answer the very simple questions Uncensored2008 asked you, I must assume you probably can't answer them, and turn to chanting scripture mindlessly instead.
Though I will answer one of your questions about what I think capitalism is. I will tell you what I KNOW it is. Basically, slavery.
Slavery is not capitalism. Slavery is a form of socialism.

But these days, we have a new form of slavery.
Slavery is not capitalism. Slavery is a form of socialism.
Where we just export our jobs to foreign countries to wage slaves there.
What is a 'wage slave'??
And in that way we don't have to worry about the workers or the pollution they cause. On top of that we import wage slaves from latino countries who are willing to work for less than what an American worker would expect. Does any of this help your shriveled up mind?
What so-called 'pollution' are you referring to??? What has this got to do with slavery??? What is a 'wage slave'?
Illiteracy: proper nouns are always capitalized.

Are you arguing for imposing your price controls (fascism) upon other nations by force to combat slavery??? BOTH are forms of socialism! Price controls don't work.

All socialism is based on theft.