Capitalism Is EVIL!

Capitalism creates wealth,it's greed that is evil!
You want to call greed evil? Socialism is all about greed. It is theft of wealth. That is greed.

Fascism steals wealth by trying to control it.
Communism steals wealth by simply taking it.
Slavery steals labor.

Now let's look at capitalism, which is the voluntary production of products and services for voluntary sale at the agreed upon price.
That's not selfish greed. That's serving your fellow man. Failure to serve your customers puts you OUT OF BUSINESS.
Welcome to JPP.

Moore nails it.
Nails what?
Capitalism has it's very dark side.
There is no dark side to capitalism.
But it also has a good side. We should try to maximize the good side and minimize the dark side by having greater government regulation of capitalism.
There is no dark side of capitalism. Capitalism requires no government to function. 'Government regulation of capitalism' is just fascism, a form of socialism.

Government is pretty unpopular as it is. If we abandoned capitalism all together and let government run everything the resentment meter would be pegged.
No one likes their wealth stolen.
J6 mindsets would not have stopped at the Capitol.
What is a 'J6 mindset'??
Genetics creates "winners and losers."

Capitalism is merely an economic reality of free people exchanging value for value. Under Capitalism, you trade your effort and talent to others for what they - and they alone deem it to be worth. The use of a marker, a medium of exchange, what the classical economist Jean-Baptiste Say termed "fiat" or in English "marker" currency. Precious metals were long used as fiat currency - and yes they are fiat currency as they are a common medium of exchange rather than direct barter - which simply doesn't work.

Capitalism cannot "create winners and losers" as it is simply a recognition of free and uncoerced trade between people. Those who are bigger, stronger, smarter, and more motivated will do better than those who are not - they will be the winners. Blame genetics and evolution, capitalism has nothing to do with it.
you're trying to blur the difference between sound and fiat currency.

you know libertarians have sold out and are now standard neocon war fascists.

gold used as fiat currency is a retard concept sentence that shows arrogance and deceit.

all in one.

this is why you're losing.
of course, fiat currency banker/state Keynesian fascism has forever changed the nature of what we call "capitalism". Trade is one thing. central banker Keynesian totalitarianism and the brainwashing of all the citizenry is something else.
That 'something else' is communism.
Fiat currency is communism. It is ownership of the money and loan markets.
I've been through this thread from the beginning. I'd like to engage in a discussion of capitalism, it's pluses and minuses, how to incorporate it best into a national economic system, etc, BUT! I am not into getting personal with the other voices in the discussion. That is *so* not where it's at. I don't see anything productive accomplished by a bunch of emotional name calling.
It has no minuses. Capitalism is in and of itself an economic system.
Capitalism is a wonderful engine of creativity and productivity. But it also tends to create winners and losers. It doesn't have to.
It does.

Capitalism is serving your fellow man. It is the voluntary production of products and services for voluntary sale at the agreed upon price. If you fail to serve your customers, you are a loser. You don't belong in business. Indeed, you probably won't even get a job that way. Even in a job, you have to serve your customers (including your boss!). If you don't, you won't have a job for long!
Having a relatively few fabulously rich and powerful people, and the rest of society feeling left behind, is a recipe for resentment. The problem is whether people feel appreciated or not. The rich and powerful create their own sense of appreciation but the workers often do not feel like their contributions are appreciated.
Capitalism leaves no one behind. Anyone can play. It's the quickest way out of poverty there is.
If your work is unappreciated, there is probably a good reason why. You are not serving your customers, including your boss; or, if you are, you are serving them poorly. Not the best way to obtain or keep a job.
Generally, capitalism only pays workers what is required to prevent them from leaving.
That's the agreed upon price. That's part of capitalism right there. Nothing prevents you from leaving.
All of their productivity generates far more profit than what is divided among the workers.
The worker is their own 'business'. Your wages are your gross profit.
The rest goes into the pockets of the owners and investors who did nothing but risk some of the wealth they already have.
So they deserve their take.
It takes government to properly manage that system
Fascism doesn't work. Your proposed 'management' is nothing more than theft.
so owners and investors get a fair return for their investments,
They already do.
and more security, and the workers feel more appreciated for their contribution.
They already do.
Corporations should be set up very differently than the current system. They should be government regulated worker cooperatives.
Fascism doesn't work. It is theft of wealth. Government does not know the market, and government dictating how much someone should profit is just fascism and tyranny.
A well organized society should have a system in place that makes everyone feel like their contribution to the whole is properly acknowledged and appreciated, and they are paid enough to have a happy secure life. All jobs have to be done, so all jobs are important to the whole. Germany has a good idea of requiring worker representation on corporate boards. The ultimate best way to utilize capitalism has yet to be perfected. We can certainly do better than what we have now, which is the rich and powerful taking advantage of their power to create resentment and disgruntlement.
Fascism is not capitalism.
We should strive for a system that utilizes everyone's talents to the fullest potential, and makes most members of society proud to do their part.
We already do. It's called capitalism.
I recommend only a sound currency and in lieu of that, barter is better than Keynesian totalitarianism.

You don't understand Keynesian economics.

I don't support Keynesian theory, but I do grasp what stimulant demand is and what turns mean. Deficit spending to stimulate demand has failed every time it's been tried, but that isn't fiat currency. Conversely, Arthur Laffer has been absolutely vindicated and validated - much to the chagrin of the socialists.

Let's try a simply thought experiment: You live in a village that has 10 cows and 10 bars of gold. The value of a cow is 1 bar of gold. Two cows have calves - what then is the value of a cow?

Monetary policy rests on the concept of equilibrium - keeping the supply of currency equal to the supply of goods and services. Introduction too much currency causes inflation - currency is worth less and prices rise. Conversely, increase in the volume of goods and services to a static money supply causes the value of goods and services to decrease.

George Stigler wrote extensively on monetary policy in conjunction with Milton Friedman in the utter disembowelment of Keynesian theory. Perhaps your greatest failure in grasping the concept at hand is that you don't understand that precious metals such as gold and silver are still fiat currency. Governments which depended on tangible backing still manipulated currency to provide a stable rate of exchange.

The federal reserve is a crooked racket that embezzles billions each year from American taxpayers. Does this mean we should not use currency? No more than the fact that democrats cheat in elections means we should not allow people to vote.
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precious metals are not inherently fiat

fiat means by decree.

nobody has to decree metals have value for metals to have value

The governments of Europe, America and other civilized nations kept reserves of precious metals that would be coined into currency and released or withdrawn as the government saw fit.

It was very much fiat currency.
The governments of Europe, America and other civilized nations kept reserves of precious metals that would be coined into currency and released or withdrawn as the government saw fit.

It was very much fiat currency.
it was only fiat when they set the price via legislation - hence metal is not inherently fiat

holding things of value - like oil reserves does not make oil fiat currency - same with stocking metals
bitcoin is not sound currency either.
Not because it's a fiat currency, because it isn't.

Bitcoin is a blockchain currency. There are several inherent with blockchains as currency:

* They require the internet to conduct a transaction, which is not always available at the point of sale.
* They require the use of an electronic 'wallet', which is not simple to use for the everyday person, and which may not be available at the point of sale.
* Loss of wallet access (such as forgetting your password or the file is destroyed or corrupted) means you lose all the Coin in it. This loss is, of course, substantial.
* The blockchain itself gets longer and longer, and there is no effective method of shortening or abbreviating it, making the time it takes to conduct a transaction longer and longer.
* Blockchain mining techniques can and does degrade internet performance and raises the cost of late model GPUs.
* Bitcoin is subject to possible hackery (which already killed Bitcoin1, we are currently using Bitcoin2) which would cause the value of Bitcoin2 to disappear virtually overnight, the way it happened to Bitcoin1. This risk affects all blockchain currencies.
* Exchanges have problems with theft and fraud, since blockchain currencies are instant commission and irreversible.
* Regulations by unfriendly governments can cause any blockchain activity to be censored in that country, and access to all Coins in any blockchain to be lost as a result (in that country). Since almost all governments on Earth are currently using fiat currency, there is strong incentive to do this. Several nations are already in the process of implementing this.
precious metals are not inherently fiat

fiat means by decree.

nobody has to decree metals have value for metals to have value
Quite right.

Indeed, the word 'dollar' was actually a unit of weight (originally 1/20 oz of fine gold).

Today, the 'dollar' is a Federal Reserve Note, or fiat currency, with no backing of any commodity. The government can print these to keep the government running and expanding. The natural tendency is to inflate the currency (through devaluation) which is the only way to expand the government and to make paying or even just servicing it's mountain of debt less painful

Today, a dollar is only worth 1/2300 oz of fine gold.

Inflation is the direct result of the government printing money that is not offset by an increase in wealth due to capitalism.
you're trying to blur the difference between sound and fiat currency.

you know libertarians have sold out and are now standard neocon war fascists.

gold used as fiat currency is a retard concept sentence that shows arrogance and deceit.

all in one.

this is why you're losing.


Again, you have zero education in economics and are arguing concepts you have no understanding of.

The moment that gold, silver, nickel, or copper is minted into coins it becomes fiat currency and is every bit as manipulated as paper or digital currency.

Too often those who have a vague and foggy notion of economic concepts assign intrinsic value to metal.

What is the intrinsic value of gold? It has none. You can't eat it. It won't warm your home. It is too soft to make useful tools. The value of gold is what someone else will pay you for it. "But Dr. Unc," you may say, "gold is worth $2.425 an ounce." BUT that value is nothing more than the arbitrary value placed by the market - what others are willing to pay. The metal itself has very little tangible value. Gold has no more intrinsic worth than does wood or stone. It is worth what a buyer will pay. Gold is valuable ONLY because of the societal agreement that it is valuable - no different than the agreement that paper money is valuable, or a bearer bond is valuable. All are valuable because of societal decree, as @zymurgy termed it.

I oppose the Federal Reserve - for all the reasons Friedman, Rothbard, et al. long ago explained. Congress was empowered by the constitution to coin money. Congress who theoretically answers to the voters.

However, that is a separate and distinct issue from the use of markers - fiat currency - which are critical to the functioning of a large, complex market. Equilibrium is critical a functioning society. Inflation is theft - theft by government (and the fed) to devalue incurred debt. The fed targets a 2% annual rate of inflation - which translates to taking 2% of every American's wealth each year. What is the correct rate of inflation? ZERO. The only way to achieve a zero or near-zero rate of inflation is through sound monetary policy.

Again, you have zero education in economics and are arguing concepts you have no understanding of.

The moment that gold, silver, nickel, or copper is minted into coins it becomes fiat currency

minting a piece of metal for uniformity and recognition does not make it fiat
it was only fiat when they set the price via legislation - hence metal is not inherently fiat

holding things of value - like oil reserves does not make oil fiat currency - same with stocking metals

It is fiat currency because the supply was regulated by government to achieve a specific value for the coins.

There is nothing particularly special about the medium of the currency - save for copper which is a superior conductor (and no longer used in currency as it has intrinsic value beyond use as currency.)

Gold was sought after in ancient cultures because it was soft and easy to work into elaborate decorative shapes. That's it. You can't eat it, you can't burn it for fuel, it's no good for tools or armor. Gold has value only because of societal agreement that it has value. In our society, we can work much harder metals into just as fancy of shapes. Tungsten has much more intrinsic value than gold.
It is fiat currency because the supply was regulated by government to achieve a specific value for the coins.

There is nothing particularly special about the medium of the currency - save for copper which is a superior conductor (and no longer used in currency as it has intrinsic value beyond use as currency.)

Gold was sought after in ancient cultures because it was soft and easy to work into elaborate decorative shapes. That's it. You can't eat it, you can't burn it for fuel, it's no good for tools or armor. Gold has value only because of societal agreement that it has value. In our society, we can work much harder metals into just as fancy of shapes. Tungsten has much more intrinsic value than gold.
I love how by decree you decide something has no value

it's like fiat intelligence