Catholic bishops will fight Obama on abortion

Could be because public funding for abortions went down under Bush. I have no doubts that sexual promiscuity went up...and will continue to go up...thus more abortions "needed." Neither am I here to defend the Catholic church by any means, I think they are as wrong as the Islams. But I can tell you that this is how a person with beliefs against abortion guage a candidate......or leader. I have no dreams of Roe v. Wade ever being overturned but I am aware of the amount of public funds, my tax dollars, that go to pay for this murder and yes, I am against much as I am against unecessary war.

It's probably because of population growth.

Did the abortion rate go up?
Could be because public funding for abortions went down under Bush. I have no doubts that sexual promiscuity went up...and will continue to go up...thus more abortions "needed." Neither am I here to defend the Catholic church by any means, I think they are as wrong as the Islams. But I can tell you that this is how a person with beliefs against abortion guage a candidate......or leader. I have no dreams of Roe v. Wade ever being overturned but I am aware of the amount of public funds, my tax dollars, that go to pay for this murder and yes, I am against much as I am against unecessary war.

It has nothing to do with sexual promiscuity, moron. It's about policy.

Abortions had dropped 30 years straight until Bush came in.
seems to me to be a violation of the constitution or at least requires a revocation of tax exempt status....
Abortion's not a religious issue but Black Liberation Theology is?

In another thread someone challenged me when I said that Christians were a group that was allowed to be publicly maligned in this country. Here's further evidence.
In another thread someone challenged me when I said that Christians were a group that was allowed to be publicly maligned in this country. Here's further evidence.

You live in America, mate.

Everyone is allowed to be publicly maligned. That is a good thing.
From the ever-liberal Associated Baptist Press:

WASHINGTON (ABP) -- A new statistical analysis by an evangelical seminary professor suggests the abortion rate has risen under President Bush, an abortion opponent, after falling for years under his pro-choice predecessor, Bill Clinton.
The article does not give comparative figures. It doesn't even say what the "extrapolated" rate is. The rate of population growth is over 0.8% per year, so anything less than that represents an actual decrease.

I also argue that Bush had other things to worry about during the time period studied (early 200's) rather than piss off you liberals with the abortion issue.
You live in America, mate.

Everyone is allowed to be publicly maligned. That is a good thing.

This is the PC era my friend. You can't even tell an ethnic joke anymore, unless its about white christian males. Try denigrating blacks, gays, women or Muslims. To quote Billy Joel, "say a word out of line and you'll find that the friends you had are gone, forever."
This is the PC era my friend. You can't even tell an ethnic joke anymore, unless its about white christian males. Try denigrating blacks, gays, women or Muslims. To quote Billy Joel, "say a word out of line and you'll find that the friends you had are gone, forever."

Well, i'm no expert on American PC but when you give the impression that the white christian male is this walking mass of oppressed souls, forgive me if i furrow the old brow a little.

I wonder if there are any black homosexual Islamic women out there, in message-board land, who would like to come on and give us their view on living their lives without hearing or seeing anything offensive as they go about their daily business?
Well, i'm no expert on American PC but when you give the impression that the white christian male is this walking mass of oppressed souls, forgive me if i furrow the old brow a little.

I wonder if there are any black homosexual Islamic women out there, in message-board land, who would like to come on and give us their view on living their lives without hearing or seeing anything offensive as they go about their daily business?
Oh I'm sure that they've heard disparaging remarks, but that's not the point. The point is that US society would condemn that, yet look the other way if she were denigrated for being a white Christian.
It is SOOOOOO hard being a white christian male in this world. EVEN harder than being JUST a white male. Oh wow is me! (cue teeth gnashing and hair pulling) Waaaaa I am so opressed by the godless heather lib-ruls. Please god send us a liberator in a basket floating amongst the reeds in the Mississippi River to lead us to the land of milk and honey. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
It is SOOOOOO hard being a white christian male in this world. EVEN harder than being JUST a white male. Oh wow is me! (cue teeth gnashing and hair pulling) Waaaaa I am so opressed by the godless heather lib-ruls. Please god send us a liberator in a basket floating amongst the reeds in the Mississippi River to lead us to the land of milk and honey. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I picture a scene in a well-known movie:

"He's repressing me! Come and see the violent inherent in the system!"
Oh I'm sure that they've heard disparaging remarks, but that's not the point. The point is that US society would condemn that, yet look the other way if she were denigrated for being a white Christian.

I can't speak for American society.

However, while i'd feel no desire to denigrate someone for being a white christian, black or a homosexual, i would, perhaps, ridicule that person for their particular beliefs.

It so happens that some christians have some pretty weird viewpoints, which i'll happily take the piss out whatever race they are or whoever they like to sleep with.

The point is you can denigrate anyone you like in America. The fact that society seems to have moved on and no longer finds it acceptable to denigrate is a step in the right direction as far as i'm concerned. There is no need to denigrate or defame religious ideas because many of the actual beliefs are ridiculous enough without having to invent slanderous material for comic effect.

Still, if there are some other persecuted white christian men on the board who'd like to tell me of their struggle for acceptance in the modern world, feel free. I'm listening.
charver, what happened to that other English man, or maybe he was Australian,you all look alike to me? His name started with a D? Do you know who I mean?
I can't speak for American society.

However, while i'd feel no desire to denigrate someone for being a white christian, black or a homosexual, i would, perhaps, ridicule that person for their particular beliefs.

It so happens that some christians have some pretty weird viewpoints, which i'll happily take the piss out whatever race they are or whoever they like to sleep with.

The point is you can denigrate anyone you like in America. The fact that society seems to have moved on and no longer finds it acceptable to denigrate is a step in the right direction as far as i'm concerned. There is no need to denigrate or defame religious ideas because many of the actual beliefs are ridiculous enough without having to invent slanderous material for comic effect.

Still, if there are some other persecuted white christian men on the board who'd like to tell me of their struggle for acceptance in the modern world, feel free. I'm listening.

Oh God, let's just hope Asshat doesn't see this.
I can't speak for American society.

However, while i'd feel no desire to denigrate someone for being a white christian, black or a homosexual, i would, perhaps, ridicule that person for their particular beliefs.

It so happens that some christians have some pretty weird viewpoints, which i'll happily take the piss out whatever race they are or whoever they like to sleep with.

Thanks for making my case.