Catholic bishops will fight Obama on abortion

Oh I'm sure that they've heard disparaging remarks, but that's not the point. The point is that US society would condemn that, yet look the other way if she were denigrated for being a white Christian.

You're problem is that you think that extremist evengelical reactionaries represent all white christians, where as us main stream Christians reject your narrow minded and bigoted views for which you try to claim all of Christianity.

In other words, your argument is a false one that is completely contradicted.
It is SOOOOOO hard being a white christian male in this world. EVEN harder than being JUST a white male. Oh wow is me! (cue teeth gnashing and hair pulling) Waaaaa I am so opressed by the godless heather lib-ruls. Please god send us a liberator in a basket floating amongst the reeds in the Mississippi River to lead us to the land of milk and honey. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

ROTFLMAO. I don't know who cracks me up more, you or Charver. Having said that. I think your irony is just as lost on redneck man as Charver's understatements.
Oppress away. You Limeys tried that on my Irish ancestors, and now you're going over there for jobs. You also tried it on the US and got your butts kicked. If that's as good as you've got, than by all means give me as much as you can spare!

Oh quit your whining. I come from very prestigious Irish stock too (My great, great, great grand Uncles was hanged for stealing a horse).

That was then and this is now, get over it.
Damo says i'm allowed to talk to you on the condition that a calming picture precedes any post directed at you so here goes...


I can't work you out Mr Southern Man. One minute your complaining about being trodden underfoot the jackbooted hordes of gays, women and blacks, who are so dominant in today's society, and the next you're begging a fellow member of the oppressed masses to oppress you too?

**backs away slowly showing palms of hands and apologising for any upset caused to the little soldier's delicate constitution**

It's because he's afraid he might have to pay extra for the abuse!
Wow did anyone else see where this thread turned surreal? Is it the Salvia divinorum kicking in or is there really a cat dressed like a frog above? Wow gone two days and this place gets all "through the looking glass" on me. Charver even spelled center as centre. I hope I come down soon

Shut the hell up....I'm enjoying this. This is the biggest mismatch in a debate since Dixie tried to debate evolution with me.

Though Charver should be admonished. It's not fair to enter into a battle of wits with a defenseless individual. This has been like watching the Lakers play the Clippers.
Shut the hell up....I'm enjoying this. This is the biggest mismatch in a debate since Dixie tried to debate evolution with me.

Though Charver should be admonished. It's not fair to enter into a battle of wits with a defenseless individual. This has been like watching the Lakers play the Clippers.

I hereby offer my wholehearted apologies to the board community for my severe lack of decorum in dealing with the Southern Man.

To be honest, i thought Mr Southern Man had had his fill and decided to let the thread rest. That said i have no problem with its continuation (i have a large back catalogue of cute cat pictures and one of an especially jaunty seal which is ...well...never mind that.)
You're problem is that you think that extremist evengelical reactionaries represent all white christians, where as us main stream Christians reject your narrow minded and bigoted views for which you try to claim all of Christianity.

In other words, your argument is a false one that is completely contradicted.

Take note, Catholic and Evangelical Christianity are on the rise in the US. Traditional protestant churches such as Episcopalian, Methodist, Lutheran, and Northern Baptist are disappearing. When one gets that liberal, one becomes far removed from the grace of God. That said, Evangelical Christianity sucks...
I hereby offer my wholehearted apologies to the board community for my severe lack of decorum in dealing with the Southern Man.

To be honest, i thought Mr Southern Man had had his fill and decided to let the thread rest. That said i have no problem with its continuation (i have a large back catalogue of cute cat pictures and one of an especially jaunty seal which is ...well...never mind that.)

Hmmm that reminds me of a bad joke.

A penguin is driving down the road and notices his engine isn't performing well. So he drops by his mechanic to have a look at it. Mechanic say's come back in an hour. So the Penguin runs off to the local ice cream parlor cause, as everyone knows, penguins simply adore ice cream.

Well an hour later the penguin goes back to the auto shop with his face covered in ice cream as penguins are notoriously sloppy eaters.

The mechanic sees the penguins and say's "Hey, it looks like you blew a seal"

The Penguin points to his beak and say's "Naa, it's just ice cream."
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You're problem is that you think that extremist evengelical reactionaries represent all white christians, where as us main stream Christians reject your narrow minded and bigoted views for which you try to claim all of Christianity.

In other words, your argument is a false one that is completely contradicted.
Again you resort to insult, revealing that you have no intellectual ammunition. :)
The world wouldn't be such an evil place if God were a liberal!
Well it is difficult to be "Evil" when the standards are always changing and the "Commandments" are considered a "living document" interpreted by judicial review.
