Catholic bishops will fight Obama on abortion

Since you've decided to go personal with this it appears that I have made my case.

Personal? LOL

Not for the first time your thinking is just plain wrong.

I'm not here to convince you that you're wrong but someday you may come to wonder why fewer and fewer people agree with your view of your oppression. When that day comes think back to this moment.
Personal? LOL

Not for the first time your thinking is just plain wrong.

I'm not here to convince you that you're wrong but someday you may come to wonder why fewer and fewer people agree with your view of your oppression. When that day comes think back to this moment.
Wow that's deep. Thanks for giving my life meaningful direction and making my case back there.
Wow that's deep. Thanks for giving my life meaningful direction and making my case back there.

I'm a deep kind of bloke. Maybe it comes from being an oppressed majority?

More importantly i'm vaguely connected to reality.

(just to make clear - i'm not oppressing you here in any way - i'd hate to be accused of internet bullying, or some such, and have your suicide on my conscience. Okay? Sweet dreams and remember - not oppression, just words :) )
I'm a deep kind of bloke. Maybe it comes from being an oppressed majority?

More importantly i'm vaguely connected to reality.

(just to make clear - i'm not oppressing you here in any way - i'd hate to be accused of internet bullying, or some such, and have your suicide on my conscience. Okay? Sweet dreams and remember - not oppression, just words :) )

Oppress away. You Limeys tried that on my Irish ancestors, and now you're going over there for jobs. You also tried it on the US and got your butts kicked. If that's as good as you've got, than by all means give me as much as you can spare!
Oppress away. You Limeys tried that on my Irish ancestors, and now you're going over there for jobs. You also tried it on the US and got your butts kicked. If that's as good as you've got, than by all means give me as much as you can spare!

Sorry, i can't converse with you any more as Damo said he doesn't like the way i'm oppressing you.

I'm on an official written oppression warning. :(
Sorry, i can't converse with you any more as Damo said he doesn't like the way i'm oppressing you.

I'm on an official written oppression warning. :(
That's right, we Buddhists are like that, all oppressive and stuff. You just keep that in mind now!
That's right, we Buddhists are like that, all oppressive and stuff. You just keep that in mind now!

It's, like, really unfair.

I'm just a poor white man trying to make his way in the world and here i am being oppressed left, right and centre. Most of you should thank your lucky stars you don't have to bear the white man's burden like me and John Travolta.
Sorry, i can't converse with you any more as Damo said he doesn't like the way i'm oppressing you.

I'm on an official written oppression warning. :(
Damn! But every one that you limeys have attempted to oppress has fared so well. I was hoping to get some more.
Damn! But every one that you limeys have attempted to oppress has fared so well. I was hoping to get some more.

Damo says i'm allowed to talk to you on the condition that a calming picture precedes any post directed at you so here goes...


I can't work you out Mr Southern Man. One minute your complaining about being trodden underfoot the jackbooted hordes of gays, women and blacks, who are so dominant in today's society, and the next you're begging a fellow member of the oppressed masses to oppress you too?

**backs away slowly showing palms of hands and apologising for any upset caused to the little soldier's delicate constitution**

I can't work you out Mr Southern Man. One minute your complaining about being trodden underfoot the jackbooted hordes of gays, women and blacks, who are so dominant in today's society, and the next you're begging a fellow member of the oppressed masses to oppress you too?

I'm pointing out the usual hypocrisy of The Left. Did the cat have a nice lunch?
I'm pointing out the usual hypocrisy of The Left. Did the cat have a nice lunch?

Generic soothing image #65

Ah yes, "The Left". Another amorphous mass of oppressive potential...lurking, waiting to pounce. Is there anything you don't see conspiring against you?

I should point out that, yes, the cat did have a nice lunch but under no circumstances did it discuss seizing the means of production, nationalising your fish pond or establishing an agrarian commune in your back garden.

(The birds i can't vouch for, they are part of the anarchist fringe)

I am told that the cat pictured above has never, at any time, been a member of the Communist Party nor enslaved a white man.

Have a nice day.
Wow did anyone else see where this thread turned surreal? Is it the Salvia divinorum kicking in or is there really a cat dressed like a frog above? Wow gone two days and this place gets all "through the looking glass" on me. Charver even spelled center as centre. I hope I come down soon
Could be because public funding for abortions went down under Bush. I have no doubts that sexual promiscuity went up...and will continue to go up...thus more abortions "needed." Neither am I here to defend the Catholic church by any means, I think they are as wrong as the Islams. But I can tell you that this is how a person with beliefs against abortion guage a candidate......or leader. I have no dreams of Roe v. Wade ever being overturned but I am aware of the amount of public funds, my tax dollars, that go to pay for this murder and yes, I am against much as I am against unecessary war.

Or maybe it had to do with the Bushies moronic policy of "abstinence only" birth control policy?
Well, i'm no expert on American PC but when you give the impression that the white christian male is this walking mass of oppressed souls, forgive me if i furrow the old brow a little.

I wonder if there are any black homosexual Islamic women out there, in message-board land, who would like to come on and give us their view on living their lives without hearing or seeing anything offensive as they go about their daily business?


You nailed that one Charver. Oh those poor oppressed 75% white christian minority! LOL