CEO Bludgeoned To Death By Fired Workers

Haven't read this whole thread so I couldn't really say.

I just think it's funny because Darla called me a sick fuck when I did it to him.

If I remember correctly you were telling bb that you had sodomized his granddaughter, which is pretty sick! Although, it was BB, so…

I never said any such thing. I ask only that cons keep their violent sexual politics to themselves, and their daughters. I don’t want them. It’s really simple.

This is a thread about what happens when capitalism runs amok. This infuriates psycho boy. I don’t know how this thread became about rape, or my life, but I certainly did not make that turn in the conversation.
If I remember correctly you were telling bb that you had sodomized his granddaughter, which is pretty sick! Although, it was BB, so…

LoL EXCUSE ME? Didn't you just tell someone to stick it in their daughters ass or something? Is it really that much worse that it was his granddaughter rather than daughter?
She believes in the opposite and equal of Bush's with us or against us, the "Us or Them" thing. If you are not "Us" you are teh EEEeevil...

Don't let her get to you. Words on the board should slide off like water on a duck's back.
Yeah you are right, I know they should, but I have a temper, slept on those words from yesterday and am still a little angry, though not as much.

You know it's hard to notice change when you are talking to someone every day, but when I went away for awhile and came back, most sounded the same but I definetely noticed right away that Darla had gone way more off the deep end. I don't think she even realizes it.
LoL EXCUSE ME? Didn't you just tell someone to stick it in their daughters ass or something? Is it really that much worse that it was his granddaughter rather than daughter?

LOL. I really didn’t mean it that way. I meant it as if I were to say, stick it in your ass, about his post, except I said his daughter, because he was ranting on with his threats and it’s interesting to watch his head explode. But I can see how it could be taken that way.
All personal bickering, ass poking and insults aside...

If these Indian workers had been unionized, as all labor globally should be, thru collective bargaining and contracts this CEO would still be alive and the workers would still be employed.

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." Lincoln's First Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861.

Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains.
Karl Marx
LoL EXCUSE ME? Didn't you just tell someone to stick it in their daughters ass or something? Is it really that much worse that it was his granddaughter rather than daughter?
Darla is far worse, BBs granddaughter from what I remember is an adult, many of the Conservatives daughters on here are just little kids.
All personal bickering, ass poking and insults aside...

If these Indian workers had been unionized, as all labor globally should be, thru collective bargaining and contracts this CEO would still be alive and the workers would still be employed.

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." Lincoln's First Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861.

Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains.
Karl Marx

I am going to start volunteering at Indian based multinationals as a strikebreaker. Just for you.
All personal bickering, ass poking and insults aside...

If these Indian workers had been unionized, as all labor globally should be, thru collective bargaining and contracts this CEO would still be alive and the workers would still be employed.

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." Lincoln's First Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861.

Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains.
Karl Marx

It’s interesting that all these years later, what we saw was the global uniting of corporations against labor. The reverse is called communism and it’s dirty. The prior is called Democracy. And we spread it all over the world.
All personal bickering, ass poking and insults aside...

If these Indian workers had been unionized, as all labor globally should be, thru collective bargaining and contracts this CEO would still be alive and the workers would still be employed.
Nonsense, people are laid off all the time, even in poor countries, this almost never happens. No excuses should be made for these people, you have no right to kill someone for terminating your employment. Think of the implications of that.

Every now and then I wonder how on earth could the great humanist leftist societies have slayed so many tens of millions in the 20th century and then I see posts from lefties that justify murder and realize why.

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." Lincoln's First Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861.
I think you are hoping to ascribe those references to Capital and Labor to Capitalists and Labor Unions. Lincoln is speaking of those terms in regard to an individuals labor and his capital.

"Property is the fruit of labor. Property is desirable, is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently to build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence." – Abraham Lincoln

Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains.
Karl Marx
Are you an actual Marxist Crash? I just pegged you as a regular Liberal.
You economic royalists piss me off. The so called 'socialist experiment' you love to berate actually built the wealth and power of the U.S. in the decades after WWII and is responsible for YOUR high standard of living. You ungrateful brainwashed, diddo head. Roosevelt provided a balanced playing field for labor and unions which have been under attack by you corporatists ever since. Reagan declared war on the middle class in the 80's by destroying unions and our standard of living is now under full assault by Republicon multinational corporate sponsors. They are sucking that wealth to the top which will inevitably drive down YOUR standard of living to that of the average Indonesian. Capitalism is NOT Democracy, learn the difference. If you want to learn what will happen with the unrestricted capitalism that you want, study the Robber Baron era, or see how labor was treated in the early to middle part of the 20th century.

"A coal miner in West Virginia generally lived in a company town. He woke up in a company bed situated in a company house. He washed himself with water drawn from a company well and ate breakfast prepared with food bought at the company store. Everything consumed or used by his family came from the company, purchased on credit. The credits used during the pay period only rarely failed to add up to less than the paycheck (paid not in United States currency, but company script.) In debt from his first day on the job, the entire system was geared towards keeping him and his family that way.

The miner had free speech, but what happened after he spoke could give him serious trouble. Many companies employed the firm Baldwin and Felts to provide mine guards. These guards dispensed retribution against “rabble-rousers” and “outside agitators” who came in talking about unions. One town even featured a Gatling gun mounted upon the front porch of a company official’s home. Companies figured that they could increase their control by importing miners from a variety of areas such as Russia, southern Italy, and Austria-Hungary. They came from countries with oppressive systems; also living in a strange country with different customs and languages increased their isolation. In fairness, company towns ran the spectrum from benevolently paternalistic societies to absolutely dictatorial rule. Increasingly the system turned its aims towards preventing unions from organizing the region."

Do YOU want to live like that? If you work for a living this is what you and your children have to look forward to under Epicurus’s ideal America. My grandfathers took up arms and actually had battles with corporate goons like you. They finally had the right to unionize and to work their way out of corporate slavery but only after fighting for what they believed in AND being given a level playing field from a govt. that understood that corporatism kills democracy.

See ya on the other side of the barricade. Be ready.
You economic royalists piss me off. The so called 'socialist experiment' you love to berate actually built the wealth and power of the U.S. in the decades after WWII and is responsible for YOUR high standard of living. You ungrateful brainwashed, diddo head. Roosevelt provided a balanced playing field for labor and unions which have been under attack by you corporatists ever since. Reagan declared war on the middle class in the 80's by destroying unions and our standard of living is now under full assault by Republicon multinational corporate sponsors. They are sucking that wealth to the top which will inevitably drive down YOUR standard of living to that of the average Indonesian. Capitalism is NOT Democracy, learn the difference. If you want to learn what will happen with the unrestricted capitalism that you want, study the Robber Baron era, or see how labor was treated in the early to middle part of the 20th century.

"A coal miner in West Virginia generally lived in a company town. He woke up in a company bed situated in a company house. He washed himself with water drawn from a company well and ate breakfast prepared with food bought at the company store. Everything consumed or used by his family came from the company, purchased on credit. The credits used during the pay period only rarely failed to add up to less than the paycheck (paid not in United States currency, but company script.) In debt from his first day on the job, the entire system was geared towards keeping him and his family that way.

The miner had free speech, but what happened after he spoke could give him serious trouble. Many companies employed the firm Baldwin and Felts to provide mine guards. These guards dispensed retribution against “rabble-rousers” and “outside agitators” who came in talking about unions. One town even featured a Gatling gun mounted upon the front porch of a company official’s home. Companies figured that they could increase their control by importing miners from a variety of areas such as Russia, southern Italy, and Austria-Hungary. They came from countries with oppressive systems; also living in a strange country with different customs and languages increased their isolation. In fairness, company towns ran the spectrum from benevolently paternalistic societies to absolutely dictatorial rule. Increasingly the system turned its aims towards preventing unions from organizing the region."

Do YOU want to live like that? If you work for a living this is what you and your children have to look forward to under Epicurus’s ideal America. My grandfathers took up arms and actually had battles with corporate goons like you. They finally had the right to unionize and to work their way out of corporate slavery but only after fighting for what they believed in AND being given a level playing field from a govt. that understood that corporatism kills democracy.

See ya on the other side of the barricade. Be ready.
America's rate of unionization plunged after 1980 from 30% to 15% and we had done far better for it with a much better standard of living...well up until the last few years when we went a socialist route and government spending went off the charts.
America's rate of unionization plunged after 1980 from 30% to 15% and we had done far better for it with a much better standard of living...well up until the last few years when we went a socialist route and government spending went off the charts.

If anything our standard of living has dropped, which is pretty incredible.
America's rate of unionization plunged after 1980 from 30% to 15% and we had done far better for it with a much better standard of living...well up until the last few years when we went a socialist route and government spending went off the charts.

what planet are you living on? labor in this country is hurting, ask anyone in the rust belt. Or any 'underemployed' clerk at the Quiky Mart.
what planet are you living on? labor in this country is hurting, ask anyone in the rust belt. Or any 'underemployed' clerk at the Quiky Mart.
Clearly you missed the part I said up until the last few years.

Well nothing attracts high-quality job creating businesses like strong union influence and more taxes/regulations. I'm sure Obama's and the Dems "change" will undo all the big free market movement (Sarbanes-Oxley) we saw under that Bush "Conservative".
Nonsense, purchasing power has increased by a lot and soared in the late 80's and 90's.

There's a reason why the older generation always remarks that kids today have it easy.

I have 2 college age son's and we talk about how tough it is today to make enough money to stay in school. When I was their age I had 2 union jobs, United Steel Workers and the Teamsters. I made enough money to pay my own way thru college. It's much tougher now because of you diddo-headed traitors.