Chameleon Harris...Here Come the Flip-Flops

Here Come the Flip-Flops

Vice President Kamala Harris managed to become the presumptive Democratic nominee in record time after President Biden was forced to drop out of the race, and now, with breathless speed, she is dramatically reversing positions that she once claimed were strongly held when she last ran for president. Whether these new positions last longer than the old ones is something voters won’t know until after the election.

When Harris entered the Senate in 2017, it was the heyday of anti-Trump resistance on the left. With the aging socialist Senator Bernie Sanders having given eventual loser Hillary Clinton a run for her money in the prior year’s primaries, there was a growing belief that the next Democratic nominee would have to appeal to his movement. As a freshman senator with presidential aspirations and with a prosecutor image that alienated some on the left, Harris wasn’t going to miss a beat. In a short period of time, she racked up a voting record that ranked her as the most progressive U.S. senator.

Harris was one of 16 co-sponsors of Sanders’s socialized health-care plan branded as “Medicare for All,” which would have cost $34 trillion over a decade, according to the left-wing Urban Institute. It would also have necessitated kicking about 180 million people off their private insurance plans. She also signed on to the Senate version of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s radical Green New Deal.

In 2019, as the Democratic primaries took off, there was fierce competition to the left of Joe Biden. Harris dug into her support for banning private insurance before (unconvincingly) trying to take it back. She called for banning fracking and offshore drilling. She said those who crossed the border illegally shouldn’t be treated as criminals and called for getting rid of ICE and starting from scratch. She advocated banning AR-15s and confiscating them (under the euphemism “mandatory buybacks”).

What were once seen as necessary stances to woo a rabid progressive base in the 2020 primaries are now general-election liabilities. And so, for about 100 more days, Harris wants to be unburdened by what has been. ( :laugh: )

The New York Times reports, “In addition to changing her position on fracking, campaign officials said she now backed the Biden administration’s budget requests for increased funding for border enforcement; no longer supported a single-payer health insurance program; and echoed Mr. Biden’s call for banning assault weapons but not a requirement to sell them to the federal government.” This is an implicit acknowledgement that Biden’s unpopular presidency is still less politically radioactive than Harris’s even more left-wing 2019 platform.....
Chameleon Harris is trying to change her appearance but underneath she is the same old ultra liberal that she has has always been. She LIED about Biden's declining mental health and she is lying about the border, single payor health, defending the police, abolishing ICE, and gun confiscation. Chameleon Harris can't be trusted.
Why would you Trumpys not want universal healthcare? Are you guys just that stupid?
Trump blocked the border bill because he needed it as a campaign issue. It is all about Trump to him.
You have no idea what information existed about Biden's mental health. There are still no doctor reports saying he has Alzheimer's or other mental conditions. There are many people who were in Trump's admin who said he is an idiot and too stupid to be president and is untrustworthy.
The Biden oil production is the highest ever. Yet we are weening ourselves off fossil fuels. That is called looking ahead.
I like a person who changes when she was wrong.
Leopards don't change their spots. She revealed her true feelings and now she is lying to get Pennsylvanians votes. Their jobs and taxes depend on a thriving oil and gas economy let's hope they don't trust her. She has lied to us about Dementia Joe declining mental health so there is know reason to trust her. She will say or do anything to gain or keep power.
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This thread is BULLSHIT!

Kamala moved to the middle while serving as VP of the Biden Administration. Her administration will be a continuation of the Biden Administration regarding Policy. She knows the only chance to get anything done is by governing straight down the middle now regarding Immigration, fiscal, domestic, and foreign policy. She will use the Vocal and Voting majority's pulse on every decision she makes now moving forward.

It's about what the Voting Majority wants, and she intends to work towards giving them an opportunity to have what they and their families want and need.

That is how democracy works- THE PEOPLE DECIDE- NOT KINGS- Not dictators- Not RELIGION WEIRDOS! Not Felons! Not Liars!

Most people that vote now are right down the middle people anyway, so Kamala will be a GREAT PRESIDNENT for America and the most of us.

All the haters can go suck on a sour pickle and either learn to like it or lump it!, AND BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!
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This thread is BULLSHIT!

Kamala moved to the middle while serving as VP of the Biden Administration. Her administration will be a continuation of the Biden Administration regarding Policy. She knows the only chance to get anything done is by governing straight down the middle now regarding Immigration, fiscal, domestic, and foreign policy. She will use the Vocal and Voting majority's pulse on every decision she makes now moving forward.

It's about what the Voting Majority wants, and she intends to work towards giving them an opportunity to have what they and their families want and need.

That is how democracy works- THE PEOPLE DECIDE- NOT KINGS!
Great post, Geeko.
This thread is BULLSHIT!

Kamala moved to the middle while serving as VP of the Biden Administration. Her administration will be a continuation of the Biden Administration regarding Policy. She knows the only chance to get anything done is by governing straight down the middle now regarding Immigration, fiscal, domestic, and foreign policy. She will use the Vocal and Voting majority's pulse on every decision she makes now moving forward.

It's about what the Voting Majority wants, and she intends to work towards giving them an opportunity to have what they and their families want and need.

That is how democracy works- THE PEOPLE DECIDE- NOT KINGS!
What people decided Biden should drop out? Obama, Pelosi and other prominent Democrat donors?

The bitch didn't get one fucking nomination vote from the people. it was a fucking coup! By your own party!
I want a person who is strong in their convictions. Anyone else is a liar.
Yeah, sure you do. You want Trump...who still insists he won the election he lost in 2020.

Imagine...a person who lost the popular vote by over 7,000,000...pretending to have lost because of "the election being rigged."

Joe Biden won that election by a landslide...the same kind of Electoral landslide that Trump often bragged about.

He is very strong in his convictions...and he has had many of those so far...with more to come.
Why would you Trumpys not want universal healthcare? Are you guys just that stupid?
Why would you want the government to have 100% control of your healthcare? Are you that stupid? If you think it would be great just check out a VA hospital sometimes.
Trump blocked the border bill because he needed it as a campaign issue. It is all about Trump to him.
The House Passed HR2 long before the Dems tried to pass their terrible border Bill. Schumer never even took up HR 2 which was a far superior border Bill.
You have no idea what information existed about Biden's mental health. There are still no doctor reports saying he has Alzheimer's or other mental conditions. There are many people who were in Trump's admin who said he is an idiot and too stupid to be president and is untrustworthy.
Biden refuses to take a cognitive exam when him passing one, and passing it, would have changed the minds of the majority of voters that thought he was mentally impaired.
The Biden oil production is the highest ever. Yet we are weening ourselves off fossil fuels. That is called looking ahead.
Our oil and gas product is progressing at a slower rate than it did during the Trump administration. But the majority of oil and gas today comes from wells competed during the Trump administration.
It's funny how she's trying to pretend that she gives a shit about the border crisis that HER own handlers' regime caused........ Ummmmm, lady... you can't gaslight me. I saw with my own eyes what you did (or, more accurately stated, DIDN'T do) for over 3.5 years re: the border.
its Kama Kama Kameleon.
Leopards don't change their spots. She revealed her true feels and now she is lying to get Pennsylvanians votes. Their jobs and taxes depend on a thriving oil and gas economy let's hope they don't trust her. She has lied to us about Dementia Joe declining mental health so there is know reason to trust her. She will say or do anything to gain or keep power.
I live here. Too bad there so many stupid people who share this once great state. Hell, they're building homes and townhouses in the woods they recently timbered above me, and city libturds are moving in. I'm seriously thinking of moving, I just can't stand the stench.
What people decided Biden should drop out? Obama, Pelosi and other prominent Democrat donors?

The bitch didn't get one fucking nomination vote from the people. it was a fucking coup! By your own party!
I don't like your manner Sir!!

So go and feed your own EGO- I'll pass!
Joe Biden. That is who decided that Biden should drop out. It was all over the papers. You didn't notice?
And you believe it.....

Biden got kicked to the curb because your party's elites knew he couldn't win.. That's a fact, and you know it
Joe is going to be pissed when he finds out he isn't running anymore.
More tripe. He decided to move out of the way for someone younger.

That younger person, Kamala Harris, is going to kick your Fuhrer's ass in have your fun now.
Yeah, sure you do. You want Trump...who still insists he won the election he lost in 2020.

Imagine...a person who lost the popular vote by over 7,000,000...pretending to have lost because of "the election being rigged."
The election is not decide by popular votes Frankie write that on a piece of paper so in ten minutes when you forget that you have something to remind you. The election was won bay ~44K votes spread over 3 swing states . That is less than 0.0003% of the vote . That is close enough to have triggered a total recount of those three state IMHO. That did not happen.
Joe Biden won that election by a landslide...the same kind of Electoral landslide that Trump often bragged about.

He is very strong in his convictions...and he has had many of those so far...with more to come.
See above.
And you believe it.....

Biden got kicked to the curb because your party's elites knew he couldn't win.. That's a fact, and you know it
The only way Joe Biden could possibly not be the Dem candidate, if HE...AND HE ALONE....decided to drop out.

Sorry you cannot accept that, but you guys were unable to accept your loss in 2020.

It becomes a habit!