Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker bashes Pride Month, tells women to stay in the kitchen

There was no
Look up the definition of “Blind Drunk” there’s a picture of TOP similar to this:

There's his veiled antisemitism: "In his 2024 commencement address at Benedictine College, he stated that some first-century Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus while criticizing a provision of a bill condemning antisemitism. ..

... Yvette Walker of the Kansas City Star criticized Butker's speech: "The church long has held that Jews could not be held collectively accountable, since the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s. In 2011, Pope Benedict XVI affirmed this...and wrote there is no basis in Scripture for blaming Jews."

He’s a MAGAt alright.
There's his veiled antisemitism: "In his 2024 commencement address at Benedictine College, he stated that some first-century Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus while criticizing a provision of a bill condemning antisemitism. ..

... Yvette Walker of the Kansas City Star criticized Butker's speech: "The church long has held that Jews could not be held collectively accountable, since the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s. In 2011, Pope Benedict XVI affirmed this...and wrote there is no basis in Scripture for blaming Jews."

It’s not very veiled, is it? LOL
Apparently some do, there's 31 pages relating to the despise of a man who gave a commencement speech that insulted no one.
And you're another one, or you wouldn't be here, dumbfucking feline.
You’re both an idiot and a liar, Arbie. It’s mostly insults to each other, dumbass…or are you too fucking stupid to notice? <<<—- sarcasm.
I gave a link but as usual you didn't read it.
TOP is wise to not read your link. It's a hit piece by Anna Lazarus Caplan, a dishonest hype-monger who is competing for attention with all the other HATE-spreaders. Why would TOP want to waste time that can never be gotten back? Why wouldn't TOP do something more productive like watching paint dry?

Btw, are you ever going to answer my question about the difference between the speech and the transcript?
Your problem is that you are a leftist, and leftists don't know what transcripts are. Why don't you first learn what the words mean that you intend to use before you try to put them into a question?
I warned the other guy on the forum, so you will get the same. This will be your only warning.
A "warning" is insufficient. I need an explanation. I have absolutely no idea of what you are speaking and no idea of what you mean. You might as well have written your post in Greek.
TOP is wise to not read your link. It's a hit piece by Anna Lazarus Caplan, a dishonest hype-monger who is competing for attention with all the other HATE-spreaders. Why would TOP want to waste time that can never be gotten back? Why wouldn't TOP do something more productive like watching paint dry?

Your problem is that you are a leftist, and leftists don't know what transcripts are. Why don't you first learn what the words mean that you intend to use before you try to put them into a question?
Sycho Sybil strikes again. LOL
Still waiting for a Butker supporter to explain what "diabolic lies" women have been told. Wanna take a crack at it?
Yes! Pick me! Pick me!

Women suffer daily in our society from rampant Marxist disinformation that totally denies human nature. That which is most relevant to women is the pressure to not be women, but instead to be men. The pressure is intense; women are hard pressed to abandon being mothers and wives, and are pressured heavily to not develop bonds with men in creating solid family units. Instead, women are encouraged to treat men as enemies, to marry the government and to thus be their own "breadwinner", to become dependent upon the government, to seek advancement through having children out of wedlock, and to be shamed/humiliated at anyone else's perception that they might be "submitting" to men in any way.

The lies come flying in from all angles, 24/7. Butker erred in using the past perfect, i.e. "have been told diabolic lies," because the lying is ongoing and Butker should have spoken in the present progressive.

You are most welcome.
I guess if you're not the one making the choice to terminate...and believe that terminating is the right choice...And you have to consider respect for potential life and existing life...
There are cases where termination might be meddically necessary...but abortion is not to be confused with birth control...and it should be rare...
It's not rare...
TOP, the issue is the killing of a living human who has not committed any crime and who has not expressed any desire to die. Such is evil and morally reprehensible.

The irrefutable definition of "living" is that there is a heartbeat. Yes, Christians are required to place life at conception, and there is nothing wrong with holding such a position. However, no one can dispute that if there is a heartbeat, there is life. However, one could argue medically (with sound logic) that before there is a beating heart, there is no life (that "it" is not alive).

The irrefutable definition for "human" is having human DNA. A human fetus is human and not bovine, determined by its human DNA. Anyone asserting that a human fetus is not human (or not a human) would be hard pressed to explain of what species the fetus is.

I think we can all agree that the killing of a living human who has not committed any crime and who has not expressed any desire to die is heinous. In some places, homosexuals are thrown off rooftops despite not having committed any crime. Elsewhere, women are stoned to death to protect someone's honor. In other places, children are executed for being of the wrong religion. In the US and Europe, many living humans are killed just for the convenience of a third party, making it no different from a mob hit/contract killing.

I realize that you mentioned the less than 1% of abortions that are performed out of medical necessity. If you exclude those and only consider the remaining 99%+ of abortions performed for convenience, you are looking at, by far, the worst genocide on the planet, one of humans perpetrating genocide on humanity. When you hear/read people supporting abortion that falls into the 99%+ category, you can go with your gut that it takes a truly shitty person to argue that this is somehow acceptable.
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I haven't memorized his speech, and I don't have it handy to use as a reference.

But, I read through the entire CHURCH SERMON word for word on TV NEWS, and listened to his speech- every word on several different NEWS stations. I was totally disgusted with over half of it, as it was totally Out of Place, Negative, Inaccurate, preposterous, presumptuous, Misogynistic, glib Glabbed Rubbish!

And yes, there were about half of the commencement speech that sounded more like what is normally said in most commencement events.
That part was motivational, felt rewarding to the graduates, Inspiring etc.

They did not go there to be damned by the EVANGELICAL EXTREME REICH-WINGED !
Isn't it a Catholic school? Why are you so offended?

You are obsessed with the concept of hate and for whatever reason constantly project it onto others. If anyone criticizes a greedy megachurch pastor, for instance, you accuse them of "hating Christians." If someone criticizes a (R) politician, they hate conservatives. Rinse, repeat. I suspect the only hate here belongs solely to you.
You're the one here bitching and moaning, calling Conservatives Richewing, MAGAts, etc. and you say I'm the one with the hatred?