China may buy GM and Chrysler

American is not in downfall. We're just having a crisis of leadership.

There has been a crisis of leadership for decades. There is also a crisis of followership. The majority of the people followed blindly down this path. They lived beyond their means, borrowed to pay bills, grabbed all the credit they could, boughthouses they couldn't afford, and tried to wear clothes and drive cars based on what would impress people.

Blame the top people. But blame the masses as well. If you were too stupid to see the folly in what you were doing, you deserve what happens to you.
There has been a crisis of leadership for decades. There is also a crisis of followership. The majority of the people followed blindly down this path. They lived beyond their means, borrowed to pay bills, grabbed all the credit they could, boughthouses they couldn't afford, and tried to wear clothes and drive cars based on what would impress people.

Blame the top people. But blame the masses as well. If you were too stupid to see the folly in what you were doing, you deserve what happens to you.

I disagree. The leadership has known full well what they're doing. The people are taught that the leadership makes decisions in their (the peoples) interest, when the fact is they make decision for their own sellout asses. The people charged with wise governance are more to blame. Just like we blame con-men for their crimes and not the victims of those crimes. But it's nice to know you have such a big heart for the american people, you spineless sellout. Stop dealing with your guilt by perpetuating globalist propaganda.
There has been a crisis of leadership for decades. There is also a crisis of followership. The majority of the people followed blindly down this path. They lived beyond their means, borrowed to pay bills, grabbed all the credit they could, boughthouses they couldn't afford, and tried to wear clothes and drive cars based on what would impress people.

Blame the top people. But blame the masses as well. If you were too stupid to see the folly in what you were doing, you deserve what happens to you.

I disagree. The leadership has known full well what they're doing. The people are taught that the leadership makes decisions in their (the peoples) interest, when the fact is they make decision for their own sellout asses. The people charged with wise governance are more to blame. Just like we blame con-men for their crimes and not the victims of those crimes. But it's nice to know you have such a big heart for the american people, you spineless sellout. Stop dealing with your guilt by perpetuating globalist propaganda.

I am not selling out shit. I am just not willing to let people who screwed up their own finances off the hook.

How many people in this country actually believe that politicians have their best interest at heart?? I don't know a single one. Do you? So your reasoning is just more bullshit.

If a couple with a combined gross income of $50k a year goes out and buys 2 new cars and a $200K house, is that the politician's fault? No, it is THEIR ignorant asses who made the choices.

For each credit card, loan or mortgage, you have to fill out paperwork ASKING for it.

Now the economy is tanking, and the lousy loans made are a big part of that. The banks got blamed and the people didn't. Those people who got mortgages that were low at first and would balloon later KNEW that their mortgage was going to go up by leaps and bounds. And yet they are somehow victims of bad leadership?


I didn't overextend my credit. I didn't go buy new cars. I didn't get a mortgage I couldn't afford. And I have little or no sympathy for most of the people who did and now are in financial trouble because of it.
I am not selling out shit. I am just not willing to let people who screwed up their own finances off the hook.
You're a total sellout, with your "destroy the borders so you can cheap ditch diggers" attitude, you sad excuse for an american.
How many people in this country actually believe that politicians have their best interest at heart?? I don't know a single one. Do you? So your reasoning is just more bullshit.
Lots of people do. Your worldview based on cynicism and hate doesn't mean our sellout leaders get a pass.
If a couple with a combined gross income of $50k a year goes out and buys 2 new cars and a $200K house, is that the politician's fault? No, it is THEIR ignorant asses who made the choices.
But it is their fault when they approve irrationally loose credit and then proceed to profit off the created bubbles.
For each credit card, loan or mortgage, you have to fill out paperwork ASKING for it.

Now the economy is tanking, and the lousy loans made are a big part of that. The banks got blamed and the people didn't. Those people who got mortgages that were low at first and would balloon later KNEW that their mortgage was going to go up by leaps and bounds. And yet they are somehow victims of bad leadership?
They were knowingly making bad loans, but did nothing because they were reselling them in ridiculous new "securitization" schemes. And they THEY get bailed out? Fuck all that.
yes, Your brain is.
I didn't overextend my credit. I didn't go buy new cars. I didn't get a mortgage I couldn't afford. And I have little or no sympathy for most of the people who did and now are in financial trouble because of it.

I do. Because the leadership in industry and government paints a rosy picture continually, to keep "market confidence" up. And you know they do it. Then all the sudden " the greatest depression in history" is on the horizon unless we give no strings attached trillion dollars to some asshole?

Your "blame the victim" mentality is disgusting. You probably think rape victims deserve it for "dressing slutty".
Sol you are hitting the same mental brick wall with AHZ that I have hit for years with him.

None of this can be his fault at all.
Sol you are hitting the same mental brick wall with AHZ that I have hit for years with him.

None of this can be his fault at all.

True, he probably ate lead paint as a child and it effected his mental capabilities.

I'm done with him.
Sol you are hitting the same mental brick wall with AHZ that I have hit for years with him.

None of this can be his fault at all.

It has to do with who is actually abdicating trust. The fascists in power repeatedly say all these things are great, until it all comes crashing down.

It has to do with leaders having contempt for people and only serving themselves, versus truly doing what it in the long term best interests of americans wishing to remain free.

There's no "brick wall". Your position is just morally indefensible.
It has to do with who is actually abdicating trust. The fascists in power repeatedly say all these things are great, until it all comes crashing down.

It has to do with leaders having contempt for people and only serving themselves, versus truly doing what it in the long term best interests of americans wishing to remain free.

There's no "brick wall". Your position is just morally indefensible.

And you think the american people are out there blowing tons of money on ipods, new cars, $150 sneakers and $8 coffee because they wanting to serve others?

If you truly believe that "lots" of people believe that politicians have our best interest at heart, then you are a fool.

I don't blame victims. I hold people responsible for THEIR actions and choice.
It has to do with who is actually abdicating trust. The fascists in power repeatedly say all these things are great, until it all comes crashing down.

It has to do with leaders having contempt for people and only serving themselves, versus truly doing what it in the long term best interests of americans wishing to remain free.

There's no "brick wall". Your position is just morally indefensible.

This country is made up of people AH, not just leaders.
And as a group we have been downright stupit.
And yes the we does include me.
Although I have not been as stupit as some.
At least I did not vote for Bush :clink:
This country is made up of people AH, not just leaders.
And as a group we have been downright stupit.
And yes the we does include me.
Although I have not been as stupit as some.
At least I did not vote for Bush :clink:

But their ability to craft policy makes them more to blame. And their outright lies about what they're doing makes them more to blame.
And you think the american people are out there blowing tons of money on ipods, new cars, $150 sneakers and $8 coffee because they wanting to serve others?

If you truly believe that "lots" of people believe that politicians have our best interest at heart, then you are a fool.

I don't blame victims. I hold people responsible for THEIR actions and choice.

But those actions and choices are based on information from authority figures in government and industry. They are operating off beliefs instilled in them by fascist fuckheads like yourself.