China may buy GM and Chrysler

But their ability to craft policy makes them more to blame. And their outright lies about what they're doing makes them more to blame.

yeah but there are a lot more non leaders than leaders by far.
We are stupit for believing their lies and letting them get away with them.
yeah but there are a lot more non leaders than leaders by far.
We are stupit for believing their lies and letting them get away with them.

But their influence is much greater. hierarchy amplifies the impact of decisions made at the top, thus, the culpability.

When did you adopt your blame the victim mentality?
I blame all, many/most are victims to their own bad decisions and behaviour.

And like I said, manytimes those bad decisions are based upon lies and bad advice from leaders with malice in their heart and a willingness to sell everyone else down the toilet to improve their own position.

It's amazing how much wiggling around you do shift blame. success has made you ugly inside.
But those actions and choices are based on information from authority figures in government and industry. They are operating off beliefs instilled in them by fascist fuckheads like yourself.

No, those choices are based on their own ignorance. They cannot afford their lifestyle, and they KNOW it. When you have more bills than you can pay and you keep living the same lifestyle, you cannot blame politicians.
No, those choices are based on their own ignorance. They cannot afford their lifestyle, and they KNOW it. When you have more bills than you can pay and you keep living the same lifestyle, you cannot blame politicians.

When we start teaching in school that we should not listen to leaders in business or government, then your assertions will have merit. It's not that trust should be punished; criminality and abrogation of duty should be. Your moral universe is upside down. I pity you. You are truly lost.
Sol, USC, does your contempt keep you warm at night?

I have no trouble sleeping, if thats what you mean.

I know that I live my life in a proper manner and do what is right. I also know that to coddle and allow fools to toss off bad choices and be blameless only encourages more of the same behavior.

In fact, asshat, I submit that it is YOU who would do more harm than I would.

I spent my money wisely and I expect people to do the same or pay the consequences. If they pay the consequences, they are FAR less likely to do it again.

You, on the other hand, hold these fools blameless. And you make them out to be victims. "Its not their fault" you claim. And so they go right on doing what they did before. Why shouldn't they? There is nothing stopping them or making any consequences for their behavior.

So step up and take the blame for the situation.
When we start teaching in school that we should not listen to leaders in business or government, then your assertions will have merit. It's not that trust should be punished; criminality and abrogation of duty should be. Your moral universe is upside down. I pity you. You are truly lost.

We teach them basic math skills. If the amount they spent last month was more than their income, and they have the same income this month, expecting to be able to spend the same amount is moronic.

That you defend these people and hold them blameless is simple backwards.
I have no trouble sleeping, if thats what you mean.

I know that I live my life in a proper manner and do what is right. I also know that to coddle and allow fools to toss off bad choices and be blameless only encourages more of the same behavior.
But you feel our leadership is mostly blameless, though they're the ones cheering on the bubble and then swooping in with fascism when it pops, consolidating their own power even more. But you're on board with all that. That's why you can't be honest now.
In fact, asshat, I submit that it is YOU who would do more harm than I would.

I spent my money wisely and I expect people to do the same or pay the consequences. If they pay the consequences, they are FAR less likely to do it again.

You, on the other hand, hold these fools blameless. And you make them out to be victims. "Its not their fault" you claim. And so they go right on doing what they did before. Why shouldn't they? There is nothing stopping them or making any consequences for their behavior.
But they are victims of propaganda and brainwashing, and our leadership does nothing but create the ignorace and then feed off it.
So step up and take the blame for the situation.

Find a moral core.
We teach them basic math skills. If the amount they spent last month was more than their income, and they have the same income this month, expecting to be able to spend the same amount is moronic.

That you defend these people and hold them blameless is simple backwards.

But we also have economists writing papers about how people should Spend money to get us out of a recession, and how it seems "counterintuitive" but it's what good citizens will do. The fact that you hold these liars and manipulators blameless is simply immoral.
But you feel our leadership is mostly blameless, though they're the ones cheering on the bubble and then swooping in with fascism when it pops, consolidating their own power even more. But you're on board with all that. That's why you can't be honest now.

But they are victims of propaganda and brainwashing, and our leadership does nothing but create the ignorace and then feed off it.

Find a moral core.

Please point out where I called our leadership blameless?? You might try reading comprehension. It would help you look less like a fool.

I hold BOTH responsible. I do not think the people are too trusting. I think they truly do not care, and they have been allowed to get away with it for so long that they expect more of the same.
Please point out where I called our leadership blameless?? You might try reading comprehension. It would help you look less like a fool.

I hold BOTH responsible. I do not think the people are too trusting. I think they truly do not care, and they have been allowed to get away with it for so long that they expect more of the same.

But the people with the power to actually MAKE POLICY and influence public opinion are MORE culpable. Yes. Im sorry. They are.
But we also have economists writing papers about how people should Spend money to get us out of a recession, and how it seems "counterintuitive" but it's what good citizens will do. The fact that you hold these liars and manipulators blameless is simply immoral.

Asshat, you seem to think the entire nation follows blindly along with the some greater plan.

I have had the same upbringing that most people have. I know that I cannot SPEND my way out of debt. That is just lunacy. Anyone who believes that is an idiot.

Now the fact that you hold the people blameless when THEY are the ones who spent their money, and you hold ONLY the leaders to blame is just a sign of your extreme paranoid delusions about authority.

I am done beating a dead horse with your stupidity. Find someone else to annoy.
Asshat, you seem to think the entire nation follows blindly along with the some greater plan.

I have had the same upbringing that most people have. I know that I cannot SPEND my way out of debt. That is just lunacy. Anyone who believes that is an idiot.
Dumbass. This is what leaders in business and government encourage people to do when the economy slows, and the banks are right there to extend the credit.
Now the fact that you hold the people blameless when THEY are the ones who spent their money, and you hold ONLY the leaders to blame is just a sign of your extreme paranoid delusions about authority.
Dumbass. This is what leaders in business and government encourage people to do when the economy slows, and the banks are right there to extend the credit.

And I have said they are MORE to blame.
I am done beating a dead horse with your stupidity. Find someone else to annoy.

You said you were done before. Can we trust you this time. Probably not, because your main flaw is you can't shut up when you're losing.