China Virus? Must be election season


You didn't jam it in nearly far enough to reach his pea brain...
The vast majority wont go for any new lockdowns, destroying peoples lives and our economy. The vast majority will stand up and say FUCK YOU,....MAKE ME! And they simply wont be able to. By all means,...please do try,....IF you have the guts. I do not believe you do. Heres a great idea......if YOU want to live life wearing a mask, all means DO IT. If you want to live in seclusion afraid to leave your own home, all means DO IT. But the vast majority of us WILL NOT. New lockdowns will be the line in the sand. Go ahead,.....make our day!
There is zero possibility that the United States will suffer another shutdown simply because they want to hide Brandon in the basement again for yet another election cycle.


Nobody believes we need to lockdown again. Not even the people suggesting it. There is no way that this will happen, folks have had enough. This is like Obama and his Hinie Virus (Remember H1N1?) yeah, it's like that.
The vast majority wont go for any new lockdowns, destroying peoples lives and our economy. The vast majority will stand up and say FUCK YOU,....MAKE ME! And they simply wont be able to. By all means,...please do try,....IF you have the guts. I do not believe you do. Heres a great idea......if YOU want to live life wearing a mask, all means DO IT. If you want to live in seclusion afraid to leave your own home, all means DO IT. But the vast majority of us WILL NOT. New lockdowns will be the line in the sand. Go ahead,.....make our day!

It sure looks like they want the confrontation, there is no other explanation for why they have been trying so hard to generate violence and why they are rubbing our noses in our lack of power to resist our abusers.

Neil Oliver at first thought it was a bluff....He does not think that anymore.
There is zero possibility that the United States will suffer another shutdown simply because they want to hide Brandon in the basement again for yet another election cycle.


Nobody believes we need to lockdown again. Not even the people suggesting it. There is no way that this will happen, folks have had enough. This is like Obama and his Hinie Virus (Remember H1N1?) yeah, it's like that.

It sure looks like they want the confrontation, there is no other explanation for why they have been trying so hard to generate violence and why they are rubbing our noses in our lack of power to resist our abusers.

Neil Oliver at first thought it was a bluff....He does not think that anymore.

Then let it come. Much better to die on your feet for the cause of Human freedom than to live on your knees as a slave.
There is zero possibility that the United States will suffer another shutdown simply because they want to hide Brandon in the basement again for yet another election cycle.


Nobody believes we need to lockdown again. Not even the people suggesting it. There is no way that this will happen, folks have had enough. This is like Obama and his Hinie Virus (Remember H1N1?) yeah, it's like that.

Biden is a front man for the Revolution and like all humans is expendable for this Anti-Human cult.

This is about UTOPIA.
There is zero possibility that the United States will suffer another shutdown simply because they want to hide Brandon in the basement again for yet another election cycle.


Nobody believes we need to lockdown again. Not even the people suggesting it. There is no way that this will happen, folks have had enough. This is like Obama and his Hinie Virus (Remember H1N1?) yeah, it's like that.

I disagree. Their desperation runs deep.
Then let it come. Much better to die on your feet for the cause of Human freedom than to live on your knees as a slave.

Wallace: Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace.

Young soldier: William Wallace is 7 feet tall.

Wallace: Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse. I AM William Wallace. And I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What would you do without freedom? Will you fight?

Veteran soldier: Fight? Against that? No, we will run; and we will live.

Wallace: Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!!!
they are rubbing our noses in our lack of power to resist our abusers.

We have ALWAYS had the power and STILL DO. Just ask Frenchie Marie where her head is at...:) But here is the rub. It is NOT that people are afraid of the abusers. It is that MOST people are good, or at least have enuff good in them where they seek to avoid major confrontation and war if they can. As they SHOULD. Problem is...evil will ALWAYS use our own inherent goodness against us. ALWAYS. As the DOI states,...ONLY after a long train of abuses that have become insufferable to the point where the people can bear no more do they finally rise up. Like I say,....our own goodness has ALWAYS been used against us. It has been this way from the very beginning.
We have ALWAYS had the power and STILL DO. Just ask Frenchie Marie where her head is at...:) But here is the rub. It is NOT that people are afraid of the abusers. It is that MOST people are good, or at least have enuff good in them where they seek to avoid major confrontation and war if they can. As they SHOULD. Problem is...evil will ALWAYS use our own inherent goodness against us. ALWAYS. As the DOI states,...ONLY after a long train of abuses that have become insufferable to the point where the people can bear no more do they finally rise up. Like I say,....our own goodness has ALWAYS been used against us. It has been this way from the very beginning.

Refusing to fight tyranny, refusal to stand up to abusers, is not is being complicit with Evil.

This is what Conservatives have refused to understand.

'Turn the other cheek"

No fucking way.