China Virus? Must be election season

The only one crying about future Covid is you goofball rightys. The health bureaus go on data. You go on right-wing screeds. Don't get the shots. That will show me how smart you are.
The later strains of an epidemic tend to be easier to catch but less deadly.

We can't even count on the virus taking many of you motherfuckers out anymore.

Fortunately, good people are thinking of new ways every minute.:)

There is no 'later strains of an epidemic'.
No variant of the Covid/SARS series of viruses kill.
Nobody cares if stupid crackers don't want to wear masks as long as they stay away from important people.
If they wander maskless into places where they don't belong, just shoot them.

They're all gun nuts anyway so that's how they expect to die....
plus, we're sparing them from covid.
Fox Host: I’ve Had COVID 3 Times, on 7th Shot

A Fox News host admitted to getting COVID three times already after getting all the jabs recommended.

“The Five” co-host Harold Ford Jr., a former Democratic congressman from Memphis, plans on getting his seventh shot.

“I will,” Ford told his colleagues about getting the jab, before asking them if they would get it.

Co-host Dana Perino protested, “I just said I’m not going to ask anybody if they’re getting their shot!”

Ford responded, “I won’t wear a mask but I’m going to get the shot.”

Jeanine Pirro asked, “What number shot is this for you?”

He responded, “I’ve had it every time so I’m due for one in October…this will be my seventh and I’ve had COVID three times!”
It is almost fall and flu season is arriving. It has been expected Covid would return. I do not think any Trumpys or rightys should get the vaccine, That will protect them from heart attacks and vaccine diseases. You know so much more than the CDC and the medical professionals.
It is almost fall and flu season is arriving. It has been expected Covid would return. I do not think any Trumpys or rightys should get the vaccine, That will protect them from heart attacks and vaccine diseases. You know so much more than the CDC and the medical professionals.

Thanks Nordy, one of the few times you have made a sensable post.
You’ll notice this particular moron can’t even use his own words to express himself.

That’s his schtick, search the winger whacko sites and reproduce what he finds here, offers zero input on content, can’t even exchange on his own threads, no matter what pseudonym he employs, why he is called “copy and paste”

The MAGA militia love it, he offers a confirmation of what they want to believe is real
Covid is no different than any other disease. It's up to you to take steps to protect yourself or not. Personally I don't give a flying fuck if you get the shots and or wear a mask or not. Get the disease and die it's no sweat off my balls.

And if you take the Trump "vaccine" you're MORE likely to die from the Wuhan Designer Virus®.

So all you fascist lefties - BOOST UP!!!