China Virus? Must be election season

Thinks the Price of Salt is about Trumpers and insults not about NYC lesbians. LOL
Arguably Patricia Highsmith's finest, The Price of Salt is the story of Therese Belivet, a stage designer trapped in a department-store day job, whose salvation arrives one day in the form of Carol Aird, an alluring suburban housewife in the throes of a divorce. They fall in love and set out across the United States, pursued by a private investigator who eventually blackmails Carol into a choice between her daughter and her lover. With this reissue, The Price of Salt may finally be recognized as a major twentieth-century American novel.
Why do you need gloves and a camera to drop of votes?

Sane people, especially those who haven't been snorting HCQ and OD'ing on Ivermectin suppositories, understand it's about not catching the nasty shit dumbassed anti-vaxxers are spreading around.

$20 says you're the type to not wash your hands after taking a shit and then go around shaking hands with family, friends and strangers, ExLax.
It's wrong to kill people unless they are violent, but I strongly encourage all Trumpers like you to avoid all forms of medicine. Don't take your pills, don't get your vaccinations, don't go into for checkups. TIA

Sez Mr. Tiny Penis who endorses the shooting of all Trump supporters.
Sez Mr. Tiny Penis who endorses the shooting of all Trump supporters.
You're free to lie about me, Tiny Dick. It only goes to prove you're a spineless weasel who pushes lies, never truth.

Every thread of yours is a lie. All you do is spread lies and hate. If there is a major domestic terrorist attack by Trumpers, I hope the FBI cracks down on people like you. All they'd need to do, after a fair trial, is take away your Internet privileges and consign you to eating Cheetos and watching the Price is Right all day. Justice. LOL
You're free to lie about me, Tiny Dick. It only goes to prove you're a spineless weasel who pushes lies, never truth.

Every thread of yours is a lie. All you do is spread lies and hate. If there is a major domestic terrorist attack by Trumpers, I hope the FBI cracks down on people like you. All they'd need to do, after a fair trial, is take away your Internet privileges and consign you to eating Cheetos and watching the Price is Right all day. Justice. LOL

Errr, Mr Tiny Penis, I am not the one who promoted making the shooting of all Trump supporters a national pastime. Hear a knock at your door?
Errr, Mr Tiny Penis, I am not the one who promoted making the shooting of all Trump supporters a national pastime. Hear a knock at your door?
Me neither, Tiny Dick. If you would spit out your own balless cock from your mouth and read the post of mine in your signature, as smarter, saner people have done, you might recognize why so many people call you Lyinfish.

As for shooting violent terrorists like the Trumpers on 1/6? I fully support shooting them down as traitorous scumbags...many of whom their own families turned for being violent whackjobs.

Me neither, Tiny Dick. If you would spit out your own balless cock from your mouth and read the post of mine in your signature, as smarter, saner people have done, you might recognize why so many people call you Lyinfish.

As for shooting violent terrorists like the Trumpers on 1/6? I fully support shooting them down as traitorous scumbags...many of whom their own families turned for being violent whackjobs.


Knock, Knock
