Chinese THugs shoot people

Yep. they must be like confederates or something. Lets not forget our costliest war in terms of the percentage of our population killed.
And it did not start over slavery, but to keep the south from dropping from the Union.

And why exactly were they leaving?
Tarrifs, and such. Money and power.
Kinda the same reason we broke off from England.
Strange isn't it...
Rubbish. More than 5 of them mentioned Slavery in their declarations. They feared their ability to compete without their workforce would be compromised. Attempting to dismiss the very real central theme of their objections is just silly while it was one of many, it was the only one that all of them agreed on.
Study your history a bit Damo. this has been all over KET/PBS this weekend.
Hey even the emancipation proclamation only freed slaves in southern states not in northern states. It was just a war/political move.

I have been working on my tractor and such in my workshop and had the TV going in there.
Study your history a bit Damo. this has been all over KET/PBS this weekend.
Hey even the emancipation proclamation only freed slaves in southern states not in northern states. It was just a war/political move.

I have been working on my tractor and such in my workshop and had the TV going in there.
Once again, it wasn't the only reason, but it was the only one all of the Southern States fought over.

The main reason they feared the Northern States is because they believed that they would work to add more non-Slave states to overwhelm them in the Senate and dissolve Slavery taking away their workforce which they had to breed themselves at that time. (Yes, I know terrible thought, and terrible deeds indeed but it was real).

At that time the Federal Government was more thought of by those groups as we think of the UN, but with an Army so they thought to leave to keep their own power. But what was the main centralizing theme? It was that workforce. The South was without a doubt built on the backs of slaves.
Once again, it wasn't the only reason, but it was the only one all of the Southern States fought over.

The main reason they feared the Northern States is because they believed that they would work to add more non-Slave states to overwhelm them in the Senate and dissolve Slavery taking away their workforce which they had to breed themselves at that time. (Yes, I know terrible thought, and terrible deeds indeed but it was real).

At that time the Federal Government was more thought of by those groups as we think of the UN, but with an Army so they thought to leave to keep their own power. But what was the main centralizing theme? It was that workforce. The South was without a doubt built on the backs of slaves.

Well yes of course. but that is not the beginning of the problem but down the road a bit. KY for a while had a soughern and northern capitol. Frankfort and Glasgow. but when Lincold started recruting black toops, many union kentuckians deserted and went home. and that rascism is still alive to this day in ky.

one thing, I have been talking to people around here and have convinced probably 50 prople to vote for Obama so far, still working on it. These are moderatley rasicscist whites that have listened to reason and they trust my judgement since I have been right on Bush, the war and the economy so far. I do keep refusing to run for the state legislature though..l sheesh...
UPDATE: Hundreds dead

Hundreds dead in Tibet unrest: parliament-in-exile
Hundreds of Tibetans have died in unrest in Lhasa and elsewhere in the Chinese-ruled Himalayan region, the India-based Tibetan parliament-in-exile said in a statement Monday.
"The massive demonstrations that started from March 10 in the capital city of Lhasa and other regions of Tibet, resulting (in the) death of hundreds of Tibetans, and subsequent use of force... needs to be brought to the attention of the United Nations and the international community," the statement said.

This is utterly disgusting. WHen will we wash our hands of this evil dictatorship?
UPDATE: Hundreds dead

This is utterly disgusting. WHen will we wash our hands of this evil dictatorship?
We won't and others will post their "murder rate" (which doesn't include this or the tanks that ran over kids in Tienanmen) to prove we are more evil than they.
Not that we are worse than them Damo, just that we are not necessarially all that much better.
Rubbish. They were making the point that we are worse. Comparing the numbers unfavorably and saying we have "waaay" more than they do!

As I said, often people are killed there without trial and unreported by the very people they are trusting to report their murder numbers. We get up in arms about some guy taking a wizz outside, they can actually have to register as sex offenders and we faithfully report it. There they kill them and drive tanks over them for gathering in Tienanmen square.