Christian Militia Claims 'Authority' To Shoot And Kill Obama


Some people here would probably egg them on.

Totally, they must be what they are said to be because somebody on the interwebs said so. They'll be getting a nice little visit from the Secret Service if this is real (actually even if it is fake they'll be getting one).
It's obvious he is no Christian. He's a hard core republican , trying to drum up Christian support. Even on his facebook it says "It seems that more "Christians" are fighting against me than Obama's constituents. Many so-called "Christians" are unwilling to get involved and telling those Christians who are to do nothing. "

Those are the "real" Christians. I still believe Christians should unite and make their voices heard about the direction the country is headed(downhill), but to do so using violence first, would be counter productive. Unfortunately they have no real leader to guide them. Just a bunch of wolves in sheep's clothing.
This Is Republican Christian Freedom of Speech!

Of course not. This racist Christian right wing group needs to be packed up and shipped off to Guantanamo, every last one of them.


Story here:

So now, Right-Wing 'Christian' extremists are making death threats against President Obama, and on Facebook. The administrator, 'Everest,' for the Facebook group Christian American Patriots Militia begins his post on November 19th, with:

“We now have the authority to shoot Obama, i.e., to kill him."

Well, it’s a federal crime, i.e. a felony ,to make threats against any president.
A large number of people on Facebook have claimed they reported the post and site. Some folks even say they contacted the FBI and Secret Service. Apparently, the authorities are fully aware, watching, and waiting. The penalty for a someone making a threat is far less, than if someone attempts to make good on that threat. And the authorities will be right there waiting for them, ready to snap them up.*


These are not Christians. They are more like monsters. What’s hard to believe is they are ignorant enough to post a death threat on Facebook. That makes them dangerous and stupid.
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Of course not. This racist Christian right wing group needs to be packed up and shipped off to Guantanamo, every last one of them.

i find it amusing how fast liberals that said Bush was a dictator and war criminal for allowing gitmo to be used in order to avoid the judiciary for 'enemy combatants' are now all gung ho about it when wanting to send Americans there.