Christian Militia Claims 'Authority' To Shoot And Kill Obama

This Is Republican Christian Freedom of Speech!

Of course not. This racist Christian right wing group needs to be packed up and shipped off to Guantanamo, every last one of them.


Story here:

So now, Right-Wing 'Christian' extremists are making death threats against President Obama, and on Facebook. The administrator, 'Everest,' for the Facebook group Christian American Patriots Militia begins his post on November 19th, with:

“We now have the authority to shoot Obama, i.e., to kill him."

Well, it’s a federal crime, i.e. a felony ,to make threats against any president.
A large number of people on Facebook have claimed they reported the post and site. Some folks even say they contacted the FBI and Secret Service. Apparently, the authorities are fully aware, watching, and waiting. The penalty for a someone making a threat is far less, than if someone attempts to make good on that threat. And the authorities will be right there waiting for them, ready to snap them up.*


These are not Christians. They are more like monsters. What’s hard to believe is they are ignorant enough to post a death threat on Facebook. That makes them dangerous and stupid.
If their was any truth to the story, do you not think Obama and his Stormtroopers would have made some arrests by now?
i find it amusing how fast liberals that said Bush was a dictator and war criminal for allowing gitmo to be used in order to avoid the judiciary for 'enemy combatants' are now all gung ho about it when wanting to send Americans there.

So what this "Christian" said is not an act of aggression?
The group is as bad as this group:

Sunday night, the St. Petersburg/Tampa, Florida chapter of the New Black Panther Party issued tweets calling for the death of white people.

"Kill these racist honkeys, these crackers, these pigs, these pink people, It has been long overdue!" the group said on Twitter.

About a minute later, the group issued another threatening message.

"Now It Is Time To Stand Up And Fight Back There Are No Good Crackers, And If You Find One, Kill Him Before He Changes, (sic)" the group tweeted. ‪In May, King Samir Shabazz, the National Field Marshal for the New Black Panther Party, called for racial violence against on his national radio program.

"I love black people, and I hate the g*****n white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Pappa Billy Bob, and whoever else," he said. "Redneck Tom and Blueneck Robert, and whoever else you wanna name. I hate the white man. I hate the very look of white people. I hate the sound of white people. G******it, I hate the smell of white people.

The group also threatened a showdown at the upcoming Republican convention.

Ironically, the group sent a message claiming not to be racist.

Threats of racial violence against white people are standard fare for the organization that has been labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
is declaring a right or stance on an issue considered acts of aggression?

Perception is everything. His comment is indicative of insighting violence. Two things that are problematic:

1) It's on facebook where it's monitored and moderated. If I post something where my employer perceives misconduct even if I'm not working I can be terminated.

2) Everyone perceives differently. One man's free speech is another man's instruction to act.
Perception is everything. His comment is indicative of insighting violence. Two things that are problematic:

1) It's on facebook where it's monitored and moderated. If I post something where my employer perceives misconduct even if I'm not working I can be terminated.

2) Everyone perceives differently. One man's free speech is another man's instruction to act.
perception is everything? nay, it cannot be. otherwise all we have is anarchy by someone being afraid of another exercising a right.
perception is everything? nay, it cannot be. otherwise all we have is anarchy by someone being afraid of another exercising a right.

If you say so (eye roll)....The point is his comment is not free speech but to insight violence upon a president who some racist and anarchist see as a threat. This is the effectiveness of fear mongering.
"We now have the authority to shoot Obama i.e to kill him" clearest form of insighting violence.....No need to copy and paste