Christian Militia Claims 'Authority' To Shoot And Kill Obama

wow, these guys are paranoid delusional...

they actually imagine they stand for 'the people' (who elected obama twice) and that killing the President of the United States is necessary to the security of the free state...? cuckoo

“We now have authority to shoot Obama, i.e., to kill him,” Wilhelmsen posted on his Facebook page. “His willful violations and alienation of our Constitution, constant disregard for our peaceful protests and corruption of all the three branches of government, (i.e., rogue and illegitimate government), reveal the dictator that he is. Obama and his co-conspirators disrespect our Constitution (constitutional rule of law) and abuse the American people.”

The post was made the same day as a gathering of right-wing cranks, conspiracy theorists and gun advocates met at a park across from the White House demanding that Obama voluntarily leave office.

Wilhelmsen does not refer specifically to the Reclaim America Now rally, but he does circle the date as he attempts to constitutionally justify his apparent call for the president’s murder.

The authority to kill Obama comes from the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution: He is levying war on the United States and aiding and comforting our foreign enemies – the 2nd Amendment gives us the right and duty (authority) to engage an enemy of the United States that does so with the design to reduce us under absolute Despotism. I would be very surprised, if Obama does not leave Washington DC today (Nov. 19th) … never to return, if he is not dead within the month,” Wilhelmsen posted.

then he goes on to cite the authority of God... lol

Wilhelmsen is listed as the group administrator of the Christian American Patriots Militia’s Facebook page, which claims more than 1,400 members who operate as a “closed group” and cites a hodgepodge of Bible verses to justify armed rebellion against the U.S. government.

“God judges time morally and He will use whatever He sees fit to accomplish His ends
,” the group says in its social media description. “So be prepared to wage war. And this is in fact why Obama has labelled Christians and other patriots as ‘terrorists,’ a lie to his army. Obama knows God may lead us to wage violent war in the defense of our Constitution.”

Wilhelmsen posts a variety of anti-Obama and anti-Muslim messages on his own Facebook page and Twitter account, including multiple links to a blog post that attempts to argue that military personnel are duty-bound by their oath to remove Obama from office as a criminal.

His social media accounts frequently compare to Obama to Hitler and warn against impending genocide, particularly against Christians and conservatives.
i'd have included a link to the story but i only have two posts so far! lol

the quotes come from raw story dot com.
so how did that whole 'armed rebellion' thing work out for daniel shay...? lol

see ushistory dot org
this is you projecting your own cowardice. you don't trust yourself with a gun, therefore nobody can be trusted with a gun, unless they wear a badge by the state and paid to keep order by bullying the citizenry LOL

Ignorant rubbish.

I trust myself COMPLETELY around guns.

It's you gun-obsessed cowards who shoot at anything that I don't trust.

I don't need to be carrying a firearm on my hip to give me the courage to mingle in public with my fellow Americans.

You do.

You're just another sad, scared little man angry no one takes your outdated ideas seriously.
The group is as bad as this group:

Sunday night, the St. Petersburg/Tampa, Florida chapter of the New Black Panther Party issued tweets calling for the death of white people.

"Kill these racist honkeys, these crackers, these pigs, these pink people, It has been long overdue!" the group said on Twitter.

About a minute later, the group issued another threatening message.

"Now It Is Time To Stand Up And Fight Back There Are No Good Crackers, And If You Find One, Kill Him Before He Changes, (sic)" the group tweeted. ‪In May, King Samir Shabazz, the National Field Marshal for the New Black Panther Party, called for racial violence against on his national radio program.

"I love black people, and I hate the g*****n white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Pappa Billy Bob, and whoever else," he said. "Redneck Tom and Blueneck Robert, and whoever else you wanna name. I hate the white man. I hate the very look of white people. I hate the sound of white people. G******it, I hate the smell of white people.

The group also threatened a showdown at the upcoming Republican convention.

Ironically, the group sent a message claiming not to be racist.

Threats of racial violence against white people are standard fare for the organization that has been labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Are you aware of how many actual members of the New Black Panthers movement there is? 50? 100? Hell, that's less than the usual KKK meeting at Billy Bob's Saloon.
