Christian Militia Claims 'Authority' To Shoot And Kill Obama

clearly you're cowering in your moms basement. you sound like zappa when he says people carrying handguns peacefully in a holster are bullies.

LOL this is common sense stuff no college degree required.

If I write "I have the authority to shoot Obama" then I give subsequent reasons why citing laws or what not on social media, not only will the comment will be removed but facebook will alert authorities. The moment I say I was given authority to take the POTUS life, in the first line, it doesn't matter what I say after that. This is common sense, I know I had a few college friends on facebook who made threats and were questioned by police. Again that username.......
LOL this is common sense stuff no college degree required.

If I write "I have the authority to shoot Obama" then I give subsequent reasons why citing laws or what not on social media, not only will the comment will be removed but facebook will alert authorities. The moment I say I was given authority to take the POTUS life, in the first line, it doesn't matter what I say after that. This is common sense, I know I had a few college friends on facebook who made threats and were questioned by police. Again that username.......
is facebook the new USSC then?
maybe you can copy and paste the inciting violence part.

Ah yes, out comes the "clueless rube" persona that always makes an appearance when owning up to something shameful makes Righties uncomfortable.

I believe the part where he claimed they had "the authority to KILL Obama."

Naturally you'll have some nonsensical reasoning to deny what he said was inciting violence, but that's why we love ya!
clearly you're cowering in your moms basement. you sound like zappa when he says people carrying handguns peacefully in a holster are bullies.

Anyone who parades around town like Marshall Dillon with his hogleg strapped to his hip is shouting loud and clear for all to hear:

"I am armed and I am SCARED...of everything! Look at me wrong one more time and by GOD I will shoot you and claim self defense."

You're all just too chickenshit to resolve issues with anything other than your precious lead thrower.
Is this a duplicate thread?

This is hysterical!

For WEEKS ILA posted thread after thread after thread...ALL about the ACA, and if anyone DARED to mention it to the Mods, they got CENSORED.

And of course, it goes without saying, not a PEEP from our Mods when that assclown was spamming up the boards.

But now, Howey's back so of course it's suddenly time to get RIGHT ON that duplicate thread problem!
This is hysterical!

For WEEKS ILA posted thread after thread after thread...ALL about the ACA, and if anyone DARED to mention it to the Mods, they got CENSORED.

And of course, it goes without saying, not a PEEP from our Mods when that assclown was spamming up the boards.

But now, Howey's back so of course it's suddenly time to get RIGHT ON that duplicate thread problem!

Or Big Money...

I swear to God...this one post:

Is this a duplicate thread?

has got to be the funniest fucking thing I've ever read on here. Tight work, Damo! Or should I call you by your given name?
Fixed that...

lol...he merged the threads! All hail mod discretion!


His name is Legion Troll.

Who? Damo? 'Cuz his posting style is closer to Big Money's than Legion's was. (I remember one time when Legion, the real Legion, PM'd me and asked me not to "Thank" his posts. Can you imagine BM do that?)

"We now have the authority to shoot Obama i.e to kill him" clearest form of insighting violence.....No need to copy and paste

Technically I think that can be classified as high treason. Revolutionary figures would never come out and threaten a leadership unless they were rather large in numbers. I think this guy is just baiting Christians......Or just a plain uneducated idiot.
Who? Damo? 'Cuz his posting style is closer to Big Money's than Legion's was. (I remember one time when Legion, the real Legion, PM'd me and asked me not to "Thank" his posts. Can you imagine BM do that?)


I can imagine Legion and BM doing it because they are the same fucking retard. Also, it's funny you should mention that, because, I swear someone just recently posted that Legion had asked them not to Thank his posts...

Very strange individual... I guess when he goes back to trolling from the left, you guys will be happy again, and Dune can come back and latch onto his leg again.
Technically I think that can be classified as high treason. Revolutionary figures would never come out and threaten a leadership unless they were rather large in numbers. I think this guy is just baiting Christians......Or just a plain uneducated idiot.

I would agree. I went to his facebook group and it's closed. But it has over 1,500 members.
Ah yes, out comes the "clueless rube" persona that always makes an appearance when owning up to something shameful makes Righties uncomfortable.

I believe the part where he claimed they had "the authority to KILL Obama."

Naturally you'll have some nonsensical reasoning to deny what he said was inciting violence, but that's why we love ya!
you should read the declaration of independence sometime. I realize that you probably think it's full of treasonous thoughts and all, but it's pretty enlightening.
Anyone who parades around town like Marshall Dillon with his hogleg strapped to his hip is shouting loud and clear for all to hear:

"I am armed and I am SCARED...of everything! Look at me wrong one more time and by GOD I will shoot you and claim self defense."

You're all just too chickenshit to resolve issues with anything other than your precious lead thrower.

this is you projecting your own cowardice. you don't trust yourself with a gun, therefore nobody can be trusted with a gun, unless they wear a badge by the state and paid to keep order by bullying the citizenry LOL
Technically I think that can be classified as high treason.
technically, that makes you just a plain uneducated idiot. you should read the USC on what treason actually is before declaring some bullshit like this treason. of course, this is why liberals demand that rights be regulated, even the first amendment. they don't like threats against their precious government, especially democrats.