"Christianity" in America

Organized religion of any kind attracts sociopathic type people who seek power.

religion is fine with me

believe whatever you want

don't organize

it turns it evil in no time at all
Originally Posted by Sirthinksalot
Who exactly is saying racism isn't real? It's easier to attack a straw man than real people and actual positions, isn't it? Yes, racism is real, but for every one instance of actual racism, there are many more false accusations.
in that statement you claim black Americans lie about racism all the time and are rarely treated in a racist manner.

only racists believe that idiot
Actually Zap's doing us all a service by posting this. I'm going to ask my Pastor on Sunday, in the name of not wanting my religion to be taken over by extremists, if his wife is cheating on him and if he plans to retaliate by force.
More butthurt whining from another Christian who won't admit his religion can be corrupted by extremists.

Did I say that liar?

You're dishonestly trying to equivocate doing something in the name of religion to this act which was not done in the name of Christianity.

Pathetic POS liar.
A big round of applause for "the religion of peace"!

Indiana priest kidnapped his own wife, beat her and then raped her in horrific attack: police

An Indianapolis priest — the first of his archdiocese to be ordained despite being married — has been taken into custody for kidnapping his wife, beating her, and then sexually assaulting her after he caught her with another man.

According to Fox43, Father Luke W. Reese, 49, was taken into custody and charged with criminal confinement, kidnapping, domestic battery, and intimidation after he reportedly found his wife in the backseat of a car with a man in 2017.

The report states that Reese, a former Anglican priest who was part of a group ordained into the Catholic Church in 2016, came upon his his wife in the car, ordered her out, then drove around Indianapolis with her as his captive while blasting heavy metal music at her.

According to his wife’s statement to police, Reese drove to Holy Rosary Catholic Church where she said he made her kneel at the altar, claimed he could choke her, then slammed her into a wall before banging her head against their car before driving her to her “90-something-year-old” grandmother’s house to confess.

The wife’s affidavit also states Reese subsequently took her home, ripped off her clothes, then shredded other clothes “that he thought were slutty,” before he raped her.

According to Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Reese is currently taking a leave of absence, saying in a statement: “Father Reese notified me that he was experiencing some personal and family issues which would require a greater amount of his attention,” and admonishing parishioners to respect his privacy with the warning to “mind your own business.”


catholics are not Christians, they are catholic. much of their "clergy" are unregenerate; knowing only formal religious rituals. even truly regenerated people can potentially commit acts of fleshly lusts. no person is perfect. self righteous persons are seen as persons clothed with filthy rags [used tampons] in the eyesight of The Holy Lord Jesus Christ. perfect self righteousness is worthless. http://biblehub.com/kjv/isaiah/64.htm .. esp. vs. 6 . mr guitar is the official representative of self righteousness @ jpp.
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