"Christianity" in America

A big round of applause for "the religion of peace"!

Indiana priest kidnapped his own wife, beat her and then raped her in horrific attack: police

An Indianapolis priest — the first of his archdiocese to be ordained despite being married — has been taken into custody for kidnapping his wife, beating her, and then sexually assaulting her after he caught her with another man.

According to Fox43, Father Luke W. Reese, 49, was taken into custody and charged with criminal confinement, kidnapping, domestic battery, and intimidation after he reportedly found his wife in the backseat of a car with a man in 2017.

The report states that Reese, a former Anglican priest who was part of a group ordained into the Catholic Church in 2016, came upon his his wife in the car, ordered her out, then drove around Indianapolis with her as his captive while blasting heavy metal music at her.

According to his wife’s statement to police, Reese drove to Holy Rosary Catholic Church where she said he made her kneel at the altar, claimed he could choke her, then slammed her into a wall before banging her head against their car before driving her to her “90-something-year-old” grandmother’s house to confess.

The wife’s affidavit also states Reese subsequently took her home, ripped off her clothes, then shredded other clothes “that he thought were slutty,” before he raped her.

According to Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Reese is currently taking a leave of absence, saying in a statement: “Father Reese notified me that he was experiencing some personal and family issues which would require a greater amount of his attention,” and admonishing parishioners to respect his privacy with the warning to “mind your own business.”

Thank God that monster is in custody.

You know, even servants of God can fuckup and do something hideous like this piece of shit did. Let's just hope his replacement will be truly dedicated in his service to God.

Thanks for the report, zapper. I know how important the truth is to liberals.
More "butthurt whining" from a pathetic hypocrite who thinks all Christians are corrupt.

Oh if you could only find even a single instance of me saying what you claim.

Sadly, YOU CAN'T!

Yes folks, it's just ANOTHER LIE from ANOTHER TRUMPKIN.
True Christianity isn't about feeding the poor, and whatnot, it's about a living, vital relationship with the Sovereign God of Creation through Jesus Christ, and the only way to establish that is through the Cross on God's terms. Now, that being said, the ministries we do engage in are not to earn salvation, but to be a testimony to a needy world to the awesome life changing power of God. And anyone who thinks we must keep our faith to ourselves ignore Matthew chapter 28 which COMMANDS us to "go forth and make disciples" meaning our faith and our testimony to God's work in our lives needs to be shared.
A big round of applause for "the religion of peace"!

Indiana priest kidnapped his own wife, beat her and then raped her in horrific attack: police

An Indianapolis priest — the first of his archdiocese to be ordained despite being married — has been taken into custody for kidnapping his wife, beating her, and then sexually assaulting her after he caught her with another man.

According to Fox43, Father Luke W. Reese, 49, was taken into custody and charged with criminal confinement, kidnapping, domestic battery, and intimidation after he reportedly found his wife in the backseat of a car with a man in 2017.

The report states that Reese, a former Anglican priest who was part of a group ordained into the Catholic Church in 2016, came upon his his wife in the car, ordered her out, then drove around Indianapolis with her as his captive while blasting heavy metal music at her.

According to his wife’s statement to police, Reese drove to Holy Rosary Catholic Church where she said he made her kneel at the altar, claimed he could choke her, then slammed her into a wall before banging her head against their car before driving her to her “90-something-year-old” grandmother’s house to confess.

The wife’s affidavit also states Reese subsequently took her home, ripped off her clothes, then shredded other clothes “that he thought were slutty,” before he raped her.

According to Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Reese is currently taking a leave of absence, saying in a statement: “Father Reese notified me that he was experiencing some personal and family issues which would require a greater amount of his attention,” and admonishing parishioners to respect his privacy with the warning to “mind your own business.”


How sickening. I hope he gets sent to prison for a long, long time.

That being said, this is about one horrific human being and not about his religion in general.
It comes as no surprise as the Anglican/Episcopal church and other mainline denominations have largely strayed away from the Word of God just to appease popular culture.
Wow, it's like you liberal idiots just can't blame the perpetrator. When an evil person does something evil with a gun, you blame the gun. Now a guy who happens to be a preist does the above and it's Christianity that's too blame. The overwhelming majority of Christians do not condone that type of behavior. Let me guess, your response will either bring up pedophile priests or Islam....

Well, it took longer than I thought it would...

The Church only promotes the sicko child molesters.
Props for having the integrity to say that.

Thanks, but not necessary. This heinous crime is much different than the priests who molested children, and were sheltered and hidden by Church policy in the past. I would say, however, that the Holy Rosary Church might have worded their public statement a bit better.
It comes as no surprise as the Anglican/Episcopal church and other mainline denominations have largely strayed away from the Word of God just to appease popular culture.

Interesting. What's your take on the "prosperity doctrine" folks like Joel Osteen and Paula White (Trump's minister)?
how many organized religions have ignored evil in their own ranks?

organizing religion takes the power of your own relationship with god away from your own god.

let what you believe guide you to good

be that good in your daily life

why do you need more than the words and teaching from the books themselves .

stop handing the relationship to a organized near corporation run by people you will never meet

be the words of your god in action

help the people in your grasp

when they praise you for your goodness give your god the credit

that is how you bring in believers

who needs the Middle man?
be the words of your god in action
help the people in your grasp
when they praise you for your goodness give your god the credit
that is how you bring in believers
who needs the Middle man?

Beautifully said.

I've been fortunate to have known good Christian folks who don't preach their Lord's words, but show them by their actions. And then there's our former President, Jimmy Carter. Even into his 90s, still out there working with Habitats for Humanity and other organizations that serve others. He is a mensch.
Beautifully said.

I've been fortunate to have known good Christian folks who don't preach their Lord's words, but show them by their actions. And then there's our former President, Jimmy Carter. Even into his 90s, still out there working with Habitats for Humanity and other organizations that serve others. He is a mensch.

Worthy of sainthood?
Interesting. What's your take on the "prosperity doctrine" folks like Joel Osteen and Paula White (Trump's minister)?

What's your take on the President and a member of the Board of directors of the Islamic Sharia Council of Britain advocating for the legalization of rape and wife beating?
I know many avowed atheists who do selfless acts all the time. I have to confess I am too selfish to do all that I could for others but that is not a consequence of my atheism. My wife can't watch a damn commercial for Shriners or orphans or what have you without drying her tears with a fat check. She's an atheist. Religion has dick to do with empathy.