"Christianity" in America

Quote Originally Posted by RB 60 View Post
More "butthurt whining" from a pathetic hypocrite who thinks all Christians are corrupt.

Oh if you could only find even a single instance of me saying what you claim.
Sadly, YOU CAN'T!
Yes folks, it's just ANOTHER LIE from ANOTHER TRUMPKIN.

"Christianity" in America
A big round of applause for "the religion of peace"!

Your words asshole, not mine.
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Quote Originally Posted by RB 60 View Post
More "butthurt whining" from a pathetic hypocrite who thinks all Christians are corrupt.

Oh if you could only find even a single instance of me saying what you claim.
Sadly, YOU CAN'T!
Yes folks, it's just ANOTHER LIE from ANOTHER TRUMPKIN.

"Christianity" in America
A big round of applause for "the religion of peace"!

Your words asshole, not mine.

In away true!All Christians are sinners,need to be saved by the Blood of Christ given freely on the cross!
In away true!All Christians are sinners,need to be saved by the Blood of Christ given freely on the cross!

Speaking for myself, I am far from "perfect." The Bible does say "All Christians are sinners,need to be saved by the Blood of Christ given freely on the cross!"
I think it's fair to say that many evangelicals are strong supporters of Donald Trump. How do they reconcile their Christian convictions with their support of a shameless liar, bully and adulterer to lead the country and represent America to the world?

This is a genuine question - I don't understand how they square their consciences.

I have to admit its a lot easier for unbelievers to justify their non stop lies and whining about the presidency, since they give a fuck about truth........its still stupid though.......
1) (bolded) That is the core doctrine of Christianity. That Salvation is a gift given by God, not something to earn or work for (Ephesians 2vv8-9). And that is because more than anything the Sovereign God of Creation wants a relationship with us sinful, imperfect people, and that no amount of works, or even being a "good" person can save you. But it is still up to the individual. Which leads to (2) "Prosperity Gospel", "Name it Claim it", or more properly, "Word of Faith" preaching. This is contrary to Biblical teachings and the basic fundamentals of true Christian faith. Two fantastic reads on the subject, both still in publication and available at www.equip.org, are Counterfeit Revival critiquing the Toronto Blessing and Christianity in Crisis which exposes the WoF movement for what it is; a reproach to the Gospel. Both written by Hank Hanegraaf.

Thanks for the response. By your words, then, Trump cannot be a Christian (as he claims) since he is on record as saying he's never had to ask for forgiveness. (https://www.christianpost.com/news/donald-trump-im-not-sure-if-i-ever-asked-gods-forgiveness-141706/)

How on Earth real Christians could swallow their principles and vote for that creature is beyond my understanding.
Did I say, anywhere in my post, that Christianity was to "blame"?

Short answer...NO.


Yet the first word in your thread title is "Christianity" not the person's name.

Keep telling yourself it isn't about blaming Christianity, nigger, while those smarter than you consider you a lying fool.
Thanks for the response. By your words, then, Trump cannot be a Christian (as he claims) since he is on record as saying he's never had to ask for forgiveness. (https://www.christianpost.com/news/donald-trump-im-not-sure-if-i-ever-asked-gods-forgiveness-141706/)

How on Earth real Christians could swallow their principles and vote for that creature is beyond my understanding.
This election had two of the worst possible candidates in recent history. And I surely did not want Hiller the Killer as POTUS.
Quite true. He can fake it enough though to fool the Trumpanzees.

I don't think they care either. They wear religion around their necks for all to see, but don't really believe it, They are more Darwinian than Christian. The Repubs appreciate enough faking to get by. that is another reason they stick together. Trump plays them for suckers and they think they are fooling us.
Should they have voted for Hillary?

They could have searched their conscience and written in someone more in line with their beliefs, who wasn't Hillary. Of course, if the only goal is to get someone not-Hillary, screw the principles and faith. And that's just what happened, isn't it?
They could have searched their conscience and written in someone more in line with their beliefs, who wasn't Hillary. Of course, if the only goal is to get someone not-Hillary, screw the principles and faith. And that's just what happened, isn't it?

Trump's election has brought out,the ugly underbelly of American society
They could have searched their conscience and written in someone more in line with their beliefs, who wasn't Hillary. Of course, if the only goal is to get someone not-Hillary, screw the principles and faith. And that's just what happened, isn't it?

Not sure if you were on here before the election but I received all types of sh*t for being a Republican who wasn't going to/didn't vote for Trump. I got it in real life too. I was told I was a coward from a couple of close family friends for voting for Gary Johnson. So if your belief is you have to vote for one of the two candidates, and third party is "throwing away your vote", then you have to make a choice.

So you get people like LR who is a Pastor and voted for Trump because of guns.
Not sure if you were on here before the election but I received all types of sh*t for being a Republican who wasn't going to/didn't vote for Trump. I got it in real life too. I was told I was a coward from a couple of close family friends for voting for Gary Johnson. So if your belief is you have to vote for one of the two candidates, and third party is "throwing away your vote", then you have to make a choice.

So you get people like LR who is a Pastor and voted for Trump because of guns.

No, I didn't even know this place was around till fall of last year, when Amazon shut down their various discussion forums and booted us out.

Sorry you had that experience. I have several ardent Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders family and friends who just could not vote for Hillary no matter what. There have been some extremely bitter exchanges and wars on FB over it, even. The Hillary supporters blame them for Trump winning; the Bernie/Jill supporters blame the Hillary supporters for not having a better candidate, and all that DNC-gave-it-to-Hillary stuff as well.

I applaud you for your stance and for following your principles!

Who is LR again?