"Christianity" in America

They could have searched their conscience and written in someone more in line with their beliefs, who wasn't Hillary. Of course, if the only goal is to get someone not-Hillary, screw the principles and faith. And that's just what happened, isn't it?

What does faith have to do with electing a president?
No, I didn't even know this place was around till fall of last year, when Amazon shut down their various discussion forums and booted us out.

Sorry you had that experience. I have several ardent Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders family and friends who just could not vote for Hillary no matter what. There have been some extremely bitter exchanges and wars on FB over it, even. The Hillary supporters blame them for Trump winning; the Bernie/Jill supporters blame the Hillary supporters for not having a better candidate, and all that DNC-gave-it-to-Hillary stuff as well.

I applaud you for your stance and for following your principles!

Who is LR again?

sorry, Leaningright on this board. He's the conservative Democrat and the nicest poster on the board. Interesting background in that he's Native American, a pastor and a teacher at a low income school in Oklahoma. He's the guy with the big gun collection. As a (conservative) Christian he said he was against Trump's behavior, morals etc. but he voted for President strictly based on who he felt would protect gun rights the best so he voted for Trump.

He's just one person of course. I'm not implying his story is the same as all other conservative Christians but he was a board example.
sorry, Leaningright on this board. He's the conservative Democrat and the nicest poster on the board. Interesting background in that he's Native American, a pastor and a teacher at a low income school in Oklahoma. He's the guy with the big gun collection. As a (conservative) Christian he said he was against Trump's behavior, morals etc. but he voted for President strictly based on who he felt would protect gun rights the best so he voted for Trump.
He's just one person of course. I'm not implying his story is the same as all other conservative Christians but he was a board example.

Thanks for the background. I like him; he's always civil, articulate, and informed -- hard kinda guy to find on boards like this. You're another even though we often disagree.

My dearly-beloved sister-in-law (husband's youngest sibling) is a wonderful loving smart and funny person, a fundie Christian, and a Trump voter. She's the only one in his family I could have a civil convo with during the campaign season. They have only one child, born after years and years of sorrow and trying. Abortion is her #1 voting issue. She loathes Trump and his disgusting persona and lack of morality, but voted for him on the hopes that 1) he would appoint a conservative justice to the SCt and someday Roe v Wade would be overturned, and 2) in hopes that Trump would get impeached and Pence would be President. Pence is right up her alley, even though she's not homophobic nor a hater in any way.

I strongly suspect that Pence got tapped for the VP spot precisely to appeal to devout Xtian voters like her.
Should they have voted for Hillary?

Hillary is a christian who actually goes to church. The people at the church Trump claims, have never seen him there. If religion ios your basis, of course you should have voted her over a time married liar.
Hillary is a christian who actually goes to church. The people at the church Trump claims, have never seen him there. If religion ios your basis, of course you should have voted her over a time married liar.

So you liberals think you'd rather have a liar that goes to church rather than a liar that don't go to church.....?
Hillary is a christian who actually goes to church. The people at the church Trump claims, have never seen him there. If religion ios your basis, of course you should have voted her over a time married liar.
Laughable at best. What "church"? Because the ONLY thing Communist Liberals understand is that Government is god.
More "butthurt whining" from a pathetic hypocrite who thinks all Christians are corrupt.

No, that's just the standard fallback position trotted out by phony Christians looking to cloud the issue whenever someone highlights another self professed "Christian" does something disgraceful.
No, that's just the standard fallback position trotted out by phony Christians looking to cloud the issue whenever someone highlights another self professed "Christian" does something disgraceful.

You wrote it, own it. Don't try to deflect.
No, that's just the standard fallback position trotted out by phony Christians looking to cloud the issue whenever someone highlights another self professed "Christian" does something disgraceful.

because no real Christian would sin right Zap?
What does this mean "Christianity" in America? You then go on to post the article about an asshole who is a priest ( do priests have wives?).

The quotes denote an emphasis. In your thread title the emphasis is on Christianity.

The quotes around Christianity are there to call attention to the sickos who have twisted the meaning of Christianity, who do horrible things to their fellow man and justifying their actions by claiming they were done "in the name of God".
The quotes around Christianity are there to call attention to the sickos who have twisted the meaning of Christianity, who do horrible things to their fellow man and justifying their actions by claiming they were done "in the name of God".

And the person in the OP did nothing in the name of God. You knew your post was b.s. but this is what you do.
Quote Originally Posted by RB 60 View Post
More "butthurt whining" from a pathetic hypocrite who thinks all Christians are corrupt.

Oh if you could only find even a single instance of me saying what you claim.
Sadly, YOU CAN'T!
Yes folks, it's just ANOTHER LIE from ANOTHER TRUMPKIN.

"Christianity" in America
A big round of applause for "the religion of peace"!

Your words asshole, not mine.

Out of context snippets.

And NEITHER of my comments accuses the entire religion of anything.

But you go right on ASSuming what you will.
The quotes around Christianity are there to call attention to the sickos who have twisted the meaning of Christianity, who do horrible things to their fellow man and justifying their actions by claiming they were done "in the name of God".

OK- but two things, you should have said that, or not put the entirety of the religion in quotes. Unless you meant the entirety of Christians in America. Perhaps a better title would have been “Sicko” claiming Christianity in America.

Youd spend end a lot less time clarifying what you meant to imply.
Yet the first word in your thread title is "Christianity" not the person's name.

Keep telling yourself it isn't about blaming Christianity, nigger, while those smarter than you consider you a lying fool.

CFM The RACIST actually thinks people care what he has to say.

Apparently he's a RACIST IDIOT!
Out of context snippets.

And NEITHER of my comments accuses the entire religion of anything.

But you go right on ASSuming what you will.

"Christianity" in America
A big round of applause for "the religion of peace"!

Those are your words. You wrote them. Own up to it.
OK- but two things, you should have said that, or not put the entirety of the religion in quotes. Unless you meant the entirety of Christians in America. Perhaps a better title would have been “Sicko” claiming Christianity in America.

Youd spend end a lot less time clarifying what you meant to imply.

A lot of people at JPP should be more clear.

Yet day after day we are bombarded with one thread after another claiming every follower of Islam is evil, thanks to the actions of a microscopic number of extremists.