Christians are anti-science.

There is no observable phenomenon compelling us to ask if a god exists. You're not justified in asking if gods exists anymore than you are asking if "The Force" from Star Wars exists.

And what is your definition of "god," anyway?

Argument of ignorance fallacy. Observable phenomenon? Earth. The Sun. The Moon. They could have been created by a god or gods. They could be created by random means. We don't know.
Absolutely. If you have a theism that specifies with certainty that no "The Force" exists then that is an affirmative belief, just as if you affirmatively believe that Global Warming is real. Your religious beliefs are not limited to those things that do exist; you are entitled to believe things do not exist as well. Jews will affirmatively state that no Son of God Messiah ever existed.

Everything changes when you phrase it in a non-affirmative statement of a lack of a belief, i.e. from "There is no Force" to "I don't have any belief in the Force." In the former, your affirmative belief precludes you from accepting the possibility the Force exists whereas the atheism of the latter case allows for discovery that it does.

Let's take the "it's all religion" argument head on. Religions can be wrong or bad.

Certainly. Personally, I believe the Church of Karl Marx is bad. It advocates enslaving people.
I believe the Church of Global Warming is bad. It stems from the Church of Karl Marx.
I believe the Church of Green is bad. It stems from the Church of Karl Marx.
I believe the Church of Covid is bad. it stems from the Church of Karl Marx.

All of them are trying to become state religions, in violation of the Constitution of the United States. All of them advocate destroying the Constitution of the United States.
Ken Ham says otherwise.
Try to stay focused on one thing at a time... You're all over the place, dude...

Scientists study science obviously. Scientists are known to falsify evidence and data, as JPP posters love to claim about those Global Warming scientists.
Global Warming is a religion, not science.

You yourself said that it's a different category of Creationists. That the group I was referring to.
Creationists who also believe that the Earth is ~6,000 years old? Neither of those religious beliefs denies science.

BTW, those people use science to "prove" Creationism
Not every Creationist tries to prove it. Some try, though. None of them are using science. It is a religious belief. It is accepted on a faith basis.

and want it taught in public schools.
Why ban Creationism from being taught in public schools? It is a theory, like any other theory, and it is a fairly popular one at that...
Try to stay focused on one thing at a time... You're all over the place, dude...

Nope. Ken Ham is an example of what I am talking about.

Global Warming is a religion, not science.

Moving goalpost.

Creationists who also believe that the Earth is ~6,000 years old? Neither of those religious beliefs denies science.

It is when they challenge science behind it.

Not every Creationist tries to prove it. Some try, though.


Why ban Creationism from being taught in public schools? It is a theory, like any other theory, and it is a fairly popular one at that...

Because it has no basis in science. Creationism belongs in Christian schools and Sunday Schools.
Certainly. Personally, I believe the Church of Karl Marx is bad. It advocates enslaving people.
I believe the Church of Global Warming is bad. It stems from the Church of Karl Marx.
I believe the Church of Green is bad. It stems from the Church of Karl Marx.
I believe the Church of Covid is bad. it stems from the Church of Karl Marx.

All of them are trying to become state religions, in violation of the Constitution of the United States. All of them advocate destroying the Constitution of the United States.

you truly are a moron
Nope. Ken Ham is an example of what I am talking about.
You started with Creationism, then you added in "young-Earth"... That's why I say you're all over the place... I thought you were focused on Creationism? Anyway, yes, Ken Ham holds numerous faiths. One of them is Christianity. Another one of them is Creationism. Another one of them is the 6,000 year old Earth theory. I'm still not sure what your point is...

Moving goalpost.
Fallacy Fallacy.

It is when they challenge science behind it.
There is no science behind it. Science does not speculate about the past.

Because it has no basis in science. Creationism belongs in Christian schools and Sunday Schools.
Okay, but then you're going to likewise be banning various other theories that currently get taught in public schools, such as:

Theory of Evolution
Big Bang Theory
Theory of Abiogenesis
Church of Global Warming
Church of Green
Church of the Ozone Hole
You started with Creationism, then you added in "young-Earth"... That's why I say you're all over the place... I thought you were focused on Creationism? Anyway, yes, Ken Ham holds numerous faiths. One of them is Christianity. Another one of them is Creationism. Another one of them is the 6,000 year old Earth theory. I'm still not sure what your point is...

You said that there is a category of Creationists which fits my description. I named Ken Ham as an example of one of those people to keep the discussion straight so you won't go off tangent.

There is no science behind it. Science does not speculate about the past.

Correct. We have evidence and observation.

Okay, but then you're going to likewise be banning various other theories that currently get taught in public schools, such as:

Theory of Evolution - based on evidence
Big Bang Theory - based on evidence
Theory of Abiogenesis - no official theory and evidence as of yet
Church of Global Warming - There is no such thing as Church of Global Warming
Church of Green - What is that? LOL
Church of the Ozone Hole - The hole has been photographed many times
Yes. I said there are different kinds of Creationists which you yourself agreed. I was talking about the latter group.

Creationists, people such as myself who accept (on a faith basis) the Theory of Creation as a True, believe that life appeared on Earth as a result of an act of some kind of intelligence.

A Christian, such as myself, will additionally claim that the Christian God is this "intelligence", but a Creationist need not be a Christian.

How, by any of that, is a Creationist (or even a Christian) "anti-science"?

This question was never answered, and noting that there are Creationists who also hold the separate 6,000 year old Earth belief does not answer it.

The 6,000 year old Earth belief has nothing to do with Creationism, as they are two completely separate beliefs. I don't even know what you are trying to claim is "anti-science" anymore since you keep bouncing around numerous different beliefs...
This question was never answered, and noting that there are Creationists who also hold the separate 6,000 year old Earth belief does not answer it.

The 6,000 year old Earth belief has nothing to do with Creationism, as they are two completely separate beliefs. I don't even know what you are trying to claim is "anti-science" anymore since you keep bouncing around numerous different beliefs...

Let me try again.

Creationists who believe in theistic evolution agree with theory of evolution.
Creationists who believe in 6,000 years old Earth and other beliefs regardless of what science says is not anti-science.
Creationists who try to challenge science and get it wrong are anti-science. That is evident in their statements, teachings and attempt to incorporate Creationism in public schools as a science class.
I simply do not care about how old the Earth is and thus do not subscribe to any particular view about it.
I'm right there with you. Over my lifetime, the "geologists'" generally recognized age of the earth has changed from 3.96 billion years to 4.54 billion years. The earth has 580 million years in less than a century. Imagine that. And the kicker is that my life hasn't changed at all. You'd think there would be at least a few changes with all that aging going on but nope, not a single change.