
Hey, rube. I always back up my statements. I did, at least twice. You're too lazy to go through the threads and posts to find the post in question. If you were a friend, perhaps, I'd do it for you, but you're not. But don't pretend that I didn't do it, or it doesn't exist. I know you're obtuse, but this is beyond the pale. Stop embarrassing yourself. Or not.

lol.....and I say you're pretending you did it......because YOU are embarrassed.....
lol.....and I say you're pretending you did it......because YOU are embarrassed.....
Whatever you have to tell yourself to be ok with yourself, is fine by me. I'm still not re-posting it. You ain't clever. And honey, like I have never lied, I don't get embarrassed.
You on the other hand......well.
You can't evade taxes without lying.

A lie of omission is still a lie.

Indeed it is.

However, signing a tax form you know to be false is an outright lie. And is a sin. Even if you claimed to make more money and paid more taxes, by signing it when you know it is wrong, you have lied.
If that is the case, why run from the simple question I asked?

Because that is what he does. He's over in another thread , demanding that I produce evidence for something I've posted the link for, on numerous occasions.
But where is ever any traces of evidence or proof for his claims. His opinion is not credible, as he is the authority for nothing, save "how to be a racist bigot".